Webinar Make, Airtable, and Typeform Better Together

Webinar Make, Airtable, and Typeform Better Together So hello everyone again i'm daniel i am at solutions architect here at make and basically my job is to figure stuff out all day every day and today with me i have shiran from meg who is head of our marketing team then we have ansi from airtable she's coming from their product marketing team and then we have nico from typeform who is developer advocate for the platform and this is how it's going to go today.

First of all we will make introductions about our companies that will take about 10 to 15 minutes and then we will move to the practical part of the session where i will be presenting the automation slash process automation use case where we will be collecting customer feedback as advertised in our invites that will take about 30 minutes uh when we are done with the practical part we will open it for questions.

So we will have about 10 to 15 minutes for questions if there are no questions we will simply end thoroughly because we don't want to call you here so with this i think here on the floor is yours and you can tell us something about make and our recent efforts so please go ahead and unmute yourself perfect hi everyone uh i'm shiran uh as dan said.

I am head of marketing uh at make uh you may have known mate originally as integromat make is actually the newest version of our flagship platform uh so we have some pretty interesting numbers we have over 530 000 users around the world uh we're in 180 countries and so far we've seen about 500 percent year-over-year growth so we're doing pretty well uh and actually um our mission is really to empower people to visually create.

Build and automate at the speed of their ideas we understand that launching and scaling a business especially a small business comes with many sets of challenges and um we know that many business owners have a really difficult time being able to creatively respond to those challenges due to lack of time lack of finances lack of resources and so for us what really drives us is actually a world where anyone um whether you're someone on the technical side someone on the non-technical side whether you're a small business owner whether you're a person in a very large company that.

Anyone has the actual power to be able to innovate to innovate and solve problems on the day-to-day without any limitations and um make is the leading visual automation platform that lets you design build and automate anything by connecting thousands of apps in just a few clicks and what actually makes our platform so unique there's obviously other integration tools out there but they're usually linear and limited as well um what we really pride ourselves on is the actual ability.

Webinar Make, Airtable, and Typeform Better Together

To with the mind map feature of our platform which um for us is really being able to imagine the way a workflow should be in your mind and being able to build it just by dragging and dropping and being able to actually interact with the platform so when you're building a workflow on make and you run it you can actually see it in real time and you can see the data as it's moving from one app to the next and as we said before uh you can choose from over a thousand ready-made app integrations or um you can actually use.

Our no code toolkit to connect to any public api and um with make really the sky is the limit uh any area of a business um can can work with make can create any type of workflow so whether you're in dev product operations project project management marketing sales hr and so on if you're you know if you're experiencing a problem in the workplace whether it's needing to um simplify the customer journey being able to respond to customers faster being able to uh.

Uh manage uh projects in between teams within a company you can actually really just come up with the solution yourself and just build it on our platform so really as far as your imagination can see thank you yeah and you can move on now all right so thanks jiran uh now it's time for nc from airtable who will uh tell us something more about our table and what it can do so nc go for it.

Amazing thank you so much and uh everyone so so nice to meet you today really really excited to get to share a little bit uh with you alongside this amazing panel on uh how different systems like make an air table and type form can really really work better together i'm a product marketer here and i'm really excited to share a little bit around how customer obsessed teams can really mitigate information silos to deliver customized and personalized experiences um to basically level set us.

A little bit uh at a glance airtable is a really highly customizable no code and low code application platform that makes it really easy for teams to design their own applications to run their processes and workflows and so this really empowers the people who know their part of the business best to design flexible and scalable applications that work exactly the way that their teams need to we're super proud to support 80 of the fortune 500 and we see deep usage across over a million users spanning three hundred and thousand organizations as.

Customers and so we believe this really demonstrates the need for a system like air table to really redefine how cross-functional teams work together by moving fast while moved together moving together through shared organization-wide data sets and so uh the main kind of challenge that we're solving through the conversations that we've had with many organizations is that they're feeling that they're not meeting the bar for efficiency and struggling to meet demands around speed and customer centricity um and the reason that we see.

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    This is because uh customer centricity is super cross-functional requiring seamless orchestration of teams across - Make Automate

    Marketing research product and engineering but work is really distributed and there's a few challenges that we see um so first we you know teams need to understand the customer with feedback but they really lack the ability to centralize and understand insights and that makes it really really hard to deliver campaigns or build products that customers really need um and daniel is going to be walking us through kind of a demo of what that.

    Looks like as well and secondly you know teams really struggle with the notion of planning and prioritizing their initiatives in a aligned way and this really leads to duplicative work and you know lack of coordination and no source of truth thirdly there's a challenge around production so being able to manage readouts and approvals and project execution which is really really highly manual today and teams don't know if they're on track relative to their goals and finally in order to measure success.

    When data is fragmented it's really hard to understand operational efficiency and impact on the business and so this lack of visibility not only keeps executives up at night but it also creates a lot of extra work for teens who are manually cobbling together outdated reports and dashboards and so net net you know there's an inability to really act on what matters most to the customer and a misaligned strategy that isn't tied to company goals as well as poor execution and burned-out teams and so what airtable really allows non-technical users to do is to bridge.

    Those information silos and easily build applications and processes that can immediately scale and change as the business does and so there's three kind of uh foundational elements of an application data logic and interface the first notion here is data which really stores the data that's essential throughout workflows and everything kind of builds on top of this so things like assets and vendors campaigns feedback and more so what we do is we allow you to define the data and create relationships that prevent.

    Information duplication instead of being forced into a specific data structure that leads to silos or difficulty of tracking uh truly accurate information and so teams can ingest data from any number tool of tools like typeform and zendesk for customer feedback or email csv and create powerful relationships between that data and next is the logic layer which does the heavy lifting of processing information and automating workflows with you know awesome platforms like make and slack to really enable flexible.

    Actions and reminders and asset distribution to different channels like hootsuite and twitter and so many of our customers are able to save many many hours per week through automations and finally the interface layer of an application is where users can input and consume and visualize the same information in different ways that meet their specific needs so in ways like calendar kanban gallery and more this really enables us to be that single system that can flex to meet the needs of diverse teams operating off of that shared information and so calendars can.

    Product if you want to talk about what we do maybe i should give you some context and tell you a bit about what's going on in

    Be synced to things like other calendar tools um you know filtered asset views can be synced to wikis or websites and custom analytics dashboards can include information from bi tools and more so stakeholders can really get that exact real-time view of information they need and so this is all really underpinned by this notion of ease of use so anyone can easily get value without needing to write a single line of code and so what i'll leave you here with um and i think this also dovetails really really nicely with what sharon was.

    Saying earlier is that the world is truly your oyster with being able to integrate these types of systems um and so here's a sampling of the common use cases that we really see across our customers and the vast majority of our customers have multiple use cases on air table because of how information in air table really has compounding value across teams including you know internal and external stakeholders and so with that uh super excited to hand it off to nico to share a little bit about typeform.

    Okay so the last but not least nico the floor is yours awesome hi everybody uh i'm nicholas i'm a developer advocate at typeform and i take care of the developers but i'm also taking care of the no coders like you um and if you don't know about typeform we're originally from barcelona uh in spain uh we've been around for a couple of years we have about a hundred thousand customers uh around the world and we just raised a series so that gives you an idea of who we are but i feel that if you want to talk about the.

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