Power BI Update: Top 10 New Features in 2020 Q1! - ID Card Make

Power BI Update: Top 10 New Features in 2020 Q1! - ID Card Make Let me show you the top 10 features you must know about in the power bi desktop update so far in 2020 and if you hang out with me today here's what you're.

Power BI Update: Top 10 New Features in 2020 Q1!

Going to learn my friend you're going to see the feature which makes it easier to refresh large data sets or data sets over slow connections oh my god your.

Life is going to be so much easier now with this feature you're going to see something which takes the good old slicer to a whole new level.

And we have a feature which leaves bookmarks in dust if you loved bookmarks well you're gonna love this even more and you have something which.

Is gonna help you get rid of the annoyingly small eight point font size forever and more so all that is coming up so stay tuned my friends so this is our power bi 2020 q1.

Update and we're gonna cover three months uh january was a was there was no update so we have for you december 2019 february 2020 and march 2020 in.

This quarterly update let's get things started with number 10 but hey i'm being rude i should say hello i'm avi singh microsoft mvp and best-selling power bi author.

And if you want to become a power bi pro make sure to subscribe and yes click that bell so you are notified whenever i go live to answer your power bi questions you.

Know i love doing that now we also have a month by month playlist covering all of the desktop updates and their key features.

So you can catch up on anything you might have missed really really quick and we're going to put the link in the corner and down in the description below now the top 10.

Features we're going to cover today we are also going to put links in description so you can get a lot more details about these features if you are.

Interested and a friendly trip tip from us if you're watching this video on your mobile device and then you can tap the video title.

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    To view the description they just you - ID Card Make

    Know don't make it easy for you do they all right so let's get going number 10 is multi-column sort for tables and let's see this in.

    Action in power bi so here we have our model a table and it's sorted by sales and i could sort it by country let's say but now what you can do is you can hold.

    Down the shift button so you can't see it but i'm holding down the shift button and click on another column so watch what happens so now it's sorted by country and then by.

    Occupation how cool is that so that is a number ton number 10 multi-column sort for tables at number nine we have setting a column as a custom url.

    Now i must say these features don't sound as exciting as as they are they are pretty cool number nine is pretty cool so let me show you.

    How was the thing how were things before so here you could have a column linked as a url as you can see i have linked this as a url but you know.

    Sometimes i don't want to show that ugly url who cares about the url i mean i could turn it into an icon but instead i don't even want to show this field i just want to link the name of the.

    Country to the url that i have stored and you can do that now which is exactly what i've done right here so you can see.

    If i click this i will open a different screen but you get the ideas of that url open so let me see if i can show you really quick how that's done and i'll link to the video with more.

    Details on it so that one

    Uh the field if you go into size and i just search for url and there's the setting you set it to a web url and you select.

    The url that you would like to be shown so that's uh that's a pretty awesome feature i think and again we're going to link to a video in the description where you.

    Can get more detail about using this feature if you need to let's get moving on to number eight new dax functions hey it's always a party when new dax functions get introduced.

    And this time we have three we have coalesce and we have first non-blank value and last non-black value coalesce for those who come from sql background.

    They're pretty familiar with this function and essentially it's a more elegant way to do something like this so earlier you would say oh if this is blank then use.

    That otherwise use this and coalesce just makes it look a lot more elegant and you can also use this for multiple values so you can say coalesce.

    Actual says rejected sales zero so check this if that's not blank show that else move on so um so yeah so more elegant way to show that what about these ones i will say that.

    This uh got me for a spin a little bit i'm like oh what's the difference here well let me show you what's the difference here now they do look similar and we're just going to look at one the.

    First non-blank first non-blank and its cousin first non-blank value and the syntax looks similar and you would use it in similar manner as we.

    Have here first non-blank customer column and sales but let's see this in action so here we have customer and sales now for the first non-blank it returns.

    The column right so it returns this part so it scans for scans the column for where the first non-blank sales value is found it finds that.

    But then this guy returns the column value whereas the next one you probably guessed it returns the value of the measure so that's the difference it again gives you.

    It gives you a lot more flexibility so i think that's a welcome addition now hey just a reminder that a lot of these awesome stuff is coming up so don't be anywhere don't.

    Touch that remote stay right here my friend and hey uh one a shout out to our number one ranked power bi tutorial so if you're just getting started or keep getting.

    Stuck in power bi then make sure to check out our tutorial uh we're gonna link to it in the corner and down in the description as well for number seven we have updates.

    To new ribbon and the actual updates are pretty minor but i must say i had to call it out because i'm so in love with the new ribbon so.

    The new updates mostly are around these small icons which make it similar to how the excel interface is and there's also some keyboard navigation as you can see.

    I can use my keyboard and keyboard keys to kind of navigate through this which makes it uh more accessible as well so cool features but overall.

    As i said i'm kind of in love with the new ribbon and i love the direction it's going in where they're they're kind of making it pretty similar to excel.

    Which is a great interface and makes it easier for us to go back and forth across tools so hey if you love the new ribbon then uh give a shout out to the power bi team in the.

    Comments down below number six is the enhanced data set metadata as i said before these uh features sometimes they don't sound as exciting as like uh what.

    What that what is that it's gonna put me to sleep but trust me this is exciting stuff and i'm really truly excited about this stuff so what is this about.

    So the pbix file that's so far that has been stored its structure was not similar to ssas tabular which is the the big cousin of power bi desktop files but now with this feature you can make.

    That structure to be similar to that what does that give you that essentially gives you portability between power bi desktop and ssas tabular.

    Now if for those who may have worked with this using power pivot models they remember that the portability between power pivot and ssas tabular where you could just right click in ssas.

    And say i want to import a powerpivot model in in my sshs tabular now for those folks who have no idea what ssas tabular is really this is the distinction and so.

    Business users typically are going to be working with power bi desktop whereas it works in in bigger systems and they use different tools ssas tabular.

    But earlier when the dynamic was this business versus it and they were fight with each other and you know trying to control each other and all of that stuff nobody was happy.

    But power bi is really showing the way of how these two units which are part of the same company and have the same goals can really work together so again kind of a small shift here small feature if.

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