Make Filtering Data in Workflows

Make Filtering Data in Workflows Hi there and welcome in this video we'll take a look at how to use filters in your workflows so with filters you can define what data should be going where in your workflow or you can stop.

Specific types of data from going to other apps if that's what you want to now let's take a look at a quick example so this workflow is looking for new emails and then sending messages to.

Slack but i only want to hear about the really important emails and that's exactly where filters come in so to add a filter i can either click this wrench icon here.

And click set up a filter or i can click the line that's connecting the two modules i can also give a label to my filter in this case i'll be checking for the.

Sender email address and only allowing emails from specific senders through the folder so we can call this filter the sender filter.

As for the conditions i can start defining those by clicking the field here and i can use the data from the email module to define that.

Make Filtering Data in Workflows

Specifically i'll be looking for the sender email address so let's use that here next i'll select contains and i'll type in manually an email.

Domain that i want to use this is the email domain of a tool that i use every day so if i get an email from them it's probably going to be important and i.

Want to hear about it immediately okay so let's confirm the setup now let's test the workflow and see if it works the way we want it should grab two emails but only one of those should.

Be allowed through the filter we can see that the run was successful and we can also see number one next to the filter icon here and it's telling us that only one item was allowed through.

The filter we can also click this to expand and see more details and here we can see that the first email was allowed through because it was from the correct email domain and then the.

Second one wasn't allowed through the filter because it was from a different email domain okay so we've covered the basics of using filters i hope this was helpful.

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