Create Database, Tables, Field Types and Upload Data - Oledb .NET E02 - ID Card Make

Create Database, Tables, Field Types and Upload Data - Oledb .NET E02 - ID Card Make In this episode we'll go ahead and create our project a sample access database we'll create some tables and also load some data manually so that we can work.

Create Database, Tables, Field Types and Upload Data - Oledb .NET E02

With those data okay i'm going to create a new project ctrl shift n i'm going to go for vst or excel workbook but you can choose any other.

Uh project type let's call this um working with tv and you know like you can choose a framework um you know i.

I'm gonna choose the latest and we'll use a new workbook instead of using extreme workbook because we have done in the past with existing workload let's try this out.

I'm going to just fire this up just to see if the project was created successfully okay everything is good now let's go ahead and create our sample.

Database from windows i'm going to write access and bring this up application i will choose the blank database if you you know like in the.

Future if you have to create prior formats you can go and get it from here by clicking on this button um we're gonna go with 2007 to 2016 okay and i'm gonna save this here let's call.

This sample bb if you want to encrypt the database uh i'll cover that in a separate video so by default this table will be.

Added like this okay you can just close it um in order to create a new table you go and click on create a table and click on.

Design mode here let's call this uh first table slider for now and uh here are this is where you put in the fill names and the data type okay so by default.

This one here is insert id with um photo number if you want you can keep it or you can also give it another name let's say like prime key or something like that.

And then change the data type as well if you want or you can um leave it as it is or you can just delete it by just pressing delete key or electro.

    Here okay - ID Card Make

    So let's say that we want to have a field called first name uh last name you can you know like choose the type of data so.

    Within that you know like the sort text as well there will be uh more uh you know like constraints that you can put in uh the text.

    Uh the limitation to the number of characters and so on okay we're not gonna go too deep into this so basically this is how you're gonna go ahead and choose you know like.

    For example let's say this is amount you can go ahead and choose a number and then from here you can choose if you want it to be double decimal uh integer long integer.

    And so on okay uh so that's how you'll create your table like this yeah or um uh the easiest way if you already have the data somewhere for example.

    Here i have a table called client um before i demonstrate that um if you already have a data set like this you can directly use it to create a table uh access will.

    Automatically figure the data type uh and further you can change it so let's see i already have a table like this let's say this is amount and this is.

    Called uh onboarding date or something like that and i'm gonna put some oh sorry i'm going to put some double number with decimals.

    And here i'm going to put a date like this okay so let's say you already have a data like this and you want to create a table you don't have to go and create each field one by.

    One if you have a lot of fields

    So i'm just gonna uh you know like add a field called id which we can delete again now copy this area and go and create a.

    New table like this and paste it like this by selecting this area okay hold on id and one two three.

    Then access should automatically um read the data yeah like this so click on yes and then i'm just gonna cancel this one if you go to uh design view i'll just.

    Leave this as default table too uh you can see here it automatically pick up the double data type and the date and time data type.

    Here and all these are text okay so this is how you can easily you know like uh replicate the table from your excel now i'm gonna delete these two that was just a.

    Demonstration we can also create a table programmatically uh will cover that in the next episode so let's go ahead and create a.

    Sample table called line with all this data set okay so i've copied this entire area and i'm gonna create a new table i'm going to select this area and ctrl v.

    Okay so it's pasted 500 records and now we'll go to design mode i'm going to call this as clients uh we don't need this this was just a placeholder so that we can paste.

    It to this table and this customer id is going to be the primary key primary key means uh it will not have a.

    Duplicate it cannot contain a duplicate here you can also limit the size um you know like you can index them uh make it required and so on okay uh so we'll talk more about this this.

    Postcode was automatically identified as a number but we'll have that also as things everything has text here okay all right so that is uh how we can.

    Create a table manually and upload data um in the next episode i'm gonna talk about how to uh programmatically create a table as.

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