How to Create an Employee ID Card Template Using Microsoft Word Word

How to Create an Employee ID Card Template Using Microsoft Word Word In this video i will show you how to create employee id card using microsoft word go to layout click size.

And click more preferred sizes set the white and height size set the margin then okay.

Go to insert menu take a closer chain rotate the shape go to insert menu.

Take another shape right triangle shape rotate the shape copy the shape and say and same.

Rotate the shape now remove the outline color select the shape.

Go to shape shape format and shape outline color and no outline change the shape color go to shape format click.

How to Create an Employee ID Card Template Using Microsoft Word

Shape fill and choose color editing the shadow go to shape format click save effect shadow and choose.

Settings now add the profile picture go to insert menu.

Click shape select the shape go to shape fill exact and.

Choose your profile picture go to insert click text box add the name and designation.

Forward the text go to diagram since the text color as a white remove the fill color and outline color add the id card info.

Now add the barcode grab that eggs go to insert menu.

    Click text box Wesdigital

    Add your company name remove the fill color and outline color add the logo add that raptrex in front of text.

    Edit pixels color go to insert menu click rectangular shape.

    Change the shape color remove the outline go to insert me now make that box.

    Remove the key color and outline color check the text color select the text go to home menu and choose white color.

    Now my id card is ready i hope you enjoyed this video thanks for watching you.

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