Figma + Google sheets Insane Dashboard Design - ID Card Make

Figma + Google sheets Insane Dashboard Design - ID Card Make Welcome to other levels in today's video we will continue to learn how you can create this project status dashboard using Google Sheets it's available also in Microsoft Excel.

Figma + Google sheets Insane Dashboard Design

Version join our Channel membership and enjoy the full video tutorial visit our website to get the templates or download the data sets other Dash. let's create a drop- down selection for project criteria in criteria section select dropdown from arrange now we will go to.

Data set sheet and select the column containing project names it's time to check whether we can select different projects from dropdown now we will link the at5 cell.

With the drop-down list you can see that a T5 cell value changing based on the drop- down list selection and the all project details as.

Well because we have added a formula in previous video tutorials it's time to format the drop-down we will reduce the column to the extent that only drop-down button is.

Visible let's go to Advanced options and change the display style to arrow and color same as background color now add slicer for project timeline we will make sure that the.

Slicer is applicable for all pivots by selecting the apply to Pivot tables option in slicer settings now you can check that the other pivot data also changes on selection of different.

Year let's move this slicer to our dashboard and resize it it's time to know how you can create an outstanding background for this dashboard we will use figma software for creating it it's.

A free software and it's easy to use insert a custom frame with a width of 2,000 and height of 1080 first fill the frame with the linear color type for a shaded.

effect then select both the colors and change the linear effect from vertical to horizontal insert the main dashboard.

Background using a rounded rectangle shape drag inside the dot at the corner to make rounded borders and fill the color let's insert a background for the.

    Project's - ID Card Make

    Details adjust the size and rounded borders now we will fill the color similar to the background color please follow the.

    Color codes then add stroke color to the shape set its position and resize it now copy the rectangles and insert it one below the other we need to insert different sizes of rectangles for.

    Different types of data set the position and keep the borders around .

    It now insert a rectangle to the right we will copy the rectangle below.

    And set the position again let's copy another rectangle towards the left with smaller width now change the color type to liner and.

    Set both the colors set the linear color position towards the downside we will copy this shaded rectangle twice and set the position to.

    The left change the linear color it's time to insert an ellipse resize the width and height to.

    Same unit to make it a circle we will change the color type to angular and set both the colors let's change the color position towards.

    Inside we will change the effect to layer blur and set the blur at 500 units now copy the previous rectangle and adjust the position size and rounded borders.

    Let's now change the color type to

    Linear and set both the colors it's time to replicate this for stroke as well we will change the color.

    Type of stroke to linear and set both the colors now reverse the linear color position from left to tight and vice versa change the effects to drop shadow and.

    Set the blur unit spread unit and color percent we will now add another effect says background blur and set the blur unit insert another rectangle and move it over previous rectangle we will bring.

    This shape to front by moving it towards top now adjust the position size and color we will change the color type to linear and set both the colors let's move the linear effect from.

    Vertical to diagonal now change the shape effects to drop shadow and set the blur units size and color it's time to copy the rectangle.

    And adjust size position and rounded borders also we will fill the color with color type as linear and set both the Colors Let's now change the blur unit spread in color percent of drop.

    Shadow shape effects now copy this shape and adjust its position above the .

    Rectangle it's time to insert the images for background we will now export the whole background as image let's set the export size to 3x and image type to PNG the the.

    Figma background is ready for export let's move back to our Google sheet we will merge all the cells for inserting the background now let's insert the image.

    From insert menu image insert image in cell and set the position we will change the cell color and adjust the position of dashboard.

    Data that's all for today's video hope you learned something useful for you on the other hand you have an easy way to.

    Directly purchase this template from our website other Dash thank you and see you in the next video.

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