Designing Your Tech Stack: Stay Organized with Office 365 Tools Office

Designing Your Tech Stack: Stay Organized with Office 365 Tools Office All right let me just share my screen how does he see my screen yep perfectly okay great all right i'll have some folks start funneling in here dana amanda debbie terry good morning carla.

Sarah tony alistair good morning welcome everyone georgina good to see you good morning everybody they're rolling in rolling in hi everyone from youtube good morning where's everyone rolling in from put that in the chat i'm curious we're all learning from.

Sophia welcome back the beards beard's still long they'll start long she commented on that last time uh sarah's in wales i bet it's cold there sarah sunday sunday i said sunday way too busy during the week detriment but sunday and it's not going to be much shorter than what it is right now it's just going to be much more lined up kind of how drake does it you know.

uh all right we'll get started in about a minute how's everyone friday how's everyone's friday morning going so far right rate your morning so far actually it might be afternoon for some folks but five being amazing one being like you just reminded me it's friday i didn't remember so thank you.

It's friday okay we've got some high ratings exactly it's friday it's a good day when it's a friday lots of snow that sounds nice look out and see snow amazing all right we'll go ahead and kick things off all right you ready faz let's do it all right good morning everyone or good afternoon wherever you are tuning in.

From in the world this morning or this afternoon uh my name is carly i'm a director of community here at learnet and with me i have faz kareem one of our expert instructors here and we're thrilled to have you here with us for designing your tech stack staying organized with office 365 tools um so a little bit of context around these sessions and learn it if you're new to learn it and these events we are a learning and development organization based out of san francisco california but also are operating in a remote and.

Designing Your Tech Stack: Stay Organized with Office 365 Tools

Hybrid environment like i know many of you are and really our goal with these community events every every other friday going into february is to one make these learning and learning new skills more accessible and also just to work on developing the entire human that we are both at work and um just as we all kind of operate our own well-being our own health and our own career um in the ever-changing economy that we're all um existing in so we're really excited to be here with you um every month and every quarter we.

Choose a theme this quarter is around designing your year uh so we've been focusing on different kind of aspects of design thinking um this week being around more of the technical side and using technology to design our lives and our work to be better and they're based on learnit's full-length workshops so stay tuned for the end of the session we'll share some some opportunities to dive deeper with us if you like what you've learned today um and as always they're led by uh subject matter experts and guest speakers uh and just a couple of housekeeping.

Items this session will be recorded it will be available on our free online community called offsite as well as our youtube channel um so we'll share more about that and where you can access that at the end of the session so stick around but with that i want to introduce all of you to faz if you haven't met as already as is our in-house expert around excel business application applications and data analysis um he's really been an incredible.

Educator instructional program designer and project manager um for some of our largest clients at limit um and he oversees our remote office application and type programs for all of our mid and large size organizations and really works to design um custom programs for organizations around how to use technology better so we're in really good hands this morning um faz thanks so much for being here faster with you thanks thanks for having me and thanks for everyone being here on youtube and on zoom how many participants do we have 93.

Right now just in the zoom let me go ahead and share my screen thank you all for making it all right i also have a powerpoint just to show the topics as you all know if you join my sessions a lot of my things are hands-on i like to move around and show you screens and actually go into the software that i'm talking about before we do that though before we do that i mean we have a whole hour together i see we're all from various different areas some people it's morning times it's the beginning of our days to be.

Able to sat it's right at the end of our day thank you all for making it for finding just an hour of calendar time for me today uh hopefully we'll do good with that we're going to learn about some tools inside of a very specific ecosystem that microsoft has put together for essay and it's called office 365. office 365. that's what we're here to learn about now i have a question is anyone new to office 365 joining in today is anyone newly adopting it let me.

    Know inside the chat with the yes i am just a quick yes one i had a few people

    In my last wednesday session like hey i'm brand new to this today like i'm coming maybe from google apps my organization just adopted this which is okay cool now fairly new some people said fairly new i like that because one of the topics that i have today i just i just want to do an overview.

    Of what office 365 is what does that mean i know some of us use that term just oh word at office 365. powerpoint is office 365 but what does the term office 365 mean what does that give us access to there's a set of tools that we have available lots of 365 usage i like it debbie said lots of 365 users now i have a question i get a lot i ask a lot of questions through the sessions.

    Not new but never learned it the right way i hear that a lot too i'm self-taught there's missing gaps um for our office 365 users a really cool thing that we have available when we use word excel powerpoint sharepoint if you don't know what that is it's an online tool onedrive an online tool microsoft teams all of these tools that we use that we download we have a desktop app for.

    Microsoft has a online version of it that we can use that's available in now i have a question i asked everyone of their new office 365 users a lot of us said yes which is okay but how many of us know about where we can access our online tools like sharepoint teams onedrive let me know with the yes or and not yet because you will today.

    Kind of it's okay we'll do a tour of it i'm hearing a lot of more yes answers to that question as time goes on like when i first started maybe four years ago asking that question four or five years ago and in 2016 it was kind of introducing itself there's a lot of no's what is that i have some limitations someone said i have some limitations of what i can access on based off my company.

    Absolutely some companies disable certain tools and some companies enable them some people have never used it it's okay i'll show you what it is today it's a website pretty cool website that you might want to bookmark to access all of your online tools in case you're not on your current machine you can still access word excel powerpoint we pay for these now once we get down and understand the basics i consider these two the basics i want to talk about pretty fancy things.

    That in this day and age you're probably doing a lot of and i i'm noticing there's more and more job roles opening up as remote rules now i just want to talk about this concept of using certain tools that microsoft provides us called sharepoint sharepoint online allowing us to build a website where we.

    Put departmental files project files long-term sharing where we can go and access certain things that we need in our day-to-day work there's also another tool called onedrive where i can share a file directly from my computer it's a copy of the presentation i'll share the copy of this deck and offsite because there's a slide that you might want but this session is being recorded as well.

    That's a great question so i'll talk a little bit about sharing files and it will be recorded and this powerpoint deck will be tossed at the off site at the very end once we once we see the ecosystem we take a tour of office 365 we kind of understand what that means i want to talk about two very important tools in your tool belt that comes that comes with all of our oh what happened to my line there.

    Office 365 accounts onedrive and sharepoint

    Onedrive and sharepoint now this is gonna be my final question before i begin there's gonna be two of them are you currently a onedrive user do you currently upload your personal files to onedrive where you can access them on your phone on the web and on your current computer it just allows you to access your personal files from anywhere.

    Just a few i hear that a lot when we're first adopting it i don't understand it at all it's okay we'll make sense of it i am missing sharepoint from office 365. do we all get subscriptions sharepoint can be disabled within a org you you you might not see the icon for sharepoint because they're not using sharepoint they haven't rolled it out that's totally that is a possible.

    If you type in search for sharepoint on and it's not there good indicator how do teams in onedrive work together we talk about that today we'll talk about that today don't worry we use other share file smart sheets we do trainings on that too sharepoint can be okay now how many of us use sharepoint with a yes or not yet i'm just a little curious here this is typically where we share long-term departmental or project files.

    With larger audiences maybe 10 to 15 people yes but it drives me crazy it might be based off how it's set up maybe you might want to use microsoft teams instead we'll talk about that only as an agent in teams okay all right cool so i'm i want to point out we have a whole hour together probably going to use the last 10 minutes for q a.

    Some people have two monitors some people only have one monitor if you have one monitor today even if you have two um feel free to just watch the session you don't have to access this website that i'm going to i'm not going to ask you to do an exercise today but if you do want to navigate to these websites these urls that i'll go to i'll also place them inside the chat but there is a special website i want to go to before i start talking about uh office 365. i kind of just lost my thought there you saw that.

    Uh i want to head over to and you don't have to do this yourself i just want to show it to you what how it looks when you go there and what's going to happen when you go there and what is there so i'm going to minimize my power point we'll come back to it there's a certain slide i want to share at the very end and i just want to open up my browser here and i'm just going to head over to that.

    Site dot now i want to point out something office 365. i think i spelt that right it's okay it's a subscription it's a subscription we've subscribed to office we've subscribed to microsoft i should say it like that your organization or maybe you personally have decided to purchase a subscription from microsoft that gives you access to word excel.

    Powerpoint outlook onedrive sharepoint this website is one way to access your subscription now let me let me explain this in something that will resonate a lot better for all of us how many of us own a netflix account or use someone else's with a yes i do or not yet or no maybe some of us don't do that right many of us or maybe hulu hbo there's many of.

    Them now there's many many of them so i want you to know that with these softwares netflix this is this is known as software as a service think about it with netflix i can access netflix from i can access office my word excel powerpoint from on my computer if i go to the windows.

    App store i can download the netflix app well microsoft gives me access to office apps like word excel powerpoint that i download onto five devices and also with netflix if i'm ever on the go not on the go too much anymore but if ever on the go i have a mobile app and i also have one for my office products so when you're paying for something as a subscription like office 365 or netflix.

    It's supposed to follow you wherever you go you should have many ways to access the subscription you're paying for so one of the ways that we're accessing my subscription right now is where i can sign into my office account and view my tools that i pay for even though i have them downloaded here there are certain tools that are online only like onedrive well onedrive you can download too but most people use it.

    Online in sharepoint online there are also some other small tools like microsoft stream planner forms which help you build quizzes surveys help you upload videos those smaller tools those are also online only tools they don't have desktop apps so some people live their whole life not ever accessing and they're not accessing some of the things they're paying for now am i telling you for the new people.

    Today am i telling you hey uninstall the desktop apps you don't need them no no you're mostly going to use the desktop apps but there's going to be instances where this website's going to be somewhere you access to quickly launch works you're not on your current computer or you need to access the sharepoint site your organization put together and that's online i'm going to hit enter here and join into it might automatically log me in automatically.

    One quick and let me just hit sign out here to show you what i mean cool i'm just going to hit sign in office or better yet here i want to show you the signed in page i'm going to open up a new incognito window that way it's not going to sign in automatically this is the page if you've never logged in it's going to not it's not going to automatically take you you're going to have to sign in with your office account.

    Usually your outlook email and the same password you use on your computer so i know some of us are very eager to try these things feel free i put the the link inside the chat if you'd like but also feel free to just continue on and watch this as a demo let me hit sign in here all right and i am just going to it's again it's incognito so i have to put this in this is is microsoft a separate account or do.

    You pay for access when you have a microsoft it gives you access to office 365. yeah so i'm sure i'm sure they're just using common terms they say microsoft account they're just talking about your office 365 account in a much more ambiguous way yeah so if someone's saying here's your microsoft account i'm almost positive 99 sure that's your login to this page.

    Yes some people own personal accounts and organizational accounts that's what i've done i have a personal account that i use i pay for monthly and i also have a organization account my learnit provides me and that's the one i'm signed into today you know sometimes i show this website to people and they're like oh i do know what this is i just didn't know it was called that happens quite a lot when i show the website to people.

    But this is our office 365 homepage i like to use the dark app mode just because it's easier on the eyes i've changed the set things to the home page um it's up to you if you want to use the lighter app mode or the dark app mode it takes a second to load here there we go but traditionally um it's going to look much lighter than this let me show you i just want to show you how yours is going to look i just clicked on a little setting there i'm sorry if you're in a dark room right now because i just brightened your screen.

    This is like out of the box take a look here there's something i want you to notice though with this website there's some areas that we use a lot one is called the app launcher little dots on the top that's almost on every page of like for example if i click on here and i want to use maybe.

    My outlook someone said we call it the waffle yeah i call it the waffle icon too you know why because i typically talk about it in the morning it has maple syrup it has a little square of butter on it and then anytime anytime i see three little lines i call it the hamburger icon because i'm from california where i'm in and out any time i get in and out i get a bun a meat and a bun that's how i eat.

    It so this waffle icon here gives me access to my online tools like outlook onedrive to do even some of them that are only online planner let me go ahead and click on one of these tools like outlook it's going to launch it for me the online version of it i can access my email even if i don't have outlook on the computer take a look my waffle icon we're getting everyone hungry now.

    Is still available and if i ever need to go back to my home page or to another app i always will go to the waffle icon i'm going to click on office here some people say i say a three line that may be because your organization has done a little bit of customization to the page sometimes they add their own logos to the page and their own kind of look and feel to this page which is very possible happens a lot for larger organizations.

    So i want to point out that there are two particular apps that i want to highlight here within this list here let me open up the waffle icon so we can see them with the words one's called onedrive and come on i think my mouse battery is dying because sometimes it just stops drawing there we go and sharepoint.

    So let's check this out i want to i want to see a big thing is with these tech stack classes i don't want to just teach you a tool i want to teach you why these two tools exist why these three tools exist and how they work together so with onedrive we can store our personal files here i'll show you that in a second i'll show you how i upload them how i share them this is great if i was working with carly on a deck that i was going to present in my all hands meeting later.

    But once i'm done sharing with carly i'm i'm going to put this in area that my team my department or my project group can access sharepoint is essentially a website an intranet we can call it and let me use blue so we can see it to share files with large groups this is going to give us a more.

    Long-term share a more permanent repository for all of our data all of our files all of our presentations that are completed and we can access them all all of us in one location so both tools have have their spot in the world one's for my personal drafting working on files with maybe two three people but once i want to keep a file in a location that others can access maybe a year from now we can go look at our older projects.

    Sharepoint is a great tool for that now let me click on one drive here i'm going to click on onedrive because what i'm doing is i'm accessing onedrive via the web that's what i'm doing when layman's terms i'm accessing it via the web it's gonna load up all of my i use onedrive heavily almost all of my files are on one drive it's going to load all of my files and i can access them.

    From a browser securely because i've signed in oh nice that is a great feature the outlook feature where you can do a delay delivery yeah super handy super handy so take a look here i have an area where i can load my personal files if you've just signed in you're noticing it's empty it's because we don't have any onedrive files in there you haven't uploaded any files here it might just be all on your desktop or it might just be in your documents folder.

    Good idea to start uploading files here so that a you can access them from multiple devices securely and you can share them for drafting you can work on you can work together and co-author files so really quickly here what i'm going to do is i'm just going to add in a new file to my onedrive account i'm going to add in a new let's say word document because you can do it directly from here.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel:
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