Microsoft Teams Learn How to Use Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams Learn How to Use Microsoft Teams Hello and welcome to the learn at YouTube channel my name is Cara Clifford and today we're going to be talking about a new product from Microsoft called Microsoft teams now this is part.

Of the office 365 platform and if you don't see this tile available for you it's something that the admin can enable it's a competitor to slack which is a product that many of my clients love to.

Use it's a great tool for communication and for sharing across the organization many organizations have the problem where we're sending too much via email too many attachments too many.

Conversations happening in a separate channel from the rest of the organization so that information isn't able to be easily shared or recovered when you want to find that information.

At a later time Microsoft teams gives us the ability to really utilize and put together all of the different pieces of the Microsoft Office platform and I'm a big fan and.

Really excited Microsoft has released this product now I just enabled it within my organization so we haven't really fully built it out I look forward to doing another presentation on this.

Microsoft Teams Learn How to Use Microsoft Teams

When we've been using it for a little while but I want to give you guys a tour of the platform and show you what I think is really cool and really valuable about this product so let's go ahead and.

Dive into Microsoft teams Microsoft teams is a way for us to bring together a number of different of pieces of the office 365 platform it integrates with Skype with onedrive a SharePoint.

Power bi and a number of other office 365 features it's designed to be a communication platform a way for us to share information now you'll notice on the bottom left-hand corner of the.

Screen I'm signed in and you actually see my current status which is set to available this is using Skype and outlook availability so from my Outlook calendar I don't have anything on it.

Right now therefore I'm showing as available so an advantage here of using teams again is that it brings together the products that we're already using and more.

Importantly the products that an organization's already invested in so we have this available to us with no extra charge for Microsoft there's a number of different ways I can modify this.

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    Themes keyboard shortcuts as well as the ability to download a desktop app now I'm a big fan of the desktop app back at my desk I use the local application and.

    I find it really useful to be able to have a icon down at the bottom that I can minimize or leave open along the left side navigation at the very top you'll see different activities now.

    Because I haven't been using this in my organization you'll notice that my feed is empty but eventually this is where I'll get a newsfeed of all of the replies mentions and other notifications.

    From teams under the chat panel I see any conversations that I've had with individuals I was using a beta back in November when I first activated this through beta I also sent an image on.

    March 2nd so you see those conversations are being saved here and I can easily get back to those so again rather than always having to search email I have one place for all.

    The people on my team within my organization to share information and communicate below that this is where I have the different channels here I have my favorites my organization teams I can.

    Make it a favorite I can add a channel to it or view the team add members or leave the team or even edit those settings we've just recently started a book club here and so I've created a.

    Team for the book club so people that are part of that we can share the books that we're ordering and how we want to how we want to manage our book club so again these are typically conversations.

    That we would create a distribution list for but here you can see through teams I've got all of that information right below that I have my meeting section this is really a great feature because.

    It shows what I have currently on my

    Schedule so currently this is what you're seeing in my Outlook recording in my Outlook excuse me calendar I also have all of my files so recent files.

    Shared through teams files in my onedrive and more so I'm a big fan of onedrive and its integration with the rest of office and teams again brings that information to me so what I'm going.

    To do is I'm going to just create a new team that I'll probably delete after this training and by going to the bottom left here and choosing add team when I select this icon in the center create.

    Team this is where I can create a name so I'm going to call this my YouTube now as you can see it gives you that information of collaborating closely with a group of people inside your.

    Company based on organization project initiative or common interest often times we are sending things to distribution lists threads to distribution lists and one of the things.

    That happens in my organization and I'm sure happens in yours is we have people that are constantly replying all or not replying all when they should or more importantly an.

    Important decision was made and that information is saved within an email thread by creating a group a distribution list group and using teams rather than all group emails you have a.

    Place to go back and look for that information it also helps for sharing people that maybe aren't able to read every allstaff email that comes through there's a place to go back and see that.

    Information so this is I think one of the biggest advantages of products like slack and teams is moving away from sending everything via email so I'm going to go back and we're going to.

    Finish this group and I'm going to go ahead and I can put in a description if I want I could make it public if I wanted people outside of the organization to interact with it but I'm.

    Going to leave it as a private group and I'm going to choose next once i've named the group it wants me to add members and if i start typing one of my colleagues names i can see that that colleague is.

    Added to the group so once i select the people that i want to add to this group I simply choose add and it places them into my group and at any time I can go to one of those members and I can change.

    Their status so I can change status within those memberships so now I've created my YouTube team and when I do it brings me to this new interface of welcome to the team.

    I can create additional channels off this maybe I wanted a specific subject other than general so I can create maybe an ideas so I'm going to create this is going to be YouTube ideas so now if.

    People want to share ideas they can write ideas here as far as what they want to cover and I simply type that message into that section hit enter and then it puts this into the thread.

    Anyone can come along and reply to my message I can also do other things I can add attachments I can expand the formatting options I even can add little emojis and even pictures this is one of.

    The things that I think people might really enjoy you can choose all sorts of options and images lots of little pictures and the funny thing about this is when you choose one these little.

    Memes here you can go in and you can choose a caption for it and that quick I created a little meme with the got a little cute little baby in his fist and all I have to do now is.

    Share that and everyone at my company can see it so as we can see Microsoft teams is a place to share and collaborate on information up at the top you'll see the ability to add a number.

    Of different features and there's a million different ways to collaborate and share information using this product here at learnin a lot of our clients are always looking for ways to improve.

    Communication within the organization that's why classes like Skype and Outlook are so popular but one of the things that I've found is we really need to move away from sending everything via.

    Email and Microsoft team gives us the ability to do that it's one location to find information as far as the organization goes it allows us to organize our conversations into channels.

    Into logical teams and the ability to integrate the other Microsoft products with Microsoft teams is extremely valuable so if you're using slack or if you have heard about these different.

    Tools and you want to try it out I highly recommend taking one of our Microsoft teams classes we'll put links to the login for that in our chat please also subscribe to our videos and if you.

    Have ideas for videos that you'd like to see please let us know so thank you so much for joining and I wish you all a very happy Friday and st. Patrick's Day and best of luck with Microsoft teams.

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