Where do Business Leaders get Stuck when Adopting Power BI Talk Power BI LIVE Q&A (Feb 5, 2021)

Where do Business Leaders get Stuck when Adopting Power BI Talk Power BI LIVE Q&A (Feb 5, 2021) yes hey .

Where do Business Leaders get Stuck when Adopting Power BI Talk Power BI LIVE Q&A (Feb 5, 2021)

yes let me see is my audio good yep hello all right testing .

Hey right .

hey .

so do .


Um um do .

so do do.

All right well hello and welcome folks hopefully you can hear me okay and rocket is there quick hello so we can do audio test i get it hello everyone yeah and the start is always like yeah is is this thing on uh let's see all right folks i know there's a little bit of a lag but uh yeah let us know if you can hear us uh we've been chatting with some of you already papa chaudhary is here manisha is here.

Uh mathias is here uh i think was it alice who had joined us earlier uh yes it was alice and zunair is here uh so yeah say hellos let us know where you're joining us from hopefully you can hear this yeah all right there we go great so donald is here he's saying the audio sounds great uh so folks yeah i'm still in india you know i plan to spend about a month here um and just uh you know it was the time was such that i needed to be.

Closer to my parents so i'm glad for that but um i'm also glad that i'm somewhat over my jet lag if you joined us last friday i was i was you know almost having to duct tape my uh eyes open so today we got a special topic and and of course we're kind of switching gears at learn power bi we had an amazing um launch and kickoff for our power bi consultant program and now we're switching gears to.

Something something that is close to my heart which is the power bi pioneer that is the business leader who's trying to evangelize or push power bi within the organization right so but now that that is frankly a persona that i haven't quite served i haven't really focused on serving them but i want to change that this year uh so we're kicking that off with today's session and if you go to our site learnpowerbi.com.

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    You're going to notice that we have big things coming in march in march we're planning a power bi

    Conference all around that business leader the barbie pioneer persona and we're also going to officially launch our power bi pioneer program so that's what's coming next so today we are here to talk about the challenges that they face and i got some topics lined up but before that let me introduce our special guest rakesh and rakesh runs bi dashboards.

    Out of south africa and there's a link in the description to rakeisha's linkedin profile i believe you can connect with him there and of course from his linkedin website you can find his website and check that out as well and rakesh by the way is also one for newest members in the power bi consultant program so folks this is where i feel like 2021 is going to be an epic year because.

    Think about the synergy we have one group which is folks like rakesh kind of power bi consultants who are focused and dedicated on helping other companies succeed right and then we're getting together as a group of power we have pioneers who are these leaders or aspiring leaders within their company who are trying to you know kind of go go big with barbie and make a big impact so yep this group you know these two we really expect these two groups to work.

    Closely together um awesome so rakesha before we actually dive into the topic maybe tell us a bit about yourself tell us a bit about your company uh sure avi um so bi dashboards was launched last year in the pandemic um yo i'm still currently employed though and i'm running the company on the sideline uh so i'm working as a senior data analyst uh for a telecoms uh contact center.

    Inbound and outbound contact center that specializes in sales the company i mean i launched it um it's still pretty small it's a small startup and i've had one client more in the irrigation space for they normally sell um irrigation parts and uh carry on irrigation perform irrigation duties so yeah uh it's still in its very early days yeah but but otherwise yeah so your focus is.

    Around sales and and in mostly in the telecom sector is that right that is correct yes yeah awesome so uh hey all all big stories start small and yeah and actually i've always had a problem with you know like they categorize small medium large businesses and of course if somebody would would would would uh what's happening to me who would look at my business they would label me a small business.

    Um rakesh i'm gonna kick us off and this is the first thing that luis had said and he said

    Right but man i never liked that term because it's just for one it's hierarchical right i mean small is necessary yeah by definition is not as great as medium which is not as great as large right so it's just and it just never made sense so i'm still looking for the term of course there's a solopreneur i love that i do like that term um and but somebody said small but mighty and i like that too so yeah man i mean it's it's it's great you always say you're you're.

    On the launch pad ready to take off what a great place to be so rakesh thanks for being here so again folks we're talking about the business leader the power bi pioneer who are right i mean leader or aspiring leaders and they're trying to they see they see something they see the pain in the current organization frankly you know it frustrates them a little bit and and they see the hope too they have seen right the bright side they've seen what power bi can do and they want to just you know if they.

    Could wave a magic wand and just have everybody using power bi that's what they would do but of course they don't they don't have that magic wand they have to take the hard route and there's some uh obstacles and challenges in front of them so i also want to thank luis uh uh luis trilba i'm not sure if i'm saying his last name right but he really helped me out with our early conversation about this with him uh that was a private conversation but some good ideas so.

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