How To Customize bbPress Forum In WordPress Website

How To Customize bbPress Forum In WordPress Website Hi everyone welcome to live blogger in this video I'll show you how to customize the forum that we created using BB prayers in the last video and we'll also be adding pages for.

Registration so that new members can register to our forum so let's get started the first thing you can do to completely.

Change the look of your forum is to change the theme so if it is possible change the theme of your website so that the forum looks even better so let's go to our dashboard and let's go to.

Appearance and then click on themes and we click on add new and let me show you a couple of themes that work well with the BB press forum so there's the theme called.

MacBook let me just install it and show you how it looks so let's activate it and now if you refresh our forum and we can see this is how our form looks so it has completely.

Changed the look of our forum all right so let me show you another theme so click on add new and there's a minimalistic theme called Ruby let me just install it and then click on.

How To Customize bbPress Forum In WordPress Website

Activate or a so now let's refresh our forum and this is how the forum looks so we can see that the theme of our website greatly influences how our form looks so let's click on forums and this is how.

The main page of our forum looks now let me just install one last theme and then we will start building the registration feature so the last team I'm going to show you is called shopping cart.

So let's go ahead and install it and then this click on activate alright so this is how our forum looks let me just disable these share buttons for our forum so we'll go to a dashboard.

And we'll go to share this share buttons and we'll just turn this custom post types off and we'll just click on update so now let's refresh our page and we can see that the share buttons is no longer.

There right now let's add a sidebar to our forum so that users can log in or log out of their account so if you take a look at the sidebars right now if you go to appearances and then click on.

Widgets you can see these sidebars over here and we have a sidebar called the main sidebar so it has search recent posts and recent comments so if you take a look at this sidebar we can see that.

Posts Related:

    The main sidebar is now activated for

    This forum but we need to have a separate sidebar just for our BB pres forum to make that task easier we will just go ahead and install a new plugin.

    So go to plugins and click on add new and we'll just search for BB pres WP tweaks so just go ahead and install this plug-in and then we'll activate now if you go to appearance and then click on.

    Widgets we can see we have a new sidebar over here called BB pres sidebar now whatever we add over here will be displayed on the sidebar of our forum so let's first of all add BB press login.

    Widget and we'll also add recent topics and will also give a title to our login widget all right so now let's click on save and let's refresh our forum and.

    Here we can see we have this custom sidebar for our forum and it says member login over here and we are already logged in so it says logout and the username and then here we have the.

    Recent topics so this is the topic that we had recently created in our forum now let me show you how it looks when someone is not logged in to our website so let's go to forums and I'll just open.

    This in incognito window so that we can see how it looks when we are not logged in so here we can see our member login and here is the login forum and here are the recent topics now if someone wants.

    To become a member of our forum then we cannot see any registration link over here so let's add that so in our dashboard we will go to widgets and if you open the BB press login widget we.

    Have two options over here called register URI and lost password URI now here you have to paste the links of your register and lost password pages so let's create two.

    Pages and we'll just call this one

    Register and click on publish and then just copy the link of the page and then paste it right here and we'll create one more page for lost password and we'll.

    Call this reset password and then click on publish and copy this link and paste it right here alright now just click on save and now if you go to our forum we cannot.

    See any changes over here because we are logged in let's go to our incognito window and let's refresh our page so here we can see two links register and lost password so if I click on register.

    We can see that the register page is being opened but we don't have any registration form over here and we also have the lost password and we don't have any content over here as well so we'll.

    Just fix that so we have to add content to our register and lost password pages so for that you have to use the short codes of BB press so just Google for BB press short codes and you get this link.

    So just click on this page and here we can see short codes for all the things that we have in BB press so we have short codes for forum index forum forum and topic index topic form and all these.

    Things so we can add this wherever we want in our website now the short code we want is BB p register and BB p lost house so we'll just copy this shortcode from here and we'll paste it in our.

    Register page so just go over here to pages and I will just edit our register page and we'll just paste our short code right here and update now if you go to our forum and if you click on register.

    We can now see the registration form so we'll do the same with our lost password so just copy this BB p lost pass short call from here and we'll open the reset password page and we just paste our.

    Short code right here and then click on update right now if we click on lost password you will get this reset password form over here now if you try to register a new user over here it may.

    Show you an error message so let's just add some user name and if I click on register we get this message called user registration is currently not allowed so.

    Let's go to our dashboard and let's go to settings and then to general and here we have an option called membership so here we have to check this box called anyone can register and then click on.

    Save so now let's go ahead and refresh our page and now let's add our registration info and let's click on register and we can see that the registration is now complete so whenever.

    You register you will have a secure password sent to you via email and then you can verify your account and then login so that's basically it for this video if you have any doubts you can ask.

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