Best Resume/CV Design for Freshers in MS Word - DIY Tutorial

Best Resume/CV Design for Freshers in MS Word - DIY Tutorial BlogSpot Hi welcome to ready made templates youtube channel in this video today we are going to design an awesome resume cv template for freshers in microsoft word.

Watch this video from start to end to see some exciting things being done there also don't forget to subscribe to our channel to watch many more such videos.

Let's get started first of all remove margins from all sides of the page .

As the first step of the design let's draw a rectangle of 3 inches in width and 11 inches in height on the left side to create a sidebar for the resume .

Now let's draw a circle on the top left of the page to design a placeholder for the candidate's photo don't forget to like this video and do.

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Best Resume/CV Design for Freshers in MS Word - DIY Tutorial

Draw a text box on the right side of the photo this is what we will use to display the candidate's name in a large font size and beneath it write the job title in a.

Bit smaller font size down down ah.

yes on the left side at the top let's design a section to write the candidate's contact information such as phone number.

Email and mailing address don't forget to like this video and do subscribe to our channel to get notified of all the upcoming exciting videos with.

A lot more informational and exciting things you can download all of the icons and images used in the creation of this.

Resume design from links provided in the description below just below the contact us section let's design the interest section to write.

    Down the candidates interests and Wesdigital

    hobbies so.

    at the end of the left sidebar let's design a section to write the details of the languages that the candidate can write speak.

    And understand you can download this ready-made sample resume design in microsoft word from the link is provided in the description.

    Below down down now when we have already completed the left side design of the resume with contact.

    Interests and languages information let's design the right side of the resume starting from the about me section on the top .

    All that i am designing here if you see anything confusing or something that does not make sense to you feel free to ask questions in the comment section below.

    I will try to reply to each of your questions as soon as i can happy .

    Don't forget to like this video and do subscribe to our channel to get notified of all the upcoming exciting videos with a lot more informational and exciting things.

    Down down so too long.


    Let's design the education section now this is probably is the most important section of this resume for freshers that emphasis on your education.

    Which indeed shows your qualifications for the job you are applying for so .

    Down down yes the last section that we are going to.

    Design for this resume is the skills section this is where the candidate can show his or her personal skills that he has learned in the recent past.

    down down down .

    My thank you for your time to watch the video if you have enjoyed our efforts to create this video.

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