Modern HEADER Control in Power Apps: A Beginner's Guide - ID Card Make

Modern HEADER Control in Power Apps: A Beginner's Guide - ID Card Make Hello everyone razza here in this video we will take a look at the new header modern control for canvas power apps this control responds to Modern themes supports Dynamic.

Modern HEADER Control in Power Apps: A Beginner's Guide

Responsiveness supports a logo page title displays the user's profile picture and more so let's check it out in action.

The modern header control is a fundamental control that lets you design a standard header experience for your app screens this control responds to Modern.

Themes and is dynamically responsive this control supports a logo a title for the screen and display plays the current logged in users image to add this control to a screen.

I'll simply head over to insert and from Modern controls pick the new modern header control experience the moment this control drops on the screen the width is automatically.

Adjusting to the width of my screen and that is because by default the width property for this control is set to parent. width if we explore the properties for.

The modern header control the first property is the theme style currently it's set to the primary color of our modern theme so as I change the theme for the.

App automatically the header control color starts changing we can also select a light theme style which puts a lighter shade of that specific theme color or we can select.

Neutral I'll select primary we have the visible property so we can show and hide this control the title property by default it is set to app..

Activ screen. name meaning it will pick the current screen name on which this control has been added if I add another screen and I have renamed this to Tas.

Screen if I insert the modern header control here we can see the title for the header then there is a visible property for the title control as well the.

Property is called is title visible if I turn this off the title is not displayed in the header if I turn it on it shows the title title font.

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    Size this has been a top ask for modern - ID Card Make

    Controls logo by default an empty image is displayed that's the logo we can upload images to our power.

    App in my case I have an image called msft and if I would like to show that in the logo section of the header I can simply pick my image I can decide if I would like to.

    Show the logo experience or not in the header and there is also a property called tool tip for the logo I have updated the tool tip so if I hover over the logo we can see the tool.

    Tip in action and finally we have profile picture which shows the current logged in users image I can turn it off so it will hide the user's profile picture if I turn it.

    On it will display it additionally if I hover over it it will show the display name of the user and it is clickable if I select it it gives me details about the the user two.

    Properties are displayed the display name and the email address if I was to preview my app we can test the responsiveness of the header control in action currently I'm.

    Viewing it on my desktop experience let's change this to a tablet experience device held horizontally vertically here I'm going to a phone layout.

    Experience this is a screen in which I directly added the header control if I was to add a screen that uses the responsive layout controls I'll pick header and footer as the layout.

    Template here in the header container I will go and insert the header control here as well if I preview the app the header control is fully responsive the controls title property.

    By default is set to app. activ screen.

    Name this is something that we can change I will call it task management app if I was to preview and view this on a mobile.

    Experience you can see how if there is not enough real estate it places three ellipses next to the title the title font size by default is set to.

    20 and this is something that we can change now how about changing this dynamically depending upon the size of the screen I can add a switch condition to.

    Check the size of my screen my screen is called screen 2 in this case so screen 2. size if the screen size is one meaning mobile device held vertically the font size.

    That I would like to set in this scenario let's say is 14 else for all other scenarios I would like to keep the font size 20 this time if I.

    Preview on a mobile device held vertically that screen size one the font size has changed to 14 but if I was to view this app let's say on a tablet experience or on my.

    Windows size you can see how the font size changes if we head over to Advanced properties for the header control for the profile picture we.

    Actually have three other properties that are leveraged to display information about the logged in user there is a property called user image that shows the current logged in.

    Users image now this expects a data type of image so even if I was to provide the image that I have loaded in the media in my app it will display.

    That username for example Microsoft and in place of user email I can give some additional information here I'll put some text that.

    Talks about about the header control so now you can see how that user profile scenario was changed it shows my image I select this it shows the two text properties Microsoft and then the.

    Text that I entered bear in mind the header control doesn't automatically replicate across all your app screens it needs to be done manually to.

    Each screen meaning if I was to add a new screen and go and insert the header control you will note that the configuration of this header control is the default setting it won't directly.

    Replicate what I have before unless I go and copy this contrl C go to my new screen and paste it control V this control also has a property called base pallet.

    Color by default this is empty meaning the style property will follow the theme of our app however if I was to change the base color now the header control will not.

    Follow the theme color so we have the option here to define a different color specifically for our header control to revert to the theme color all we have to do is ensure that the base.

    Pallet color property is empty now it will start respecting the color of the theme now for this app if we focus on the header experience.

    I have a header container in which I added a label control I then added an image control that displays the current user's image and I've done something similar.

    For the form screen as well wherein I have this header section displays the title the image I also have a back icon now let's try and use the new modern header control in this app so for.

    My home screen in the header container I will go and remove both of these controls notice this header container has a property called fill I'm pointing this to app. theme..

    Colors. primary meaning whatever is the primary color of the selected theme of my power app if this was a brand new container this property would be as follows so.

    Let's select this header container and go and insert the modern header control for this control the height I would like to set as parent. height so.

    It takes the height set for my header container I'll go ahead and display a logo for this app I already have some images uploaded the title by default is taking.

    My screen name I will change this to issue Tracker app so you can see with one simple modern header control I get a fully responsive header.

    Experience for my power app let's go to our form screen for the header section I have the title the image which are basic properties in my modern header.

    Control but currently I do not have an option to add icons or have a clickable logo or an image so let's see how we can do that I'll simply go and delete all the controls in this container for my.

    Container The Fill property I'm going to respect the modern theme of my power app by using the following formula in this I will go and insert my header.

    Control the height for this I'll set it to parent. height in this case I do not want to show a logo I want to add an actionable icon to.

    Do that for my container I will go and insert an icon called back arrow now when I added this if you notice it went outside of the dimensions of this header section and the reason is.

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