Learn Windows 10, New Features, Tips and Tricks

Learn Windows 10, New Features, Tips and Tricks Hi I'd like to welcome everyone to our live Windows 10 webinar my name is Kara Clifford and today we're gonna go over some of the new features available in Windows 10 and I have some other great news that if you're joining this webinar we're actually going to give you a free half-day of applications training Microsoft applications such as Excel PowerPoint onedrive or Yammer and if you're interested in attending one of these classes at no charge please go to these subscription information right.

Under the channel and check out the link and that will bring you to our web page to sign up again my name is Kara Clifford we're gonna go over what's new in Windows 10 and I'd like to thank you guys for joining us here in San Francisco in one of our classrooms getting ready to go into all these cool new features all right so we're gonna move into Windows 10 and I was really excited when this came out as it as it's been being released I was a little hesitant to download it on my own computer but I actually did a few days ago and I love it I'm very very happy.

With it I think it takes puts together everything that I loved in Windows 7 and those cool new features in Windows 8 and then just makes everything better so we're gonna start off with the the first thing is our Start menu so we're going to begin with the Start menu and just like before it hasn't changed too much it's down in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen and it has that Windows icon and of course we still have that ability to use the window key on our keyboard and that will actually launch our Start menu.

So no more fullscreen Start menu like we had in Windows 8 we have the similar Windows 7 Start screen it has the search bar along the bottom it has all of my different apps and programs and again I can go into my settings or File Explorer you can see I'm logged in as Kara see and I can go to my Google Chrome or getting started or paint I can scroll down through the apps on my computer and.

I can even resize the skirts Green so if I want it to take up more room or less room I can do that as well so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna open up the search menu I'm gonna go ahead and search for something and as I do you'll see that I've already been using this Cortana has started so I'm gonna say hey Cortana and it's gonna open up the settings panel so hey Cortana open up the settings sure starting settings so Cortana is our.

Virtual assistant Cortana was introduced as a way to have a virtual assistant to do all of the searching for those of us that are familiar with Siri it's the same idea but really even more robust I still haven't got completely used to using it but we'll go over some of the ways you can utilize Cortana on your Windows 10 computer throughout today's training so it opened up my settings and I can close these out or I can say hey Cortana what's the weather in San.

Learn Windows 10, New Features, Tips and Tricks

Francisco right now it's 61 and partly sunny in San Francisco so Cortana is able to give me information based on my search preferences based on information on the computer I can have Cortana open up applications or create events on my calendar and it uses that natural language search I activate Cortana by using the phrase hey Cortana remind me.

To buy eggs at the grocery store sure remind you when you get to grocery store there's a long Hawass grocery store on 9:06 stopped in the street in San Francisco is this the one you want yes yes all right I can remind you to buy eggs when you get to long Hawass grocery store sound good yes great I'll remind you you can also see it in your reminders list any time.

So Cortana makes it really easy to use that natural voice search to add information to your calendar to find things it's really fun you can even ask Cortana hey Cortana what are you wearing but she didn't hear me hey Cortana what are you wearing just a little something I picked up in engineering so Cortana even has a sense of humor so this is one of the big things this is a lot of what's being advertised in Windows 10 is this Cortana feature I think that it's.

Really great and I think most of us especially in the business world we're going to have to really see how it fits into our day-to-day but really just finding files finding applications it becomes very handy and I think a lot of us are going to really adapt to it real quickly hey Cortana open WordPad sure thing here's WordPad so here is an example of Cortana I think one of the coolest newest features of Windows 10 I'm going to go ahead and move into.

Another new feature of Windows 10 and that's the new browser for for many years a lot of us have have strayed away from using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer is still available in Windows 10 it's just kind of hiding in a very dark back corner in case you need it for whatever reason but edge is the new browser and here I see I have it available on my taskbar and we'll talk about the taskbar a little bit later as well I'm gonna open up edge and hey I might as well use Cortana hey Cortana.

Open edge starting Microsoft edge so edge was designed to really search the modern Internet it is a very powerful browser I haven't had a chance to use it personally for very long but the few things that I've been able to do it that I've been really happy with again when I open up the edge browser it gives me a preview based on my location of the weather some major league baseball it knows I like.

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    I'm a Giants fan and it gives me that search bar now when it says it's going to search a web address it's going to

    Use being so you know for those of you that are diehard Google fans don't worry you can still download your Chrome browser but it does a lot of other really great things so I'm gonna just go in and check out some some information from this homepage it's all this news related to me in previous searches I'll go check out the NASA search and I could decide you know this is really interesting I want to take some of this.

    Information and maybe save it or I want to highlight information at the top right corner of my browser I have an option it looks like a little square with a pencil in it and this is gives me the options to go into note-taking mode this is similar for those of you that have used OneNote in the past this gives us a lot of those OneNote features like taking screenshots writing notes highlighting so I can go over here and grab a highlighter and highlight a.

    Section of my text I can take a screenshot so here I can do a clip of this information by dragging right over that information that I wanted to save and now it's copied this to my clipboard where I can utilize this information and an email or in a Word document wherever I want to share this information maybe I can put it out on social media somewhere so using this edge browser it gives us a lot more than.

    Just the standard search capabilities standard web viewing capabilities it gives us the ability to make notes and save information that we think might be valuable I can also add comments so I can make a note on something so I can highlight a section and type in a little note and now that note can be saved now once.

    I come up to the top right corner I have this option to save the web note and it gives me some options of locations OneNote is Microsoft's notetaking application it's come default for a number of versions of office and I can send it to OneNote or to my favorites or to a reading list all right so I'm gonna go ahead and send it to OneNote and now I know my note was sent and saved so really great when you're doing research or if you're collecting information for a project edge browser again takes you and gives you those capabilities way.

    Beyond our standard internet browsers all right when I'm done in my note-taking mode I can exit out of this and it brings me back to the web page and I can star it as a favorite I can add it to a reading view or I have a little hub that gives me all of my recent downloads and setups all of my history and my favorites right so again it's designed to be a more robust browser and I am really happy with it so far I'm sure that it'll continue to get.

    Better with each new version but for right now it seems to be a great tool so I'm really happy with it okay so now that we've talked about the Start menu the Windows Microsoft edge browser and our Cortana I'd like to come down to the taskbar I'm going to use one of my favorite keyboard shortcuts in a Windows machine and that's the window key and D that always minimizes every open application that I have and allows me to see my desktop and one of the best things I think is that the desktop takes more of a focus so here I have my.

    Desktop screen and I have all of the applications that I've added to my taskbar and there you see the edge browser and if I hover over it it gives me a preview of what was on my screen here to the right I have my file explorer window this is here by default as well as the Windows Store so the Windows Store is still around it's good gives us off access to all of our different apps and I have a number of other.

    Applications running in the background which I won't won't go into too much now there is a new symbol and it's right in between this search bar and my edge browser and if I hover over the top with my mouse it gives me a preview of all of the open windows on my desktop at this time and you can see I've got WordPad open I've got that edge browser I've got the Settings panel and a programs and.

    Features program now what's new about this that you'll notice over in the far

    Right is there's a section to add a new desktop right so we'll come back to that in just a minute but this is something that I really am excited about having multiple desktops now in addition on the taskbar to that task view we have our Cortana where I can launch Cortana by saying hey Cortana close WordPad alright opening WordPad as you can see it almost got it right I can also search in here.

    By typing - so if I want to just lurch look for something maybe I want to look for my mouse settings I can just type it in and of course it's going to open those up and bring me directly to the settings for my mouse and touchpad to the right of my open applications I have my control panel my battery life and then I can see my internet access I'm can click connected through a LAN access my speakers and then something that's new is the notification section and one of my biggest complaints about Windows 8.

    Is that you would get a notification and unless you were right at your machine at that time when the notification went away it was gone and it was nearly impossible to find what that was now you'll have a feed in the act center of all of your recent notifications you have access to turning on Bluetooth - brightening your screen and it's right here really easy to access all of this information you can even set quiet hours where you don't want to be notified I wish I did that so.

    Again this new Notification Center is really helpful if I get too many and I don't want them here anymore I can use that clear all in the top right corner so I find this new Notification Center really helpful now because Windows 10 is set up to use touch panels to use touch screens it will recognize a touch screen if available I can even go into touch screen mode with my keyboard so I selected that keyboard and I can go in and search and type for things and then.

    To the very far right I have my calendar it's still here I love this calendar they've modernized it a little bit I can go into my date and time settings I can add a second time zone if I want I can have it update automatically so again we still have that calendar and then the very far right is still that show desktop it's just hidden even tinier than it was in Windows 7 but if I click on that little right corner just to the.

    Right of the date and time my open applications will minimize and I'm left to my desktop screen now as I mentioned one of my favorite new features in Windows 10 is the ability to have multiple desktops what does this mean exactly well I know for myself sometimes I end up with so many open applications so many open websites that it gets a little bit overwhelming and sometimes even if I'm working on a specific.

    Project I'll still want to have my personal files maybe my Twitter or my facebook open but I don't want it distracting me from that work that I am doing so one nice feature that we have with Windows 10 is to have a secondary desktop so this icon right to the left of my edge browser this will show me all of those open windows and then at the bottom right like I mentioned earlier I can add a new desktop so I'm going to add a new.

    Desktop so as you can see desktop one has that edge browser my WordPad documents where desktop 2 is just completely empty everything is minimized so this is a great way again I think to time block to help manage projects it's to be able to utilize multiple browsers running at the same time so for this browser I'm going to open up some other applications maybe I'll open up paint for my calendar or my contacts as I open.

    These one of the things that I keep hearing back is how much people love that they apps don't take up the full screen for those of you that we're familiar with Windows 8 in Windows 8.1 our apps were always maximized and you couldn't treat them like a regular window I started getting used to it but now that it's gone I'm so happy it's great to be able to utilize these apps just as a regular window I can put them into half screen mode I can switch back.

    And forth so again just a I think a really smart fix from the the team at Microsoft is giving us that ability to put these apps into just the normal window mode so now my desktop number 2 has my people paint open whereas my desktop number 1 has my edge browser and my WordPad and again I could switch back and forth simply by clicking on that task view and moving between my two desktops so big fan of that if I wanted I could even go back to that screen and.

    Add a third desktop I haven't got to the limit so so farther I have five on my screen right now I don't know if that'll help you but if you have a family that's multiple people are using the same computer this is one one good way to avoid having to close open windows that someone else has left up and maybe shut something important so again we're going through what's new in Windows 10 and hopefully you guys are getting excited about this I know it really has.

    Been a great tool for me so far and I'm just getting started with it I just want to remind you guys that anyone that's attending this webinar gets access to a free desktop class and what we mean by desktop is any of our Microsoft Office training classes so any Microsoft Office topic some of you might have been like what is OneNote well we have a great class on OneNote and attending this webinar gives you a free module a half-day of training and you can get more information on that from the.

    Channel description it's in the link or send us a message on Twitter and we'll send you the link there as well so we're gonna continue on with our topics I want to go into a couple more things we just finished talking about our virtual desktops and task view and now I'm going to open up the Windows Store so by default the Windows Store is available through our taskbar now sometimes I have a lot of people ask me when I'm teaching.

    Classes on Windows is I don't like all this stuff on the taskbar or how do I get more stuff on the taskbar so if you don't like having that window store if you know you're not going to use it or if there's other things that you want to add you can always right-click over the top of any of the icons on the windows taskbar this will give you the ability to unpin the program from the taskbar and that will remove it now you can still open it it's not taking it off of the computer it's just taking away that shortcut but I'm gonna go ahead and.

    Leave it because I think there's a lot of great stuff in the windows taskbar this is a place where you can go to download games for any of you Xbox users you should be really excited about this I'm gonna go to apps tops app top charts I'm a big fan excuse the siren going down Market Street right now I'm a big fan of Netflix always loving the Netflix as well as Kindle and Amazon and here they have apps for all of these and as you can see a lot of these top apps are free to download these apps.

    I'll just go ahead and select it it'll bring me to the App Store and I can go ahead and download this free Netflix app oh gosh my favorite apps typically are the standard ones like the mail app but I love Dropbox I love onedrive the Twitter app is really great if you're trying to use Twitter more it's nice to have it really conveniently opened on your computer and again remember with these apps will have access to them through our Start menu so this is again a nice way to display all.

    Of the apps that we have you can see right now I've got an Xbox app I've got my news app who doesn't like playing solitaire on the computer I can get an app for that so again the apps really help you make Windows 10 your own by giving you access to the things that you're regularly going to use right food or drink fresh paint oh and look there's Internet Explorer for those of you that were missing it so the Windows Store is going to always have the newest and greatest things I always recommend people checking it out you'll always be.

    Surprised at what cool stuff you might find in here and the good news is is most of most of it is free so just free access you'd have to put your own Netflix account in there but again the app is free so I'm gonna go ahead and close out of our Windows Store by going to the top right corner and just closing out just like I normally would and I can see that it's no longer open my taskbar puts a line under that application it looks like a white line there when something is actually open so I can quickly move back to my edge or to my.

    Settings my control panel now I mentioned briefly that the core apps have changed a little bit I just want to go over that one more time because I think this was a really big deal so I'm going back to my Start menu and here I have my calendar app and I'm going to open up my calendar app I have it fully set this up on this computer this isn't my personal computer but again I just want to show you guys that it's not taking up that full screen some.

    Shortcuts keyboard shortcuts and things that I loved in Windows 8 and Windows 7 were the ability to quickly put things into half screen mode so whenever you click down with your mouse across that top bar you can drag it to the right and as soon or the left and as soon as it hits the left-hand side it's going to snap it into half screen mode now what's new with Windows 10 is that it gives us every open file a little preview of the all the open files on my computer right here and I can select WordPad and it puts it directly in half on the other.

    Side so this is again an old feature that's been revamped and I'm really happy with it because I use this all the time I can even put it into quarter screen mode so it's pretty cool to be able to quickly split those and not only into halves like we were able to do in Windows 7 and Windows 8 and 8.1 but now with Windows 10 we can even put it into quarters all right don't forget though you can always open them in your second or third or fourth or fifth desktop I'm.

    Gonna go ahead and close this out because I really don't need this many desktops all right so again we're talking about what's new in Windows 10 there's so many great features we're going to be covering just a handful of them during this free webinar but I do encourage you guys to check out our upcoming Windows 10 classes if you go to learn it comm you'll find information on all of the classes that we run and Windows 10 classes will probably be released.

    Towards the end of the year sometime in q4 or early cute one but for now anyone that's attending this webinar gets access to our free desktop live online training courses what that means is you can attend from wherever you are whether it's your office or your home and you can take classes in Excel or outlook PowerPoint anything any Microsoft application that we teach here at learn it which is pretty much all of them and if you're lucky you might even get me as an instructor so we'll see so again we're covering these new features.

    Live from San Francisco I just want to run through all of the things that we've been talking about up until this point and that's specifically our new Start menu so we've got our we've got our new start menu down at the bottom left corner again the Start menu has that search capabilities the Start menu is no longer taking up our full screen.

    We've moved back towards the the size of the Windows 7 Start menu it still gives you jump lists and pinning excuse me mm and has our search our searching and again the big change was searching is our Cortana hey Cortana find me restaurants in San Francisco so Cortana found opened up through the edge browser a list of a bunch of great restaurants in San Francisco I think trying to.

    Figure out what I'm gonna do for lunch today so this is helpful so again Cortana gives us access to all of the information through the web or on our computer locally it helps us create reminders it tells us the weather and you know even can tell a joke here and there so I'm pretty happy with Cortana so far I think that might be my favorite part of Windows 10 in addition to Cortana we have our lovely edge browser where we can put that into edit mode at the top right corner I can make notes I can highlight text I can make comments.

    So if I want to save some of these restaurants one of these looks good I can do that right here within the browser so no more having to open up the snipping tool or snag it it's all right here built in to edge Microsoft's newest browser in addition to edge Cortana and the Start menu we also have our taskbar new and improved so again it gives us previews of open applications it gives us our great Notification Center so I.

    Have all of my notifications where I can check my Wi-Fi or set quiet hours turn on Bluetooth or put in airplane mode I have my keyboard again this is a touchscreen computer so when I select that keyboard icon I it's all set up ready to go for a touchscreen and then most importantly I've got my task view and might ask you again allows me to open any of my quickly go to any of my open windows or create additional.

    Desktops so you can stay organized and focus on the task at hand rather than getting disrupted with your Facebook and Twitter like I sometimes do and then again we've got our Microsoft store we've got all of the great new images and clean lines of Windows 10 so I think this is a gonna be a real hit I'm really excited for my clients to start using this and to start creating some full training courses on Windows 10 I thank.

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