Google Sheets Full Course Tutorial (2+ Hours) - ID Card Make

Google Sheets Full Course Tutorial (2+ Hours) - ID Card Make Elissa Smith: Welcome to LearnIt Training. The exercise files for today's course are located in the video description below. Don't forget to like and subscribe. Hi everybody. Welcome to our Google Sheets part one course. Now Google Sheets is an amazing spreadsheet application that works in a web browser. It's part of the Google suite of tools along with Gmail and also Google Docs. During this course, we're going to teach you how to create your own spreadsheets from scratch. We're also going to look at fast and easy ways to navigate inside the Google Sheets application. Along with that, we'll also show you how easy it is to work with Google drive to.

Google Sheets Full Course Tutorial (2+ Hours)

Save all of your Google Sheets online. And remember that makes for fast and easy access. We're also going to show you how to begin creating your own basic formulas and how to edit those formulas with things like absolute references. So join us for this course. Hi, everyone. We want to start by how do we get to Google Sheets from any web browser? It doesn't matter what web browser you use, but we recommend the newest versions of Safari, Microsoft Edge, Chrome, of course, Google Chrome and even Mozilla..

We don't recommend Internet Explorer because it's going away. Now, I'm actually logged into my Google account. If you don't have a Google account, get one. They're free, and it only takes a couple of moments up here in the top right hand corner of my Google account, you're going to see my access to my Google apps. All I need to do to access my Google sheets is to click on this app button, and it'll show me a list of all the different again, tools and applications that come with my Google account. And Google Sheets is one of these options. I'm going to scroll down just a little bit and come in and you'll see.

Right here that Sheets is one of the applications along with Google Docs, Google Keep, all these great free tools. All I need to do to access the spreadsheet application is click. You're going to notice that when I look at my web browser. URL bar. It has a little bit of a different URL because I've now switched over to create a new spreadsheet. Notice in the top left hand corner that it shows me the sheets application is the tool that I'm in and it's asking me if I'd like to either create a new blank spreadsheet, base my spreadsheet on one of the Google templates. These are pre made spreadsheets that you can base new spreadsheets on..

It's like a stamp or you're going to see a list of previously used spreadsheets. Now, in the top left hand corner next to the Sheets icon, I'm also going to see my main menu navigator. When I click on this, it just takes me in so that I can access some of the other applications that are part of my Google account, including, for example, Google Slides and Google Forms. All I need to do to close this is just click away from it, and the sidebar closes. When I'm ready to open up a new blank spreadsheet, which is what we're going to do, I'm going to come right here to blank, click on the plus sign, and a new blank spreadsheet will open up..

Now, some quick tips when it comes to navigating in your new spreadsheet. Remember that columns are known by a column letter. You can click on any letter and the entire column will get highlighted. Rows are known by a row number. So as I come in and click on a row number, I'll see the entire row gets selected. Each box inside the spreadsheet is called a cell, and the cell has a name that is indicated by its column letter and row number. Now you'll also see that in Google Sheets, there are drop down menus. There's a file drop down menu, an edit drop down menu, and the names of these menus help you to know specifically what they do..

So the edit menu is all about editing content in your spreadsheet, and the file menu is about working with the spreadsheet as a whole. So go into Google Sheets, try creating a new blank spreadsheet, and play with navigating in the cells. Welcome back, everybody. I'm in a blank Google spreadsheet, and I want to just play with some of the things that I can do to customize my experience and also navigate in cells. Now, the toolbars up at the top are drop down menus, and we talked about these earlier. But just remember that the name of the particular drop down menu.

Helps you to know what it does. So for example, the format drop down menu is all about formatting your spreadsheet. We'll do that later on when we look at how to format the content inside your cells. The tools drop down menu is about spell check auto complete and also notification settings. So it's a good idea to spend some time clicking on these menus and get familiar with what's under them. Underneath that, you're going to have your toolbar. Now this is something that you can again, customize by coming to the far right hand side. You'll see that you have the ability to hide those drop down menus just by clicking on the far right arrow..

Those drop down menus will basically turn off and then all you'll see is the toolbar. When you click on the button again, the drop down arrow, it'll populate those drop down menus one more time. The other thing that you'll see in the top left corner above the drop down menus is the name of your current spreadsheet. And when you're ready to actually give this spreadsheet a name, all you have to do is click. And type in the name of your spreadsheet and notice that the default location where it will save the spreadsheet to is my drive. This is on purpose. It stands for your Google drive..

As soon as I hit enter, my spreadsheet will be saved in my Google drive with that name, which is great because it means that it's now saved online in Google drive, and it'll be really easy for me to get to it later on. Now, how do I move around in this spreadsheet? Basically, you have a couple of different tools. You can click in a cell with your mouse. Whatever cell you click in will have a border around it and will be called your active cell. You can also use your mouse to left drag over multiple cells and create what we call a cell range, but you'll still see the first cell you clicked in as the one that's highlighted..

Now, another tool that you'll have over on the right hand side are your scroll bars. You can use your mouse wheel to scroll up and down. You can also just left drag that. Again, scroll bar up to get to the top of your spreadsheet by clicking and using scroll bars. You have fast and easy ways to navigate in your spreadsheet. In a future lesson, we're going to talk about some of the great keyboard shortcuts, but again, open up a new blank spreadsheet. Try saving it to your Google Drive and also practice navigating..

Howdy, welcome back. I want to show you some of my favorite keyboard shortcuts to use in Google Sheets. The great thing about a lot of these shortcuts is they work in a lot of other applications, including Microsoft. But the great thing is that a few of these Keyboard shortcuts will save you years of your life when it comes to navigating in a workbook. Now, if you need a Google sheet spreadsheet to play with, go to the practice files that there should be a link for in the description of this course and open up the file called navigation. I want to start by showing you one of my very favorites, and it's to get between the top and bottom of the spreadsheet..

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    No matter what cell you're clicked in and remember the cell you're clicked in is your active cell on your keyboard. - ID Card Make

    Look for the control key with the home button. Now these mostly work on a PC. If you're using a Mac, then I would suggest Googling keyboard shortcuts for Google sheets for Mac. computers. But when you type in control at home, you'll see that it takes you to cell a one. So it always takes you to the top cell of whatever sheet you're in. Now, the opposite is to do control with the end key. This one will take you to the bottom of the spreadsheet or the last place.

    Someone actually entered information. But between these two keyboard shortcuts, control plus N and control plus end E. N. D. You can toggle between the top and bottom of your spreadsheet. Another one that I really like is the control a or select all keyboard shortcut. This will select all the cells in your workbook. You just take control a and it's like a as an apple, the entire spreadsheet where there's data will get selected. Another way to do this same thing without using a keyboard shortcut is to come to where the rows and the column letters meet. And you'll see that if you click, this is a select all button to select every cell in your spreadsheet..

    Another great keyboard shortcut is to go to the top of an area where you want to select everything below it where you have typed information and then do control shift down arrow. Notice this will only select the cell. cells below that have information typed inside of them. This can be a big time saver because you don't have to select an entire column or row and you don't have to scroll down to select all the content. Remember if you select something and want to deselect it, just click in a cell outside the selection and the selection will turn off. Just remember, these keyboard shortcuts are to save you time. You don't have to use them, but again, I recommend having a few well.

    Remembered keyboard shortcuts in your toolkit because they will save you a lot of time navigating and selecting content in your Google Sheets. So give some of these a try and remember you can use the practice files at any time. Welcome back. I want to look at how to edit content in cells and also how to delete content. So first of all, how do I just edit something that's in a cell and replace it with something else? Well, the first thing you need to do is click in the cell that you want to edit. Now, just a reminder that if you need a practice file in Google Sheets so that you could try this out, go to the course description, click on the.

    Link, and you'll see all the practice files that go with this course there. I'm currently in the file called Navigation. I've clicked in the cell that I want to replace. Contents. And then all I'm going to do is type the new information over the top. As soon as I hit enter, you'll see that what's in the cell is entirely replaced. Now, what if I only want to replace part of what's in a cell to either correct it or update it? For this, I can click in the cell and then if I double click, it will give me a blinking cursor. I can also go directly to the cell and double click and my cursor will.

    Appear inside the cell and I can actually type the correct information. When I'm done, I can hit enter and the cells contents will be edited. Another way to go about doing this is actually click in the cell that I want to edit and then come up and use the formula bar. This can be used to either do data entry, editing, or for formulas. And we'll use it when we do formulas later on in the course. I click up in the formula bar, type in the information I want it to say, and then hit enter. And we'll see that whatever I've typed or edited in the formula bar will be entered in the cell. Now, another thing that can happen is needing to quickly.

    Delete content in cells. For this, what I want to do is come to the cell where I want to delete the content and then select the additional cells. A great keyboard shortcut we've already talked about for this is to do control shift down arrow. Remember, everything that's typed will get selected. Then all I need to do on my keyboard is hit the delete key. Every cell that's selected that has contents. So the cells aren't deleted, but the contents of those cells are deleted. Remember, you also have the undo button, the most important button in Google Sheets..

    So on your toolbar, if you come to the far left hand side, you'll see that the undo button is there. It points to the left when you're facing your screen. And then, of course, the redo button points to the right. I can use the undo button or control Z to undo anything that I've mistakenly done. So just remember that navigating in the spreadsheet and editing content is really just as easy as clicking in a cell, typing in the update that you want to make, and then hitting the enter key so that you can move forward. Go ahead and try it out on your own in your own spreadsheet. Hi everybody. Another great tool that's available to you in Google Sheets are the templates that Google has created..

    These are a great way to get started if you need a specific type of workbook, but don't really know how to begin. So to locate the templates, I'm inside Google Sheets in an untitled spreadsheet. And remember, you can do this on your own as well. But I'm gonna go up to the file drop down menu, like I'm going to open up another new spreadsheet. But rather than going in and just Opening up a new blank one. I'm going to select new and take a look at the additional option here. That's called from template gallery..

    This is one way to access the templates that have been created by the Google team. And again, a template is like a stamp that you can create.

    Your Google sheet from, but they basically created the architecture of the spreadsheet for you. A really fun one to try out is the annual budget, but notice there are a lot of different ones, including a wedding planner in this list. It's kind of fun to explore. And especially if you're new, some of these can save you a lot of time. All you do to use the template is click on it and you'll see that the template will open up in a new browser tab with the same name as the template file..

    So I picked the annual budget template. And it's called annual budget. It, of course, will be saved in my google drive folder. But if I want to give an additional name, I can just click next to the title and customize the name and hit enter. Now you'll see that there are directions right here, step by step that teach you how to use the particular template. This one's telling me that I need to go to row 13 and enter in my own total budget amount. So I'm going to just type it over the top of what's already there. Then it tells me I need to go down and go to the tabs for expenses and income..

    So I'm going to come down to the expenses tab. I would enter that information in. Then I would go to my income tab and enter that information in. And then you'll see that it tells me that I can also delete and rename those tabs. But the basic architecture of the spreadsheet is here ready to go for me so that I don't have to spend the time trying to create that. And it really is a great way to explore and try out some different types of Google Sheets without having to go to all the time necessary to do it on your own. So try some of the templates out because they'll be a great way for you to practice using Google Sheets. And also save yourself some time..

    Welcome back. Have you ever had data that you really want to drill into but you're not sure how to go about it? You think I'd love to create a chart with this data or I'd love to be able to pivot this data, but I don't know how. Well, Google has created a tool inside the Google sheets application called explore, and it's all about helping you explore your data when you really don't know where to begin. Now, I have currently opened the trip data spreadsheet. It's available in the practice file. So go to the link in the description and open it up. To locate the explore function, you're going to come down to the very bottom.

    Right hand corner of your Google sheets application, and it says explore. It has a cool little kind of green square with a star inside of it. When you click on this, it opens up the explore pane. It does a lot of different things. It allows you to ask questions about your data. It even makes suggestions. And then it has the opportunity to format, create pivot tables, keep scrolling down. Even create charts. So how do you use some of these different elements? Well, the first thing you need to do is hover over the thing that you're interested in. Let's start with a chart. I'm gonna go ahead and hover over this chart, and you can see that in.

    The top right hand corner that it gives me the opportunity to insert the chart or even to view it full size. Let's start with viewing at full size. When I click on this, it shows me basically a screenshot of what the chart looks like. There are also arrows here that will allow me to kind of zoom in and out on it. When I'm done, all I need to do is go to the top right hand corner and click on the X. If I'd like to insert a specific chart, all I need to do is hover over it. Come to the top right where you'll see a chart with a plus sign, click and the chart will actually be inserted into your data..

    Remember, you can just left direct the chat chart out of the way because it's like a graphic, the sizing handles on the corners allow you to size it, and when you click away, it will deselect the chart. Additional options are going to be where it gives you possible questions. If I come right here, for example. where it's saying this is a suggested question. I can click and it will actually give me a pivot table of the answer. Now remember, if you're not familiar with pivot tables, this is something we'll talk about in a later course and lesson, but it's all about taking large amounts of data and focusing in on specific facets of this data. If I decide I'd like to take this pivot table and put it in again,.

    To my current data set, I can come in and you'll see that there is a delete option to remove it. And then right here, I also have an option to actually preview it. And then down in the bottom right, I can insert it into my spreadsheet. And that's what I want to do. Again, it's saying, is this the correct range? I'll say create. And I'll see my pivot table will be put on a new tab down at the bottom. And again, this is showing me an average of information from my sheet data. But my actual base data is back on the Sheet1 tab. So again, notice all the options that the Explorer Task Pane is giving me here, including the ability to take my data and format it with.

    Alternating row colors, along with additional tools that also helps make it easier for me to read into the data. So this is definitely something to explore. Go in, open up the TripData practice file and try playing with the Explorer Task Pane. When you're done with it, all you need to do is click on it and it will close. Welcome back. I'd like to open an existing Google spreadsheet and also learn how to go in and save a spreadsheet. Now, right now I'm in an untitled spreadsheet and I'd like to open a spreadsheet that's saved to my Google drive..

    I'm gonna come up to the file drop down menu and go to open. When you go to open, you'll see that there are different locations that you can get to from your device. Recent files would be any recent Google sheets you've opened. My drive will take you to your Google drive, and this is your online cloud storage. That's part of your Google account. There's also a shared with me. This is where you have had a Google sheet or spreadsheet shared with you by someone that you work with or a friend. You also have computers. This means the ability to actually locate computers that you can.

    Connect to through Google drive. And then also the ability to go in and actually upload a file that saved locally. Now, in our case, the the spreadsheet I want is actually in my Google Drive. So I'm going to go back to the My Drive tab. When I come in, all I need to do to locate the one that I want to open is find it in the list of different files that are saved and double click on it. This will actually open it up right inside of my Google sheets application, and I'm ready to go now. If I want to save it or update it with a different name, as I've already shown you, I'm going to come up to the top left corner,.

    Click next to the name that's there. It'll show me where it's currently saved, and I'll type in the new name. right over the top, and this will save it. Remember, everything saves as you go, because Google Drive is online, and so is Google Sheets. So you actually don't have to worry about saving anything, because as you work, your files are saved automatically. Remember, it's auto save, not insta save. So if your internet speeds a little bit slow, you might have to refresh the browser window, but everything should be saving as you work in the spreadsheet..

    That means as soon as I select some cells, And for example, put something in italics. It's automatically already saving. In fact, I can see that once I know it's been successfully saved, it'll tell me that and then it quickly disappears. So working with Google Drive and Google Sheets is a great combination. Because everything is saving as you go and everything defaults to save in your Google Drive. If you'd like to save it somewhere else, notice right here that next to it there is a move option. This would allow me to actually go in and locate a different folder,.

    Or even create a new folder to save the Google spreadsheet in. So try this out. Go in, open up one of your own Google Sheets. So I'm going to see how easy it is to work with Google Sheets and Google Drive. Welcome back. I want to take a minute and talk about the main place for files that you use with Google Sheets will be stored. It's in your Google Drive. Google Drive is a free cloud storage tool that comes when you sign up for any Google account. Now from inside any Google Sheets file, you can access your Google Drive..

    One of the ways to do that is to go to the top left hand corner to what we call the main sheets home button. It looks like the icon that represents Google Sheets. When you click on this, you're going to see that it takes you back to the getting started screen of Google Sheets where you can create brand new sheets or go into one of the templates that comes with your Google Sheets account. Now, from here, I'm going to go to the top left hand corner. Again, you'll see three horizontal lines. These will take you to the main menu of Google Sheets. This is also a way to get to some of the other applications within.

    The Google suite, including Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Forms. But at the very bottom, we've got the icon representing your Google Drive. When you click on this, it's going to take you into your Google Drive account. Now, a couple of main things about your Google Drive account when you come into it. The different locations where you can access files from will be over here on the left hand side. My Drive represents the different files that you've brought into your Google Drive account. Computers means any computers that you can access files from. And then, of course, shared would be any files that have been shared.

    With you through Google Drive. Now, for us, we're going to focus on My Drive. Now there are a couple of different ways to get files into your Google Drive account. One of them is to go to the new button and you can either upload files or folders or create brand new content. You can also drag and drop content from Exec, for example, from your Windows Desktop into your Google Drive account. We're just gonna upload a file to show you how easy it is. I'm gonna go to file upload. I'll navigate on my computer to the file that I want to bring in, and again, it's a good idea. For example, if it's a spreadsheet, then I'll go ahead and click on Open..

    And you'll see that that file will get added into my Google Drive account. And now it's here. I have a copy of it online. I'll be able to use Google Sheets to update it. All I need to do is double click on the file from Google Drive and it will actually launch a new browser tab. That will take me into my file in Google sheets, and I'll be able to start working here. But when I make changes or update the file, it will automatically be saved to my Google drive. It's a really great relationship because I can open the file seamlessly and know that they're saved right in the cloud in my Google drive..

    Hi everybody. Let's talk about the formula bar in Google Sheets. It's made for two things. To insert formulas and to do data entry. We're going to try it out with data entry and also make sure you know where it's located. So to get to the formula bar, you're going to go up and right underneath the data entry. The toolbar at the top, you'll see this long white bar directly to the right of the cell name box. When you click inside, it allows you to again, enter data into cells or create formulas. Now to use it for data entry, you're going to click in a cell, then go.

    Up and make sure that your cursor is blinking in the formula bar. You'll type in the formula bar what you want entered in the cell. in the cell, then you'll hit enter and you'll see that whatever you put in the formula bar gets entered into the cell. I want to show you one more thing. I'm going to highlight a couple of cells at the top of my spreadsheet and go up to the format drop down menu and then come down to merge cells and select merge all. This will take cell A1 and merge all of the cells B1, C1, and D1 into one cell..

    And then I can also go up and use the center button to center that information inside the cell. Now you can also turn the formula bar off. So if you don't see it, go to your view, drop down menu, come to show and make sure that there's a check box next to the formula bar. In addition to being able to show and hide the formula bar notice here, you can uncheck to turn it off. You can also go to that view drop down menu and turn off the grid lines that represent the different borders between cells and also show and hide formulas that we'll talk about a little bit later..

    I want both my formula bar and my grid line showing so I'm going to go back and turn them on. Now remember we have a practice file for you, so go into the practice files, open up sales 2 1 and try using the formula bar to do some data entry of your own inside your Google Sheets files. Okay, we're ready to try out our first formula. Now a couple things to remember about formulas. You always begin where you want the product or answer to go..

    So you begin at the end. I've clicked in my spreadsheet in cell B11. And please remember if you'd like to follow along and try this out on your own, go to the practice files, open up the file that goes with this exercise, which is sales 2 1, and you can try it out. Now that I've clicked in cell B11, I'm going to hit the equals sign. Now it's interesting to note that as soon as you type equals, you're going to see the computer changes. Google Sheets changes. Notice how all the drop down menus are grayed out up at the top?.

    And that's because we're in formula mode. Google Sheets is now assuming we're creating a formula. And in fact, it really tries to help us as we create this formula. You're seeing an example of a potential formula right now in cell B11. That Google Sheets thinks we're going to create, and this is the formula we're going to create. But rather than taking the suggestion, I'm going to have us type it out so we can talk about it. We're going to be using a thing called a function or a built in formula that comes with the Google Sheets application. So when you add up cells, you need to type in the word, Some..

    This is one of the built-in calculations that come with Google Sheets. Now, as soon as I start typing it in Google Sheets tries to be really helpful with this list of potential formulas that I could use. If I like one of these potential formulas from this list, all I have to do to use it is click on it and it enters it into the formula I'm creating. The next thing you'll see with syntax in the formula is a parentheses. This will enclose the difference. cells in my Google Sheet that I'm adding up. In this case, it's everything from B7 down to B10. So I'm going to come in and highlight the cells, and you'll see that it will, again, enter the cell names rather than the values..

    This is also important because it allows those values to change, but the cells will remain the same. Therefore, I can put different values in the cells and the formula will stay the same. Now, I really need a closing parenthesis, but a nice thing you can do with a formula that only has one set of opening and closing parenthesis is just to enter And your formula will be complete. Now let's check, because in the cell I see the product or the answer, but if I click back on that cell and come up to my formula bar up here, then I'll actually see the formula. If I ever want to see the formula, I can go to the cell where the formula.

    Is located and double click on it. The formula will open up, but be careful, because what you'll see happen if you accidentally click somewhere, you can actually Accidentally edit your formula. So remember, click in the cell where you see the answer and check the formula bar for the formula. So we're seeing here the syntax of a formula. Every formula starts with an equal sign. If you're using one of the built in calculations, you can use some, for example, to add, then you're going to see parentheses, your cell range, and then a closing parentheses..

    And voila, we have our first formula. So give it a try. Welcome back. I want to show you a fast, easy way to copy formulas. A lot of people stumble on this function, but if you haven't, it's going to change your life. It's called the autofill command. Now you'll see that I'm in a spreadsheet called Sales 2 2. Please feel free to open it up in the practice files and you can try this out on your own. We've completed one simple formula, a sum function, it's in cell B11. So click in cell B11. Then I'm going to take my mouse pointer and I'm going to put it right over the bottom right hand corner..

    Now here's the really important thing to get the right autofill. You need to make sure that your mouse pointer looks like two black intersecting lines, like you're aiming at something. It doesn't need to look like a white arrow, it doesn't need to look like a white hand, it needs to look like. two black intersecting lines like you're aiming. You're going to hold down your left mouse pointer and drag it over to the right. Now what it's copying here is the formula, but what I want you to see is how the formula has adjusted to its new position. So the first formula, if I double click on it, I'll see is summing B7 through B10..

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