Excel Today - Cross Functional Charts in Visio

Excel Today - Cross Functional Charts in Visio [Music] good morning everyone welcome to excel today it is september 16th 2022 halfway through uh the month already it's actually pretty surprising it goes really fast um we're almost to the end of the year actually we're gonna be you know people are gonna start talking about i mean i know halloween stuff is all over the place already and then even some places um they have christmas stuff already on sale which is a little surprising to me.

Excel Today - Cross Functional Charts in Visio

It's like man that's that's pretty crazy um but yeah it's excel today um we are going to cover vizio cross-functional charts right joe that's right cross-functional parts is where it's at i mean flow charts in general are great but cross-functional is the next level yeah and you might you guys might notice we're wearing the same hat um that is a little uh well i saw joe had his a's hat on so i had to grab my a's hat so i'm just following joe's lead today.

But the oakland days uh our client and uh so yeah gotta represent for our clients as well anyways uh just some quick updates guys on the channel um i did cover all the uh new features that are gonna be coming uh on last week's show the courses which is gonna be very uh i think is gonna you guys are gonna love the courses just because there's a lot of extra stuff and a different player when i say different players like when the thing that plays the video that interface is going to be look a lot.

Different and it's going to be much more geared towards training and learning so that's going to be really cool and then like we're also going to have the exams get added there just to help you guys do knowledge checks and stuff like that and help uh help the the learning stick so just so to speak you know to practice it more i know in our videos we have all the exercise files and we do ask you guys to practice uh the the lessons you just learned but now we're gonna you know test you on it obviously you don't have to take the exams if you don't want to they're just there as a as an addition to everything.

Else we do um yeah everyone's gotta get 100. and then uh man oh yeah how could i forget this update so and then next week we are doing uh vba loop structures with uh chelsea it'll be uh thursday 8 am joe i not 100 sure if you can make it um i didn't check yet but i'm not gonna make it i'll be i'll be in atlanta for a uh awesome sales conference that's every year so i'm.

Gonna try to make it i mean i love seeing chelsea you all love seeing chelsea so we'll we'll see what happens yeah yeah so very excited about that um i confirmed everything with her uh yesterday so we are all systems go 100 next thursday 8 a.m pacific time uh we will have chelsea here going over vba loop structures and that's that's pretty much it for the updates guys and there's enough there's uh we have access advanced today if i'm not mistaken uh we'll have that going and again reminder we're gonna have the exercise files in the upper right corner there for you guys just to click so you guys don't.

Have to you know search around or you know go down to the video description and then find the link there it's gonna be right there available for you guys on the video just a new feature that we added there and then yeah we're gonna continue to roll out the office 2021 videos uh we're almost done with those and then you'll start seeing uh captive eight and a few other uh programs that have been requested uh will be uh uh in fall and everything like that and then yeah then we roll into the new year uh and then the last thing i'll say is that.

You guys will see some courses once the course's future uh launches you guys will see some of our new professional development soft skill courses pop up there uh these are gonna be more along the lines of time management uh business writing communications uh skills those types of uh manager skills i guess the best way to put it is because that's a when we when we do these trainings in person or online uh it's mainly new managers that we're training uh these skills for but these those will be available purchased on uh through the.

Courses option uh and they will only be available for purchase through course adoption unfortunately these uh it takes us a lot more to produce these types of videos so uh we can't offer them for free or even add supported free uh going forward but just something to look forward to no promises of when it's gonna launch there uh we're still producing all the videos and getting them all recorded and edited so uh that that'll be something probably q1 of next year that you guys will see so uh that's yeah that's it for updates i keep saying that's it for updates and then i have more updates and.

Then lastly joe we haven't done this in a long time but coffee mugs boom i have my well bear loves 85 degrees it's actually california loves 85 degrees i've had this cup on a few times last week i actually used my dunkin donuts cup because whenever i'm on the east coast i always got to have dunkin donuts that's like just a must it just hits different over there i have i literally have one right down the street from here i never go to it because it's just not the one in new york you know what i mean and it's just different there oh yeah.

I'm sure it tastes different water man it's the water in the city [Laughter] i just have gatorade because i am getting over a little bit of a cold so if it's not a little easily that's why but yeah i was like no i'm not missing today i'm ready for vizio it's an amazing application for you know just getting getting your thoughts on paper all right you ready to ready to rock with vizio then let's do it let's do some music.

Let's do some vizio now i i'm thinking what we're gonna do today just because it's like a process that everybody probably knows about is i'm going to do a new higher onboarding process so yeah if you do have vizio feel free to follow along with me if you don't no worries at all you can practice this later but let me share my screen real quick and yeah just uh putting this in onboarding is a.

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    It's a something that a lot of people are searching for so it's a definitely a skill to have and can you all see my screen yep we are good to go joe take it away awesome okay so let me show you what this looks like the first thing we're going to do is just open up visio of course and when you're utilizing vizio it's.

    Important to note that the templates in visio are very important see when you have a template in excel you can choose to use that or not or you can just start off with a blank spreadsheet or for instance powerpoint right you can start off with a blank powerpoint presentation or word with a blank word document but in vizio if you start off with a blank drawing what that's going to do is it's going to have no stencils now if you're wondering what a stencil is it's just a collection of.

    Shapes within visio and typically i never use blank drawings at all i probably use them five percent of the time i'm always using some sort of template from vizio because it has the shapes already in there that i need if i don't do that i would have to incorporate the shapes and then you might not know what shapes you need and so on and so forth so vizio acts a little different in the way they use templates and vizio you will definitely use templates more now the template i'm going to use is a.

    Cross-functional flowchart and i love this because we can start to break down different i would say processes that we need to get done for some sort of project or some sort of process and we can departmentalize them into their own categories like maybe hr department is going to have this or maybe payroll is going to have a part in this or even managers so that's what we're doing today we're going to do an onboarding process i'm going to click cross functional flowchart if you don't see it right away.

    This is because i've used it many times so it's in my recents but if you have to you could go to more templates go over to flowcharts where it says suggested searches or you could just type in flowcharts and then you'll see it here now you will see there is integration with visio and excel so if you have your data already existing in excel you can use this one it'll just pull the data from excel and then create a diagram based off of that which i think is really unique and it's a feature that i use sometimes but today i want to build something from.

    Scratch so of course i'm going to just use this one here the cross-functional flowchart now they do give you templates inside of templates i know that sounds weird but they're like you know joe we do have a template for cross-functional flowcharts we have this vertical one or horizontal and vertical over here so they have a horizontal one when your processes are going horizontally or vertical if your process is going down more they also have something known as a shared process so you can also utilize this when sometimes.

    You'll see here this shape is a little bit on both ends right this process here is being shared by two departments department one and department two so this is what's known as a shared process cross-functional chart but once again i'm not going to use that today i'm going to start from scratch and i'll click create now just to mention before i click create there is us units and metric units whatever one that you go by you can choose i'm going to be utilizing us units today and i'll click create.

    Now that i have this you'll see they have a little bit of a setup for me you could delete all this out and just start from scratch but i actually like this setup because it looks perfect for what i want to do not only that but you'll also notice on the left hand side now i have these stencils i have cross functional flow chart shapes i have basic flow chart shapes so i'm already starting off with a lot given to me now these shapes by the way are known universally or globally right you always know the process is a rectangle a sub.

    Process is a rectangle with two lines going down the sides so this is something that a lot of companies know and it doesn't really change now let's say for instance i want to start coming up with a way that i can create this flowchart you'll see here that we have two things it's kind of like excel we have one column right this is a full column itself and we have two rows this row and this row and we have to pick and choose.

    What we want exactly do we want our departments on the rows and maybe our quarters up top like maybe

    This process will take four quarters quarter one two and three and four or do we want our quarters on the left and our departments up top it's really up to you how you want to set this up but what i'm thinking is is i'm going to have my departments here and then instead of having like phase one i'm gonna have two faces i'm just gonna split this column into two by.

    Putting a line down the middle also known as a separator and i'm going to call this side this first column post acceptance and this second column will be or this one will be pre acceptance and this one will be post acceptance so to do this to actually split this column into two you take a separator and i'm gonna click and drag it right here and now you'll see we have two phases phase one and phase two it's split into.

    Now two columns and i'm just gonna go in here i'll zoom in using control mouse wheel i'm going to double click i'm going to rename phase and call it pre acceptance and then i'm going to name this column host acceptance there we go so now i have two different timelines right and now i'm going to put.

    In my functions which are going to be my departments we're going to start off with the employee themselves right we this whole new hire process starts off with an employee so i'll say employee then i know hr is going to be involved and i also know that payroll department is going to be involved and so is the employee's manager so i need to add two more what are known as swim lanes now you'll see here we have vertical separators swim lanes that are vertical you're just going to go with the flow i know i'm putting my.

    Stuff horizontally so i'm going to use a horizontal swim lane now you want to make sure that it is right next to it if you go too far down it'll just make it another cross-functional flowchart which we don't want so i'll use ctrl z to undo that you want to be sure when you take the swimlane you put it almost on right next to it and then it'll just add to your original and i'll do one more because i know we need four departments and then i'll call this um let's do payroll and i'll call this one.

    Manager now the last thing i'm going to do is just put this as a title i'm going to call it the new higher onboarding process and i think that looks good so far so now we have sort of a structure for this cross-functional flowchart the last thing i want to start doing now is of course putting our shapes in here so i'm going.

    To move from the cross-functional flowchart shapes to basic flowchart shapes and every single process right starts off with some sort of start or end and i'm going to say that this is going to start off i'm going to just click and drag to put the shape in here you can resize it with the sizing bullets if you wanted to and i'm going to say that this is going to be something the employee does so the employee has to in order for this new higher on-boarding process to begin the.

    Employee has to accept the offer right that we give them for employment so i'm just going to say employment offer accepted now just keep in mind that we're working with two things here we're working with the text itself and if you want to modify the text in any way or format it you can use the font command group for this so that's going to actually affect the text if i want to affect the shape.

    We're going to use shape styles to affect the actual shape maybe i want to change the color of the shape maybe i want to make it you know have some features like shadows and things like that so anytime you want to affect the shape use shape styles anytime you want to affect the text inside of the shape you use font and i actually do want to affect the text right now i want to make it a little bigger so i'll just go with a 12 point i think that looks good and there we go we have our first.

    Yeah we have our first little process here now we will get into like formatting this stuff later so i'll color this all in if you want me to i don't mind you can change the color of the shape fill it in with like green if you wanted to but we'll come to that later let's just work on getting through this process so after the offer is accepted the employment offer accepted that's when hr is going to start preparing the employee paperwork now since we're talking about paperwork i think of a document so i'll use document but remember you don't have.

    To use the same exact things i'm using if you're like joe i feel like that's more of a process or more data you can use those shapes but for me i think of paperwork as a document now i love this feature when you start to manipulate this it automatically tells you when you're the same length it'll even tell you when you're the same height but i think that this is obviously going to be a little bigger so i'll just keep that like that that looks good and then i.

    Could just start typing and i'll just say prepare employee paperwork and once again i'm going to just change the size of this text to about 12. think that looks good all right so after we prepare the employee paperwork well then hr has to actually send it out to the employee so that they can of course fill it out and that's a process so i'm going to drag process i'm.

    Going to make it the same length as the rest of them that looks good maybe the same height oop that looks great and i think right there looks great so i'm going to say that this process is send out employee paperwork once again i'm just going to select the text and make it 12 fun now after this there's another process where the employee returns the finished paperwork because we send it out and.

    Then it's in the employees part to do this again and this is all happening in pre-acceptance so i'm going to put another processor here but the problem is if i use a process it comes over in the default size again and then i have to manipulate it resize it make sure it's all the same change the font i don't want to do that instead i'm gonna make my life easier by just duplicating this shape and then just rewriting in it so i'll select it and i'm going to use ctrl d.

    That's the keyboard shortcut for duplication this also works in powerpoint as well so i'm going to select the shape control d and it creates an instant duplicate and then all i have to do is just write the text out employee returns finished paperwork and there we go now after the employee returns to finish paperwork.

    It's going to go back over to hr they'll send it back to hr and hr is then going to contact the payroll team now all of this once they finish the paperwork they're now in post acceptance so we're going to start not putting stuff here because this was pre-acceptance we're going to start putting stuff in this column so i'm going to create another processing i'm going to use control b to duplicate and it's going to be hr department that's working with this now again they're going to contact the payroll.

    Department or payroll team whatever you want to call them payroll team is then going to enter in the employees data into the system so i'm going to use the data shape for this and once again you don't have to use the same shapes i'm using it's just whatever you feel like makes more sense so i'm gonna say enter employee info into system.

    And i'll just of course make that a little bigger there there we go next thing i'm going to do is they're going to the payroll is going to enter the employee info in the system and the manager will get an email and they'll have to schedule their start date so i think that's another process i'll duplicate this one and this is something that the actual manager has to do now and i'll say schedule.

    Start date now after they schedule the start date that information is going to be given to hr and hr has to schedule a orientation for the employee so once again that's a process schedule orientation and then i think that's it we're going to end this whole process with well the employee starts their first day so that's going to be in the employee.

    Section in the post acceptance so i'm just going to use a start and end and since i already have one i'm just going to duplicate this and say start first okay so now we're looking pretty good except we have one problem what's the flow right this is called a cross-functional flowchart not just looking at shapes so we don't know exactly where we're going with this.

    Because maybe i'm going to say employee accepts offer then do we go to employer returns finished paperwork now we know it goes from this one to this one to this one to this one and now we have to create what's known as connectors to do such now to create a connector we have to change from our pointer tool which is in the tools section the pointer tool is what we've been using and change it to the connector tool so i'll just go up top put connector and now i can make.

    These connections by just simply hovering over from the middle of a shape to the middle of another shape what that does is it creates a connection but there's two types of connections that you can have one is called a static connection and one is called a dynamic connection so let me explain when you go from the middle of a shape to the middle of another shape that creates what's known as a dynamic connection which means right now the line is going from the bottom of the.

    Shape to the top of the shape but if i move this over here well then it's going from the left of this shape to the right of the shape and if i move it up top then it's going from the top of the shape to the bottom of the shape so it actually moves wherever i move it and that's not always something you want so dynamic connections aren't always exactly what you want but sometimes you do want a static connection so let me show you how to create a static connection i'm just going to select this connector.

    And press delete i'll go grab my connector tool and instead of going from the middle to the middle you'll notice when you hover over you get these little bullet points left top bottom right and that's how you can glue the connector or make a static connection so i'll just say from the bottom always to the top and now watch what happens when i move this it's going to always stay the same even if i go here it goes bottom to top.

    If i go over here it goes bottom to top so now it's staying connected exactly where we wanted it and now i'm just going to do the same thing with all the rest of the connections i'm gonna go from the left to the right from the top to the bottom and i'll just follow my flow now once you create your connections you might not like things like this you see this little step you could try to fix.

    This by like moving this around and figuring out how to make it go straight but a quick way to do this is if you go over to the align which is in the arrange command group you can actually auto align these shapes and it'll fix that for you so you don't have to sit there and really play around with it because that could get annoying once again i go to a line auto align and it does it for me now that everything's looking good and i mean this just is a beautiful flow.

    Now what i can do is start to manipulate the color of this because right now we're using the colors that microsoft pre-designed i don't like them so for instance i'm going to change my start by using shape styles i'll make it green maybe a green border and then i'll add some effects maybe i want to do a shadow like a inner shadow maybe i want to do a glow maybe a greenish glow i think that looks great now i'm going to do the same thing for this one but i don't want to have to remember what i just did so you can.

    Always click on a shape go to format painter and then click on the other one and it'll just copy the look of one to the other now i'm going to do the same thing for my processes i want them to be i don't know maybe i want them to be a red and maybe i want the line to be red i wanted to have a shadow and i wanted to glow now if you don't see a red glow here just go to glow options.

    And you can always just choose the color that you want and i want red now the glow is really too bright here it's not like that on these so i'm going to change it the glow to a size of 5 and i think that looks great once again i'm just going to go over to my format painter this time i'll do a double click so it locks it because if you just do one click choose a shape you can't change the rest of them so you can actually lock format painter by clicking.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continuetomake videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUHwbDZzOAY
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