Tutorial Gmail Automations with Make

Tutorial Gmail Automations with Make Hi and welcome to this step-by-step tutorial on how to build automated workflows with Gmail and make the first workflow is looking for new emails with shared files and then sending messages.

Tutorial Gmail Automations with Make

To slack and the second workflow is sending personalized emails to survey respondents so let's Jump Right In and look at how these workflows are built so every automated workflow starts with a.

Trigger so this is what kicks off the workflow and then what follows is the action so what should happen next in this case we're looking for new emails coming in that have Google Drive links.

In them and then we want to send a slack message with that link now let's build this workflow from the start so if we select apps and delete them we can start with the trigger again.

So let's select Gmail here as the trigger app we can look for other apps here but we have Gmail pre-selected and now let's select watch emails because we want to grab new emails coming in.

Next let's connect to our Google account so that make can process data for us so to do that click add now a little note here if you have a personal Gmail account so a non-paid account please.

Follow this link and follow the instructions to make a connection to your account if you have a paid Google workspace account you can connect just like I'm showing right now on the screen.

Where you'll just select your account and click allow and it will instantly create that connection for you so once your account loads up the next step is to select the folder in your.

Account so we'll select inbox because we want to grab all emails coming in the next step is to use a Gmail type filter to grab only emails that have Google Drive links inside them so for.

That we're going to use a specific query and it's going to be has colon drive in this way this workflow will only grab emails with Google Drive links you can also follow this link that I'm showing.

Right now to learn more about other queries that Google has set up for their app that can be used using such a filters of course optional so if you don't Define it it's going to grab all.

Emails now if you confirm the settings with the OK button you're going to see this choose where to start dialog and that allows you to Define where do you want make to grab data so it can be from.

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    Now on from a specific date all emails - Make Automate

    In your inbox or you can even select a specific email in this example I'll select the specific date because I know that in my inbox.

    There is an email on that date that matches the criteria so it has a Google Drive Link so now that we've set up our trigger the starting point of our workflow it's time.

    To add an action module so to do that hover over the side of the trigger module and then click add another module in this workflow I want to send slack messages so I'll select slack and then.

    Create a message because that's the action that I want to do next we need to connect to our slack account so that may can send the message for us so here for the connection type.

    You can select user or bot user means it's going to be sent in our name and Bot means it's going to come from the make app this dialog is going to ask you to log.

    In or select your slack workspace and then allow access for make to your slack account now we'll Define where to send that message and what should it contain so.

    For the first option let's choose select from the list and then we'll choose the channel type so this can be public or private Channel or direct message and this is the IM Channel IM stands for.

    Instant message now because I'm building and testing this workflow for the user I can select myself in the list and send some test messages to myself to verify that the.

    Workflow is doing what it should be doing if you click the text field you'll see this panel open up which has data elements coming in from the Gmail module.

    So you can use the data from the email

    To compose the slack message so for example you can choose the sender name and then type in some custom text such as just send an email containing files.

    And then colon and then you can use more data coming from Gmail such as the text of the email so this means that whenever this workflow is triggered that means when.

    The Gmail app finds an email that matches the criteria it's going to grab the sender name and the content of the email and use it in the slack message and deliver that slack message to the.

    Channel of your choice we've completed the setup of the workflow and now it's time to test it using the Run once button this is going to manually run the workflow just once we can see some green.

    Check marks indicating a successful run of the workflow this is what the slack message will look like on the slack app the next step is to define the scheduling so by default this workflow.

    Will run every 15 minutes but you can choose other intervals or specific days of the week or other options if you're happy with your workflow you can activate it using the scheduling.

    Switch and this means it's going to run on that schedule that you've just defined also don't forget to save your workflow so that you don't lose any of your work.

    So we've completed the setup of the first workflow and we can move on to the second one the second workflow grabs responses from a typeform survey and sends personalized emails to the survey.

    Respondents now let's see how to build the workflow step by step so let's select the apps and delete them and start from the start by setting up the trigger.

    So we'll be using typeform and Gmail apps but you could also use other survey apps such as SurveyMonkey jotform or Google forms or use other apps that you can look for here so let's select type.

    Form we want to grab new responses in our survey so we'll select the watch responses action next we'll need to connect to our typeform account you'll notice the Type 4 module has a.

    Lightning icon that means it's an instant type of trigger for that we're creating a webhook connection which is an instant type of connection the process is the same it will connect your.

    Account and allow access for make now in this dialog you'll select a specific form that you want to connect this workflow to so we'll select a service request form which is the form.

    That we'll be using in this workflow on the left side you can see the questions in this form which service are you interested in enter your email address and your name confirm the setup by.

    Clicking ok now we can move on to setting up the action module so if you hover over the side of the trigger and click add another module we can select the next app that we want to add to our.

    Workflow and this is going to be Gmail let's choose send an email because we want to send personalized emails to our survey respondents we already have an existing Gmail connection because we've.

    Used it in the previous workflow in this tutorial if you don't have a connection yet use the add button and then follow the instructions in this dialog the first step is to define the email.

    Recipient so click add recipient and now we can use data coming from the typeform survey so if you click the email address field you'll see all the data coming in from the typeform app specifically we'll.

    Be looking for the answers from the survey which you can see down here the email address is what we're looking for so the answer to the question what is your email address is going to be used.

    As the recipient of that message next we can Define the subject of the email and we can type in some custom text such as thank you for inquiring about our service and then we can use the answer.

    From the survey So based on the service that the respondent is interested in we can modify that subject we can do the same for the content of the email we can use the name of that server respondent.

    Coming from the survey response so we can type in something like hi and then use the name coming from the survey and then type in the rest of the text such as thank you for reaching out and please.

    Click the link below to find out more details so we've used the answers from the survey to Define our email recipient subject as well as the content of the email let's confirm the setup by.

    Clicking OK and then we can move on to testing our workflow so to test our workflow click the Run once button once you hit the button the typeform module is going to start spinning and that.

    Means it's waiting for data to come in so now it's time to go to that typeformer survey and submit a response when a response comes in on that survey the workflow is going to be immediately.

    Triggered and the data is going to be processed the green check marks tell us that the process was successful and if you click the bubble above the module you'll see the details so the email was.

    Sent it has the dynamic data that we've used from the survey if you're happy with your workflow you can activate it using the scheduling switch and that means it's going to be active and.

    Waiting for data to come in since this workflow is using an instant type of trigger as indicated by the lightning icon on that trigger module you don't need to Define any scheduling as we did.

    In the first workflow in our tutorial the last step is to save your workflow and that's it I hope this tutorial was helpful and I'll see you in another video.

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