Automatic ID card creation in MS word using ms excel help in hindi print on A4 page (CC) Word

Automatic ID card creation in MS word using ms excel help in hindi print on A4 page (CC) Word Hope you have learned to make ID card How to generate ID card in excel Automatic ID Card Intro If you haven't seen our video.

So I am putting its link in the description you can see from there And in this video we'll tell When we print the ID card and We have to print a lot of ID cards together So how do we generate more ID cards together?.

I told you to do one thing at a time Lots of ID cards together Will generate at once So do watch this video till the end It will be very useful for you.

Welcome friends, I am manoj kumar and you are watching Computer Gyan Guruji Channel let's learn I have small file here You may have a large file.

If you are in school and making student ID cards So there will be a very large list of students I have taken a list of 10 employees And inside a folder I put a photo of them You learned in a video how to make a single ID card.

For that we took a photo here And to print multi ID card simultaneously We have to print a lot on A4 size Then we have to get help from MS Word For that i make it here.

Automatic ID card creation in MS word using ms excel help in hindi print on A4 page (CC)

Instead of photo, I will put link of photo here The short key to insert a link is Ctrl+K I placed photos inside this folder And all these photos All these have to be adjusted to equal size first..

Any photo you scan While scanning Photo size will be adjusted What size photo should you put on the ID card Adjust that size.

And with each photo name Like this photo of this name is If you make it ok, that link will come here We will use Ctrl+K again and.

Link to Govind Here's the link go to third Use the Ctrl+K.

We will go to the photo and this is Jitender This photo came, okay, so we'll add a quick link In taking such links If you have 50 - 100 names Then it will take you half an hour.

Take these links, OK Now these are the Slash It's double slashing than we will select completely will use Ctrl+H for replace.

    We have to replace single slash Wesdigital

    With double back slash, Ok and will click replace all You will see that all of them will be replaced at once. We do not have to replace everyone separately.

    This work complete and save this file OK Now let's go to Microsoft Word Take a blank file margin will adjust it.

    Now the question comes that you have to generate ID card To portrait or landscape if portrait So in almost this place, an ID card will come And if you landscape, 2 ID cards will appear in one page..

    Sorry not in a page, in a row According to that insert a table go to insert click the table If we If you want to do portraits, you can have 3 in a row.

    And if you want to landscape, there will be only 2 in one row And how much can come down If there are portraits, below 3 will come and if landscape is there, 4-5 will come. So we do 3 9 ID card in about a page.

    Standard size will come Now adjust hight of Row We will increase its hight do complete Select the entire table and increase the complete hight.

    This will be the size of the ID card We get it down It went to another page Reduce it a bit in a page.

    9 ID card arrived Its border is to be drawn correctly adjust the border we will go to design and take border line as you wish Take the size of the border line.

    Ok Now we just have to design an ID card You can create a nice design for this Suppose, I have taken a shape and put a shape here.

    You can do whatever color you want to fill the shape with

    I do it Darken a little Now right click on it and click the add text Here we have to write the name of our organization.

    Done in the nest row write the address If this is going down then what will we do its.

    Let a little line space work Take this one, and align center its do bold If you want to increase the size, you can do it.

    Lable is done And if you want to label, you can also put below Same for below signature Employee signed and office sealed For that you label below.

    Similarly take a shape Now we have to work in the middle So come here a little bit will write ID card here and Will leave space for photos.

    What to enter detail Name And what we have to put put the designation put the address.

    Contact number Want to add more detail with this put branch, Or instead of branch we do Let's write here on the top ok.

    Employee ID what is ID It's detailed we can bold it Can also color.

    "ID Card" align center Can increase its size and can bold it now for photo for photo from here Have to take another table.

    Only single column and single row Ok Resize it comfortably According to the size of your photo will adjust here.

    And they will remove the extra space Now see how these things will be done in everyone Now we have this ID card Want the same in everything So what will you do for him.

    You will see there is a mailing option go to the start mail merge in the mailing tab and click the label here We will turn on its label Whatever it is, let it be and make it okay.

    It shows it according to the label Will undo to come back (Ctrl+Z) We will come back to the same page The label we turned on is now showing the update label We have this option turned on.

    Now we have to update these labels on all Then we will directly click on it You will see all ID cards will be automatically generated is done Now we have to fill.

    We will fill one by one than mostly time will waste, While we have the table here is it So how will, this table is save the "Some fact in excel" name So keep in mind by which name your table is saved.

    And that data is in which sheet This is in data sheet number 2 We call it mail merge If you have not seen, you can watch our mail merge video Now we have to take on.

    Firstly we go to "select recipients" and go to here "use existing list" click on it So this option will give us which list to take We have saved that inside the documents.

    This, "some fact in excel" we will open this here will open, there are only two sheets here Our data was inside sheet 2 select the sheet 2 and click ok.

    So all that data was generated here You will see the option of "Insert mail merge" here All the data is visible here Now we have to take this data, where to take it Need a name instead of a name.

    So here we will come a bit further than we need names want here than go to "insert field" and click on name again in the designation.

    Come here in front of and choose the designation from here again, address Addresses will come wherever they are needed go to insert field again and choose the address.

    Here is city or address contact number Then go ahead go to insert field, and The mobile number is a contact number.

    Similarly employee ID choose the employee ID from here here it is All the details are done.

    Now our photo is left Look here if you want a photo write a code here click here and using your keyboard press Ctrl+F9.

    Than appear curly bracket and we will write here "include" include IncludePicture, Wrote so much.

    Use "space" here double cot (inverted coma) and now go to Insert field Like this place and click the "photo" field.

    As soon as clicked, see everything disappeared here Never mind don't let tension go Now we have nothing to do we have only It has to be updated once so that all the work gets updated..

    So I do update lable here All updated now we click here on "Finish Merge" go to finish merge choose edit individual document.

    And "All" from here As many as all are generated and click OK So you will see that all the details got filled here with a single click Everyone's ID and Name has come.

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