Web Automation - How to import web data using VBA

Web Automation - How to import web data using VBA hey guys welcome back to BB A to Z if you remember in our last two videos we have learned how to use VBA to control the web elements using we have used the.

Internet controls Microsoft internal controls and the HTML object library to do this and today I'm gonna show you one more thing like how to use VBA to synchronize data from the web pages I.

Have this web page which is MIDI control calm and here you have the latest you know the most current stock market market action of the top buyers and you know I mean this is just an example so.

I'm not going into the thing but the idea is basically to synchronize the data from the web page which you can see right here for example okay so I'm just gonna quickly dive in for example what I.

Did for myself I mean I have done quite a number of stuff using other tools as well but for for me you know sometime I try to you know synchronize how many views are there in the YouTube channel.

For example and how many subscribers are there in this channel for example okay so we have I've already created a connection and you know every time I run a microt it gives me you know that my.

Web Automation - How to import web data using VBA

Ladies these of subscribers and ramiz as per date so for example if I run this code right now if I run this it will give me as of right now what is the subscribers I've got so I'm expecting 53.

And then 166 thousand views right so if so if you can see down here it's copying web data to your sheet and it first copies the data to one sheet and then it try to pull this into a new sheet using.

You know loop and all this so if you look at this this is 853 as you can see up here is a tree and then the views is same as of this so basically we're trying to do.

A similar stuff here so I'm just gonna close this for now I'll create a new workbook okay this one is not the one that we're using earlier this is a different one we're gonna so first I.

Have this link let me take this link first the webpage doesn't have to be open so let me close this I'm starting my recorder how this cold is sing beta and then I'll click on data and then.

I'll click on from web get external data from where I'll just go and put in this link and click on go so if you get a problem like this just allow it to run this is for the JavaScript and you know.

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    The data that needs to be loaded for

    This page to work okay okay so once your page is loaded like you can see if you see this arrow so if you click on this box and if you click on import it will.

    Import the whole data that's on this page okay but since we don't want that let's say I just want to import all these tables okay.

    So just take this box for example let's import all these six tables okay so once you've selected the table that you want or the data set so all that can be imported will you have a box like this.

    The arrow Mar basically so check that box and once you're done with that you just click on import okay so you select wherever you want import let's go to properties and quickly check that you.

    Know everything is fine and it will this and if you want to put a name for this you know import it just put that name once you're done just click on OK and then ok again so I'm.

    Expecting that the data will be in eh looks like it's copying the data this year so it once you are able to set up the connection it's definitely I'm stopping my.

    Recording definitely what gonna work again next time when you do it again so let's say I've cleared this date down it will say like the rains associated with the quarry is gonna be deleted I'll say.

    No let's clear that they done not the query okay so if you right-click on this area you'll see there's a refresh there okay so as soon as you click on refresh it will synchronize the whole they die.

    Again here for you like that so as simple as that you can use the matter like this to get the data you want from any of the webpages okay works pretty consistent I've used this for a.

    While and I hope this work for you as

    Well so once you've set up the connection you'll be able to see the connection is here okay so if you go here you'll see.

    This is the connection string like money control calm and all this okay so if you click on add a query ok that we don't need can't do it for now that's just because this is not like the other.

    Connections that will become like a fresh one that you be creating again so the other thing is like if you go and see the code if you have to recreate this or if you have to share this to.

    Someone you can just disable this common type equal to zero so for example let me just delete this tab okay let me just delete this tab and the connection is gone.

    So if I run this I am expecting this to do the same kind of work that was done so I'll just run the code and I'm expecting the data to come here right so it's there so this is how you can pull.

    The data from the web page and if you want to you know if you don't want to run this code every time you can simply let me just record a macro again and this you know instead of running the.

    Same code I can just run the retrieve instead okay so if you go to the code you'll see here that range one that's like and then saying query table that refreshed by.

    Grigory false so this at the top this thing data is basically this is creating connection and then importing the data from well okay so this is simply refreshing the connection so I hope you.

    Found this informative I'll you know have this the code in the blog as well but I think you can just try it out yourself and then if you have any questions please feel free to come back.

    For any questions so sometimes you might not you might not get the data in the same layout like you want but the way it gets imported and works is pretty consistent so you might want to write.

    Additional code to organize your data in a different tab and let this one be you know like the connection I can bridge to the website so that's all for now thank you so much and I will try to do more.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue tomake videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ocd5T_--1kg
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