Excel Today - Microsoft Planner Office

Excel Today - Microsoft Planner Office good afternoon we made it we made it i know we were trying to yeah hello i know we were trying to have a show on monday it just kind of fell apart though.

Beyond our control um but here we are like we said we would be here every week so good afternoon i know we usually do this in the morning but it is what it is this week.

I've been training at 5 00 a.m every day so i was like let's do it yeah let's at least do an afternoon show i mean that works yeah yeah i hope.

All our followers are here [Laughter] yeah i guess it's like potentially good morning for most of our viewers um oh yeah yeah yeah.

Um but yeah here we are it's wednesday 1 30 p.m here on the west coast uh both joe and myself are here in the east bay.

For for now i know joe is about to head over to the east coast soon but that'll that'll happen soon uh today is microsoft planner though we we uh that.

Excel Today - Microsoft Planner

Was uh the topic that everyone chose last week so we are delivering this week um microsoft planners had it's been around for a few years now um.

It's gone through a lot of iterations um but it's definitely becoming more and more popular in more and more offices especially with a hybrid workforce you know people are looking for for more.

Ways to be able to manage teams that you know no longer meet in person everything like that i don't know kind of give it also gave a rise to more agile and scrum type type management systems uh becoming.

More pervasive i mean they were already heavy in software and development and stuff like that but now they're you know like in your basic hr office or even in your marketing team you might you know.

You might find yourself using agile and scrum and a lot of financial companies are also very heavy and on scrum and um agile right now they they kind of mix it with.

Waterfall to give some hard deadlines and stuff like that which is the antithesis of a scrum but it it its presence is everywhere and planner is a huge part of it as well.

    Yeah i love planner just because it does

    Kind of simplify things right and not only that but the integration between planner and teams is just out of this world.

    Um you can access planner you could be on like five different teams you could be on ten different plans you could just pull everything together at once and.

    Just check okay this is what i'm doing and you can be you know cross-functional across the whole organization so that's pretty amazing yeah i think it's a great one i just want to do a couple updates.

    For the channel real quick um i know we're doing multi-tracking the uh first video was the office 2021 new features video um unfortunately the ai system that we use for that is backed up a bit.

    So the you you might have seen today this morning we dropped an excel beginner video that's dubbed completely in spanish we'll do that for the next.

    Couple videos and then starting with powerpoint after excel expert so it's going to be advanced this friday x expert next friday and then friday after that will be powerpoint.

    Beginner but starting with powerpoint beginner will have those multi-track uh videos where you can choose your language um so those that'll be coming soon but you'll also you'll also see uh.

    Added on there'll be spanish subtitles to all the videos and also uh we will release the um excel advance and excel expert videos at spanish dubs as well so you'll see.

    Those and then lastly uh we are going to be doing what i call full courses where we are going to put together all three videos.

    Or all four videos whatever it may be uh

    For a lot of these um so like powerpoint we two videos together anyways we're mashing them together we're gonna make full courses.

    You'll see those released as time goes on uh so we're gonna we're gonna backtrack already have a list that we're getting created and those are just gonna be uh what i call an insta drop as.

    Soon as it's ready we're just gonna put it up and it's going to be up there and then there's one more video series and it's kind of a big one this excel vba for 2019 i know we're full into the 2021.

    Ones but we had an audio issue with the 2019 videos that we wanted to premiere so kind of uh we had just we didn't have to scramble we have tons of content that's already ready to go but uh that.

    Got redone it's gonna get edited and that's gonna be another instant drop so there's a lot of what again what i call insta drops that will be coming soon for you guys so you're gonna see a lot of.

    Content on our channel really soon um but i hope you've been enjoying the shorts as well right yeah what's that trish did those vba ones yeah trish did those vba videos.

    And trish is actually a published author for excel vba she's actually written a lot of her own vba books and she's also created a lot of vba courseware for uh companies and stuff like that so you.

    You're really getting in a vba expert uh teaching the class um and so she's also it like i've i've said it over and over again but trish loves vba she really loves me lives and breathes it for real.

    So you know you're gonna get an absolute expert on it but yeah that's that's all the updates from my side so i'll let you take it over on the planner side so you can start showing.

    The people something oh some planner yeah and those learned shorts are coming out so often they're so amazing i watch a couple of them that we've been doing and faz and i know i.

    Have a couple coming out too so yeah that's going to be i mean yeah yeah we will be upping that to two possibly three a day also so.

    You guys will see a lot more uh we're trying we got all the excel functions so every single scale function has been recorded and will be updated we'll be uh releasing so we're going to try to get.

    Through that before the end of the year because there's over 500 functions oh my god yes and i was doing most of them they are it brings you back to math class let.

    I know i see a lot of them and i'm just like who would ever use just this one for this but it's out there so we got we got you guys covered on that awesome well yeah like ben was saying i.

    Mean planner is just great especially since a lot of these teams want remote or even just a hybrid environment it's just really great to be able to track your tasks and complete a project right.

    So what i'm going to be showing you today is the actual online version of planner i won't really go into the integration of teams so much i'll i might like touch base on it and show you.

    Where it lives in teams and that you can add a planner but um yeah without further ado let's get into it i'm just going to share my screen real quick all right and ben my screen is being.

    Shared yes yep definitely on all right perfect so yeah i'm going to just open up a brand new web browser and to get to planner you're going to log.

    Into your 365 account so i will go to office.com and then you would just log into your account using your credentials whether they're outlook credentials or if you are working with the company you.

    May have to go through some sort of mfa proc process but um yeah you're more than welcome to if you wanted to even follow along during this video you can so i'm just gonna go to office.com.

    And then i'm gonna head over you'll see that there's a bunch of online versions of all the different applications whether it's excel online or word or teams or outlook or even powerpoint and.

    If you wanted to get to all of them that you have access to you can go to the waffle or grid or app launcher whatever you like to call it give it a click.

    And then you'll see all the different apps now if you still don't see planner in this app list no worries just simply go to all apps and that's where you can locate everything in alphabetical order.

    If you still don't have it there then you may have to talk to your admin or you might not have um the you know normal subscription that i have here with all of these different applications.

    So i'm going to click on planner and it's going to welcome me to the startup page you'll see here that we have some of the recent plans that i've created like project z plan or project.

    Beta tasks you'll see a lot of like alpha beta fake stuff because i do a lot of trainings on this so i create just fake ones are the best stream team no there's no real team called the best.

    Dream team i just made it up so um yeah you'll see just everything you have access to but one of my favorite things about this app is right here it.

    Throws you right into the home hub and that's where you'll see the recents or you can access all of them but also you'll see here the assigned to me this one is so amazing right here the reason.

    Being is because as i said before i'm constantly being pulled in like 20 different directions i work with the sales team i work with hr i work with the development team i work with the.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6RE6_3b4i4
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