Word Expert Tutorial

Word Expert Tutorial Welcome or as the case may be welcome back to the wonderful world of Word 2016 my name is Dan McAllister and I am your host today we're stepping into module five where the subjects of discussion will be creating interactive forums tracking changes and inserting document references you will need practice files and I recommend that you create a folder out on your desktop for our finished files let me just maneuver to my desktop so you'll need to download the word sample.

Files they will come in a zipped folder you'll need to extract that folder and I recommend putting it out on your desktop and also I recommend creating a folder named finished Word documents and very often in our lessons will open a document from word sample files will manipulate it and then I recommend using the save as command to save the finished version into the finished Word documents folder that way if you need to or if you just want to you can go back to the word sample files and have the originals to work with in case you want to practice.

Something again so take a moment and make sure you've got practice files create that finished word Documents folder out on your desktop and we will get started with module 5 to get started with module 5 let us open a file name phone inquiry form so I'm sliding over here to open other documents your browse up to my word sample files folder mine's out on the desktop I've also made a little shortcut for it over here in my favorites area and we're looking for one named phone inquiry form on the alphabetized list so.

Phone inquiry form as it opens it may open up in what's called the reading mode and you may see something at the top that says you need to enable editing and if you see that go ahead and click on the button to enable editing and then your screen should look like this take a moment and do that open up the file named phone inquiry form please it should come in looking like the idea of this phone inquiry form is we work for a real estate office and we want this.

Available for our receptionist so that when someone calls in and wants to talk to somebody about properties here with our company Berg properties we can set up a date we can assign them to talk to an agent we can catch the name of the person we're talking to on the phone grab their phone number give them some choices of property types to look for pick out a price range maybe more than one required amenities again maybe more than one and a big comments box down here so that's.

We're about to build we're about to build an interactive forum everyone so the first thing we should do is turn on something that's available in the ribbon but it's not automatically installed so we're gonna go up and right click anywhere in the ribbon literally any button in the ribbon you're gonna right-click on it and in the pop-up menu that appears click on customize ribbon and then over here at the right-hand side are all the tabs that we normally have available home insert design home insert design but there's one of these.

Word Expert Tutorial

Tabs that's available just not installed just yet it's called the Developer tab and we're gonna need it to create our interactive form so let us check mark the Developer tab and then down here at the bottom you'll have to click on the okey-dokey button and now you will have a new tab in there called the Developer tab and when you click on it it will look like this so again pause our video catch up with me what I did was right click anywhere in the ribbon customize ribbon turn on the check box for the.

Developer tab okay that and you should now see the Developer tab up here go ahead and click on it and it should look like this catch up with me now this next step is not required but it makes things a little bit easier to see and a little bit easier to work with when you're designing your form and that's a button right here called design mode so let's click to select the design mode it should stay gray and it will affect how things look on your form it'll make them a little bit easier to work with so when.

The receptionist answers the phone and someone on the phone says I would like to make an appointment to talk to one of your agents about some properties then we would want to record the date of the call or maybe the date of the appointment they were make they will call it the date of the appointment so first thing I'm going to do is click just to the right of the colon in next to the word date and I recommend leave a little space there I'm just tapping the spacebar and now I'd like to insert something called a date picker that will let our receptionist.

Actually choose a date without having to type it in she'll see a little mini calendar so here comes our first what's called a control and the one that we're going to choose it is right here as you hover over it you will see that it's called date picker I can't see it right here because I'm zoomed in with my third-party software but we're going for that little button right there it's supposed to look like a little calendar so I'm going to click on that here comes my date picker and you'll see that it says click to tap or enter a date and so we're not gonna.

Try to use it right now we're just gonna leave it sitting like that and in a few minutes we'll go actually try it out I recommend design form before you start testing it out that's just my personal preference right next I want to create a list of agents that are available on a pulldown list so so far all we did for the date was we clicked we put a cursor there we hit the spacebar and inserted a date picker if you want to do that now that's probably a good idea pause the video put in your date picker and then.

Come on back and we'll pick up from there and so now we're going to put in for the agent we're gonna make a look-up list and we'll fill in the names of the agents so that our receptionists can choose the name of an agent quickly so I'm clicking next to the cursor so I'm clicking next to the colon after the word agent I'm hitting the spacebar and I'm going to insert what's called a lookup list or a list box so I'm hovering over the different choices up here we got one called the combo box got.

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    One called a drop-down list content control that's the one I would like that guy right there they drop down list

    Content control when I click on that it puts in a little placeholder here says choose an item and then in order to put in the items from which they will choose I'm going to need to look at the properties of this object and one cool way to get to the properties is to right-click on this little I don't know what to call it a crescent over here at the edge right clicking on that and then one of the choices on my popup menu is.

    To set properties for this item so I'm going to click on the properties why don't you take a moment and do that so you're going to choose the list control right click on its border over here and then on the pop-up menu choose properties to get where I am take a moment and do that please now some of these properties we don't really need to fill in for example the title and the tag our user is not going to see those they're not really required you can choose what color you want this thing to be I'm not going to worry about.

    That too much but I would like to set it up so that my user can't accidentally delete this control so let's put in a check mark that says control cannot be deleted I don't want to checkmark the one that says control cannot be edited because I need them to be able to edit it I need them to be able to choose from the list and then last but certainly not least we have to add the names of our agents our.

    Sales agents that are available so I'm looking for a way to add the names yeah it seems likely I'm gonna go over here and click on add doesn't it that's exactly what I'm gonna do so so far all I've done is checkmark content cannot be deleted now I'm gonna start adding the names so I click the Add button when it says display name and as I fill in the display name it will fill in the value to be the same thing the only time that I would really use the value itself is if I'm going to be referring to it in a macro so we'll fill in the display name.

    For our first salesperson and that will be Dizzy Gillespie and then I'm gonna click okay and dizzy appears in here and now I'm going to add another one we'll have how about Charlie Parker and I'm gonna click on okay by the way notice okay has this blue box around it called the focus box what that means is if you just hit the enter key it will choose the okay because it's got the focus box so I don't really need to grab.

    My mouse and click on okay I can just finish typing Charlie Parker and hit the enter key and it will assume that I wanted to choose okay all right time to add at least one more here how about trombonist JJ Johnson I'm picking these names out of famous jazz names trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie alto sax player Charlie Parker trombonist JJ Johnson and maybe that'll be enough so take a moment and create your list you.

    Don't have to use the same names as mine but if you would like to these are all relatively famous and unfortunately long passed away jazz artists so remember you have to click on add to open up that window and then type in the name and hit enter or click OK and then add some more and at least three and notice they're still gonna be one here called choose an item and the fact that it will be at the top means that's what will actually show up in here when they go through the form so put the video on pause catch up with.

    You there go to the properties we want to make sure they can't delete the the object here and then put in some names by adding them and when you're done click OK like I'm about to do alright welcome back there is one property that I should set for my date to pick her here as well so why don't we right-click on its border go to its properties again actually you'll notice when I right clicked on the left prescient I didn't get properties in my popup menu so I'm gonna.

    Go over to the right hand side here and right click on that one and lo and behold look properties for this and the only property I want to set here is that it can't be deleted again I want them to be able to edit it I want them to be able to pick a date in there and also the other thing I have here is how do I want the date to look do I want the short date do I want it spelled out like the day of the week and all that kind of stuff I'm just gonna go with the short date you can try a different one there if you would like and then at the.

    End of that you're gonna go down and click on the ok button which is right now slightly off my screen but the

    OK button does have the blue focus box around it so when I hit the enter key it's the same as choosing okay so do that set this property for the for the date picker and notice when I right-click on the left side I didn't get any properties but when I right clicked on the right side over here I did get those properties so take a moment and set that property so they can't accidentally delete that control all right time to move on here so now we.

    Want to have a place to put in the client name that is the person that's on the phone now going into that I'm not gonna have a list of everybody who might call so I'm now gonna be able to use a list box we're just going to have to have a box where they can type stuff in called a text box so again I'm gonna click to place my insertion point just to the right of the colon I choose to hit the spacebar and now I'm going to put in what's called a text box now there's two of them up here they.

    Have an a a and another a a this is not about a Alcoholics Anonymous this is about a rich text format box or a plain text format box and we're gonna go with the plain text so I'm going to click on the plain text a a and it drops it right there at the insertion point and then I would like to set up properties of that and of course to do that I'm gonna go over here and right click on the right side Crescent and go to the properties of this control so again I would like to.

    Set it up so that they can't accidentally delete it so I'm going to check mark the thing that says content control cannot be deleted and one of the differences between a rich text format text box versus a plain text text box is this check box right down here that says allow carriage returns multiple paragraphs what that means is that they could actually type a name and hit the enter key and type.

    Something else in there like here's their name and here's what they do or something like that I don't really need that for this particular control but if I had gone with the rich text format I wouldn't even have that available so for our purposes all we're doing is protecting it so they can't delete it and then click OK or hit the enter key all right you do that catch up with me all right welcome back we're going to put in a place for their phone number and in this case I think I'll just use a text box so we're gonna click right.

    After phone we're gonna hit the spacebar and let's insert another text box and protect it so that they can't delete it you know how to do that so put the veil on pause do that while you're doing that I'll be doing that it will be done as you come back to the video alright here's my property window content cannot be deleted okay that so everyone I'm going to break this session right here just because it's getting kind of long when we come back we'll fill out the property type list box will have some.

    Check boxes here for price range and some check boxes here for required amenities and a text box down here at the bottom so I'm going to end this session and then come on back for the next one we'll finish out this form so the next content control we need is going to be another list box that is this guy right here the drop-down list content control and then for the properties we're going to want to protect it so they can't accidentally delete it and we're going to give them a list of property types from which to.

    Choose and that will be these property types residential commercial and industrial those will be the choices that you will add to your drop-down list so put the video on pause go set that up while you're doing it I will be doing it in the background so residential commercial and industrial property types have added everybody so here's what your property should look like make sure that the content control can't be deleted I put the emphasis on the wrong slab all.

    There it's not a control that's kind of content it's the content control can't be deleted and then here is what I added residential commercial industrial and okay that right I've got a couple more things to do here and then we'll be able to test out our form so I would like to put in some checkboxes here where they can choose one or more than one price range and I would like to put the checkboxes out here at about the two inch mark which means I'm gonna need a tab stop right there at the two inch.

    Mark and if I'm going to have three lines with tab stops then I need to select those three paragraphs first and then a nice quick way to add a tab stop now you might be looking up here at the ruler and notice there are some tab stops up there already now if you were with us in an earlier lesson we were talking about how you can set the tab stops and remove them and there was a menu choice for doing it here's a nice easy way to remove tab stops that are there already simply grab them and drag.

    Them down right off the ruler so these little owls up there those are tab stops grab those drag them down off the ruler and then to place a left aligned tab stop where we want up for these three paragraphs just go up here and click right at the two inch mark and you should get a left align tensed up there a little owl so take them on them make sure you select all three of those paragraphs first and then remove the tab stops by dragging them down and then add a tab stop at the two inch mark by clicking on it your turn to catch up with me pause the video and do that alright now that we.

    Have the tab stops in there we can place our checkboxes so I'm gonna click to put my cursor right next to a hundred K or less I'm gonna hit the tab key oh look it jumped to the two inch mark and now I would like to put in a checkbox control and here's one right here checkbox content control I'm going to click on that drops it right in there as I hover over it it says insert a checkbox content control this command is currently disabled because this document is open in compatibility mode so it goes.

    On to tell us use this feature convert your document to a new file format by clicking the file tab and then clicking convert so if you've been watching our modules up through now you've seen this happen already it's relatively easy to do will do just what it said we're gonna go over here to the file tab clicking on that and because we're in this compatibility mode meaning the document was originally created in an older version of word then we do have this choice to convert it so I'm gonna click on convert it tells me your document.

    Will be upgraded to the newest file format it's also going to destroy the original now maybe that's not a good thing in our case because I've been trying not to destroy urgent's so here's what I would recommend doing for the moment let's cancel out of there and why don't we take the document the way it is right now and save it to our finished Documents folder and then when we convert it the problem here is it would destroy the original so if we make a copy of it right now by using save as to put it in our finished Documents folder then when we convert it we are not.

    Destroying the original and you can go back and do this whole thing again if you want to practice it later so we're going to do two things here we're going to do a save as first and then we'll convert it to the newer format so that's what I'm about to do I'm going file and then save as and I want to drop it right in that same folder excuse me I do not I don't want to drop it in the same folder I want to put it in the finished Word documents folder we'll keep the same name we'll click.

    Save or hit the enter key since save has the blue focus box on it so it says we're about to upgrade to the newer file format that's good thing among other things it'll make that checkbox content control available as I hit enter or click OK right now as I look up in the title bar it does not say compatibility mode so take a moment and do that do a save as make a copy of that in our finished Documents folder please so we can see that when we did our save as and.

    Made a copy of it in the finished items folder it actually has updated it already I don't see that compatibility mode up here anymore which means we should now be able to use our check boxes so make sure that you have done the save as command put that in our finished Documents folder then come on back and let's put in a check mark right here now so I'm putting in a check box right there at my insertion point and then there aren't really any properties that I need to set up here other than I don't want them to be able.

    To delete the check box now up until now I've had your right-clicking on the right side little Crescent here some of you may have noticed there is a properties button right up here in the in the Developer tab of our ribbon so that's just another way to get to the properties I'm gonna click on that right here and I'm looking at the properties of this check box and again about the only thing I want to change here is make sure the content control can't be deleted Ramon okay that right my impossible mission for your mission now should you choose to accept it is to put in two more of those check.

    Boxes and make sure they can't be deleted so trying to click down here right below it and my cursor is in their own place I need to get it over the two inch mark how am I gonna do that oh yeah I'm gonna hit the tab key to do that so hit the tab key and insert a checkbox there protect it so it can't be deleted do that one more time for the more than 200 K I'll be doing that in the background while you're doing that when you come back we'll all have those three checkboxes in there.

    Next thing we want our three check boxes further required amenities only we'll just put the check boxes over here at the left side this time so I'm going to click to put my insertion point just to left of airconditioning I'm going to put in a check box going to look at its properties make sure it can't be deleted and do that two more times now for the fireplace and the swimming pool put the video on pause and go do that so here's my property sheet for that check box that I put in next to swimming pool again just make sure it can't be deleted and.

    Okay all right one more piece to do here I want to have a little text box and maybe not so little but I would like to have a text box down here where our receptionist can add in other comments any other things that they need to record for our agent going into the meeting with our client that we're setting up here so I choose to click to put my insertion point below comments or other eyes when I have my text box in here when they're typing typing typing if they type a lot in a word wrap and I.

    Don't necessarily just want it to word wrap to here which is what would happen if I put my insertion point at that spot instead I'm going to put it down here so if they're typing typing typing in a word wrap all the way over here to the margins so that's where I'm going to put in my text box we've done one of those before so let's go with that plain text content control because particularly in this box they we may need our receptionist to be able to type in a sentence hit the enter.

    Key type in something else with the enter key and only the plain text is allowed to do that so plain text control we're going to go for the properties make sure they can't delete it and this time let's also check mark that we want to allow them to hit the enter key and make carriage returns man that is an old term carriage returns comes from old style old style old old old style typewriters so I'm going to allow carriage returns and I want to make sure they can't accidentally delete this content control and okay that your turn.

    Set those up all right we basically got this thing set up the way we want it let's now save it in its present form now earlier we did a save as so we made a copy of it to go into our finished documents for now we're simply going to update that file so I don't need another save as I don't need to convert or anything like that we're just gonna go up and tell it to save it ctrl s file save click little floppy disk icon up in the upper left.

    Corner that you can't see on my screen so save the latest version of this thing so in our next session we're gonna try this form out so I always recommend that you build the form before you try it and then you save it and then you can go try it out and then to make sure that you're saving it without a whole bunch of stuff in there like dates filled in already then you can always go back to the original you can try it out and then just not save it after you've tried it because you've got it all set up right now so that's what we'll be doing in the.

    Next module it is now time to test out our form and for this we should step out of the design mode so let's go up and click on design mode to step out of the design mode and you'll see that the little placeholders and the little little crescents on the ends of them have disappeared and now we can try out our stuff so let's go click where it says date click or tap to enter a date so I click here's a little pulldown list arrow I'm gonna click on that here is my.

    Date picker so this is gonna set up when is the appointment going to be with the agent not necessarily today so maybe we're gonna set that up for a week ahead of time you know next Friday something like that so I'm gonna click on a date and it drops it in there then it says agent choose an item I'm gonna click on that no that little pull down arrow I'm gonna choose one of these agents moving on I'm gonna go down and click on the next one or maybe I'll just hit the tab key and have it jump down to the next one let's.

    Says click or tap here to enter text so I'm going to click I am the I'm the receptionist right now so I'm clicking in the air and then I'm gonna start typing the name of the person who's calling so maybe that's Ferber fall anybody who's old enough to remember Rowan & Martin's laugh-in may remember that name furred Bertha probably not probably not I'm feeling really old right now alright phone number cooking in there I'm gonna put in their phone number five.

    Five five one two one two maybe I need the area code in there it's area code five ten so we'll catch up with me there for a moment try those things out all right let's keep going so now I have checkboxes here and I can choose one or I can choose more than one or I can leave them all empty so maybe the person I'm talking to on the phone can't really afford anything more than 200 K but they would like to look at properties that are 200 K or.

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