Connection between shopify and google sheets to create a scenario using our visual scenario builder a scenario is what we call a workflow.
Automation or integration on intake or mat this is the scenario builder i'll create a scenario that retrieves orders in my shopify store.
And adds the details of the orders to a google sheet to begin i'll first search for the shopify app and select the trigger that will start the scenario.
In this case it's when there are new orders in my store now i need to add or select a connection to intake map after entering the required credentials.
Integrament will be granted access to my shopify account now i'll leave the open option selected and under financial status i'll select paid i'll leave the fulfillment status.
As any and i want to retrieve a maximum of five orders every time the scenario runs next i'll search for the google sheets app and select an action.
That i want to perform which is to add the orders as new rows on the sheet like with shopify i just need to add or select an existing connection and grant integromat.
Some permissions to access my account i can now select the spreadsheet and sheet that i want to add the orders to here you can see that all the columns.
Appear which match the ones i've created on the sheet all i need to do now is drag and drop the data like the date customer's name product and so on from.
Shopify to these fields awesome the scenario is fully configured so let me save it to test it let's first create some orders on shopify.
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Now i'll click the run once button and
Watch the magic happen so the scenario executed successfully and here you can see that five orders were retrieved from shopify.And added to the sheet all i need to do now is switch the scenario on by toggling the switch here and i'm good to go but it doesn't stop.
There let's say i want to send an email when new orders are added to the sheet within takermat you can build scenarios with simple routes for all types of.
Workflow automations you can connect as many apps as you want and even set up filters on the routes to only allow specific data to pass through to other modules.
To top it off you can even add directives that will take care of any errors that may occur during a scenario execution so go ahead and create your first.