DatePicker 3.0 for Excel UserForm 64-Bit Excel and 32-Bit Excel. Simply DragDrop and use - ID Card Make

DatePicker 3.0 for Excel UserForm 64-Bit Excel and 32-Bit Excel. Simply DragDrop and use - ID Card Make Hey everyone it's been a while since my last video I hope everyone is doing good in this video I will cover updates and enhancement added to date pickerx 3.0 and how to implement them in your.

DatePicker 3.0 for Excel UserForm 64-Bit Excel and 32-Bit Excel. Simply DragDrop and use

Project if you're new to this it is a free date picker which is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit Excel which you can simply drag and drop into your project.

User it is developed using VBA and user phone so you do not need to install any third-party software for this going forward I will be adding new.

Contents regularly so please do not forget to subscribe for latest updates and also kindly share these contents with your friends the new features that has been added to.

3.0 are one flexibility to set the first day of the week and second is the language mapping for the non-english users so in the previous versions Sunday was default first day of the week in 3.0.

You can set any day as the first day of the week as fire requirement and in 3.0 I've also added a language mapping or a settings for non-english users so if you're looking to add a language other.

Than English you can map them up in the date picker language mapping sheet these features will be added to all the variants of all the versions of the apicure X and can be downloaded from the.

Link provided in the video description setting up the first day of the week is very simple you just need to locate this module on mdpickerx and you need to set value for this variable so just specify.

Three characters of you know of the day for Monday you just specify mon for example Saturday if you wonder you're going to start by Saturday you specify this in this fashion so let's say that.

Um at the moment if I have to check this um so hold on let me take the non-english so here Monday is the first day of the.

Week um and if I go to date pickerx here and set this as Friday as the first day of the week see that Friday is the first day of the.

Week and the date will automatically you know uh pick up from there okay so it's as simple as that um just locate this module and update this variable now let me also quickly.

    Show you about the language bank so - ID Card Make

    Um within the file you'll see that there is a sheet called Eight bigger X line map so if you go there uh basically you can.

    Set um for the year as well as uh day of the week as you can see from the label you can make it out so you know you can rename all this as per uh you need so.

    These are settings for the month these are settings for all the numbers uh uh dates uh for the month and then these are for the week as I mentioned and.

    These are for the year uh basically you need to fill out all these ones um and try it out yourself so for example let's say that I want to set.

    Um this as you know um something else let's call this uh is that something like that and if you load this up you'll see that.

    Um this is that now right so um that is that is how you can map them accordingly um but you'll see here that the dates are still being calculated in English so.

    Uh when you write them here in write the output you can still manipulate the format however you want it to be done okay so be sure to include this um sheet as well and you can hide them.

    Uh from from your project file um just be sure to drag this one as well into your project and as far as the usage is going to be same as um you know how we've implemented it for.

    Others you can try it out and if you do have any questions on this new features uh please do let me know as far as the walkthrough uh since in the previous videos I've done a detailed walkthrough.

    Or how to implement this into your

    Projects I'm going to skip that uh in this video uh please refer to the link in the video description for how to implement them uh or walkthrough videos.

    And if you do have any questions or encounter any bugs or issues please do let let me know in the comments and then I'll come back to you as soon as possible so that will be all for today.

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