Background Music in Power Point Office

Background Music in Power Point Office hi guys welcome back to powerpoint glamour in this video today let's check out how to insert background music.

In your powerpoint presentations most of you must be thinking it's old we already know how to insert it but trust me there are some enhanced features.

That you can still try out using this option so please stay tuned so this is a presentation that i have prepared it has some pictures related to.

Fitness and all so for example if this is a presentation that you want to present to a prospective client or any business partners.

You might want to add some music to give it that effect so this presentation is ready let me quickly tell you how to insert music so first you need to go to the.

Recording tab once you click here you see a bunch of options all of that you need to click on the audio under audio you have two options which says audio on my pc and record.

Background Music in Power Point

Sound the record sound helps you in recording the voiceovers so we'll see that later now click on audio on my pc.

Then it takes you to the file browser you can select which sound file you want to insert i have downloaded this file let me select this and click on.

Insert so when you click insert you see this audio icon you see this audio file which is inserted on your first slide so make sure it's on your first slide all.

Right so it's inserted it's done let's play and see what happens click on the show okay if you see the sound is playing.

Perfect now if you go to the second slide the sound disappears there is no sound in the second slide so what.

We want is we want the sound to play in the background while we are presenting so let's go ahead and check how to do that so go to the first.

    Slide where we have inserted the audio

    Just click on this icon and once you click on it a playback and an audio format menu opens up so when you click on the playback.

    Tab you see a bunch of options again so out of these options what you need to do is click on play in background okay just click on this option and when you click on this all these options.

    Get enabled play across slides loop until stop hide during show so what happens is this option once you click on the show this option disappears and when you.

    Select this option play across slides it will play across all the slides so let's see if that's correct .

    So so if you heard the music was playing across all the slides so that's great that's.

    What we wanted now let's look at a few more options as i was saying there are certain enhanced option which you can work around so when click on this go to the audio.

    Format so audio format is nothing but uh changing the icons of changing the style and the type of this particular icon that you have here.

    And then you can crop rotate so it's like a picture picture format so there's nothing all called formatting the audio or anything and then go back to the.

    Playback option okay there's an option called add bookmark for example if you want to play the music from this second onwards you can add a bookmark and then you can.

    Toggle between these

    Commas so when you before you open the presentation just click on this bookmark and then play the presentation so it will take you to this particular.

    Point so that's another option there is another option called trim audio for example if you have a file in which you don't like the beginning it's very slow.

    If you want then you can drag it till here and you don't want the end so you can drag it here and then trim the audio so this will be trimmed and the audio will play from this point.

    To this point only so in this case we want the whole audio so i'll just leave it like that click on cancel and the the two options which are beautiful.

    Fade in and fade out for example um there are certain sounds which just immediately starts with the higher volume for example if you want to give it a.

    Cinematic effect in which you want the sound to fade in for the first two seconds and then you can do that one two seconds it will fade in and then go to.

    The original volume and then towards the end if you want to fade out you can again add the uh or the time there so let's add one second without.

    And then this we already discussed so we need to make sure we select the play in the background so that's how you can actually add audio to your presentation.

    And the other option is that which is very beneficial is after you have added the music to the presentation you can export this presentation to.

    Video and when you export this presentation as a video the sound the music also gets copied like a movie so that's wonderful try.

    This option out guys and let me know if you have anything in the comments so when you click on this you have the option of full hd just click.

    Make sure it's full hd and then click on create video once you click on create video you can save it where you want and the video will be ready.

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