Power BI Dashboard: Employee Benefits Dashboard by Kyle M. Power BI Challenge

Power BI Dashboard: Employee Benefits Dashboard by Kyle M. Power BI Challenge What results can a power bi beginner get in just 30 days you're going to meet one of our 30-day dashboard challenge participants and see that you can quickly get incredible.

Results with power bi even if you feel like a beginner right now when kyle started on his journey he had perhaps the same doubts and fear that.

You have but listen to him share his journey and see what he was able to accomplish and you can get the same results by participating in a 30-day dashboard.

Challenge just visit learnpowerbi.com challenge to learn more and sign up hi everyone you can see my screen right abby.

Yeah we can yeah all right so my name is kyle i'm an employee benefits consultant um so what i do is i help employers design their employee benefits packages so this.

Would be to attract new talent as well as to retain the employees they have and ultimately to take care of them as well including the health conditions that.

Power BI Dashboard: Employee Benefits Dashboard by Kyle M. Power BI Challenge

Their employees might have so in canada we have a public medical system but it doesn't cover everything so for example drugs aren't covered under the uh the health system in canada as well.

As what we call paramedical claims so things like physiotherapy massage therapy psychologists even even.

Travel coverage if if somebody wants to go out of country then the canadian government's not necessarily going to pay for when they need to go to a hospital on.

That that vacation to the bahamas for example and then there's some other medical services and supplies hospitalization if somebody wants to go.

In a non-war room isn't covered by the province so basically an employer can take anything that's not covered by the government and decide what they want to provide for their employees so this.

Is a good way to attract employees and these plans will generally not just include the employee but also their whole family so you'll have an employee their spouse as.

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    Well as their children we'll all be

    Covered by these programs so uh yeah i worked in this industry for about 10 years and then left my job in january to start my own.

    Company uh and one area that i think will be a big differentiator for my company is the data analytics behind these programs um so a cool thing about this industry is in insurance there's.

    Always a lot of data so a lot of data to crunch through historically i became better and better with excel but of course you can hit the.

    Limitations of excel pretty quickly if you're using too many rows of data so with my old company similar to purni i kind of worked my way up to a level where i wasn't able to really dig in to.

    The data anymore so my job was to peer review what other people were doing make sure everything made sense but i wasn't really allowed to build my own.

    Models and that type of thing so one of the things i'm excited about about my new company is going back to really being able to dig in and do some of this analytics work.

    So this dashboard specifically is to help an employer figure out what types of health conditions their employees might be facing as well as their employees.

    Families in order to design their wellness programs so some employers will design wellness programs such as providing gym.

    Memberships or maybe some special mental health support that type of thing so it's it's good for an employer to be able to track how the health of their employees at their organization are.


    So what i've got here is i've split the claims that come through from the insurer into healthcare and drugs so drugs are generally the largest portion.

    Of these programs and then i've basically mapped so these were two data sets one was the healthcare claims one was drugs and i've mapped these all onto.

    Different health conditions so i've got 200 000 claims here uh with different codes that i've then mapped into what the health condition is that that drug addresses for example or that type of.

    Service or medical supply would apply to uh and then within the program there's some different groups that are covered so there's retirees there's salaried.

    Employees as well as unionized employees there's actually like 12 different groups but they can all be kind of mapped into these three different categories so i've mapped those into a.

    Slicer and then i figured an employer also might be interested in okay of the claims that are coming through what.

    Which claims actually relate to my employee and what are the health conditions that my employees are facing uh versus their spouses and their children so i've got.

    One quick visual here where basically you can click on it to filter down so if you want to look at the health conditions just for the employees for example you would see musculoskeletal as.

    The first autoimmune diseases and then mental health would be number three uh whereas if you're just looking at the total group you see musculoskeletal first and.

    Then mental health um so yeah it's kind of cool they can drill down um i haven't actually shown this to any clients or prospects yet but the idea was that i was polishing it as i went so.

    Abby gave me some pretty good feedback to start with which i've incorporated so far um so i show the evolution over time as well i've got five years of data um i.

    Actually should say this one's only three quarters of a year so one thing that i'm going to be looking to learn in the future is how to annualize uh when i've got years that aren't complete yet.

    And ideally have that as a variable so as i collect data say every quarter i could just maybe have a parameter that then annualizes that as i go so i'll be.

    Looking to learn that um and yeah abby also pointed out some color issues where i had elements that were uh.

    In the same color but they were actually different elements so i've fixed that a little bit as well uh one thing that was really awesome that i learned in this is uh with.

    Tooltips you can either define your tool tips right within a given dashboard or you can create a new page and have that be your tooltip so i found this was awesome for if i'm.

    Looking at my drugs for example i could look and say oh okay mental health is something that i know my client is interested in what are those different mental health.

    Conditions so i can go into my tool tip and then it blows up into a tree map so it's like okay depression is clearly the first one then they've got some multiple sclerosis.

    Uh claims going through and uh basically it gives them a better picture of how that distribution within mental health is broken down so this is really helpful for them then to define what kind of.

    Programs they should have like should they then uh get a third party to help them with their mental health disorders um if it's on the drugs for example are they.

    Covering all of the right drugs to be able to help people with depression for example um so yeah i can also do that within this.

    Graph within the paramedical claims for example um i can see okay physiotherapy is my biggest driver followed by chiropractor services.

    Psychologist massage therapy etc uh what's really cool too is i can i just click on a given condition to then have all of these drill down and then i can say okay so.

    Just for mental health what were the paramedical claims okay psychologists and social workers and by far the most is the psychologist claims so yeah i see this being a.

    Pretty cool functionality for employers to kind of not only get a picture of uh what their uh the health conditions are that their employees face now but to kind of track.

    It as they evolve so if they put in new mental health supports for example they could continue to track okay is this actually causing a reduction in drug claims for example um and yeah just kind.

    Of keep tabs on the health of their organization man this is incredible and i will say that uh yeah i don't use tooltips as often but they look lovely.

    And it can be a nice surprise sometimes when somebody's like i'm imagining like a new user and they're hovering around and go oh you know and um yeah once it does pop up it's.

    It's pretty intuitive so i love that love seeing that okay do you mind just doing it again just come over with something i want to do it again oh god that is so cool oh you know.

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