Make Routers Building Multiple Branches in Workflows

Make Routers Building Multiple Branches in Workflows Hi there and welcome this video will show you how to build different branches in your workflow with different endings so to explain what i mean let's take a look at a quick example and this.

Workflow is looking for new entries on google form now the form is essentially a way for customers to submit questions or issues they might have they'll select a topic.

Such as billing or workflow building and they'll add more details whenever they do that the entry is going to be transformed into cardone trello and then cards with the details can be.

Used to manage the progress of the work on these issues now we can further expand this workflow by building two branches inside it.

So let's say you have a billing specialist on your team and you want to send all the billing related issues to that specialist in an instant message on slack for example and then you might.

Have other team members working on other reported issues of your customers so let's first build the branch that's going to inform our billing specialist for that we'll use the slack app so.

Make Routers Building Multiple Branches in Workflows

We'll find it first choose the slack app and then select the create a message module so once we have our slack module set up.

We can just go ahead and start building the second branch in our workflow so to make this easier we can just go ahead and copy the slide module so to do that just right click and select copy module.

And then we can paste it down here below now the next step is to add a router in our workflow so to do that we can click the line and select idle router.

Now we can drag the slack module closer to it and it's going to automatically connect and create a second branch let's auto align our workflow so that is nicely centered like so.

So now we'll use the upper branch to send the billing issues to our blink specialist so to do that we'll use a filter so to add a filter you can either click this range icon and select set up.

A filter or you can click the line that's connecting the two modules and start defining your filter we can select a label for a filter in this case it can be called billing issues.

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    Click this field here and choose the data from the google forms so we'll use the choose the topic question and this filter is going to check if the.

    Topic is equal to billing so we'll type that in manually and we'll confirm the setup so this means that only the billing issues will be allowed through the upper.

    Branch and now we can use the bottom branch to send all the other issues to someone else on the team so let's define another filter this time it can be called other issues and for.

    The condition we'll use the topic again but this time this folder will be checking if it's not equal to billing so all the other issues that are not billing will be allowed through the.

    Filter on this bottom branch okay so now our workflow is ready to go and we can test it so when we click the run once button it should grab three reported issues from the google form and.

    It should create three cards on trello so we can see that it has done just that and then it sent one message through the upper branch and two messages for the bottom branch.

    Now we can click this filter icon and see more details and we can see that the first issue was related to billing so it was allowed through the filter on the upper branch.

    And then there were other two issues which were related to other topics so they were not allowed through and for the bottom branch we can see that two items were allowed through the filter.

    The first one was related to billing so it was not locked through and then the second and third one were a lot through because they were related to other issues.

    Okay so we've covered the basics of

    Building different branches in your workflow and then using filters to make sure that the data goes to the right places i hope this was helpful and i'll.

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