Set Default Values in Power Apps Dropdown, Lookup, Choice, Date SharePoint

Set Default Values in Power Apps Dropdown, Lookup, Choice, Date SharePoint Hello everyone raza here in this video i will show you how to set default values for controls in power apps default to current user today's date choice columns lookup columns.

Multi-select choice columns default to please select and drop downs and a lot more so let's check it out in action let's start with the text input control.

The text box control has a property called default and by default it is set to text input i can set it to blank this i can replace with any text.

I can even make this dynamic for example i would like to show the current logged in user's full name next let's focus on the date picker.

Control there is a property called default date by default it is set to today's date if i remove this in that case the date that it is.

Showcasing here comes from a property called input text placeholder which has the following formula and this is just a placeholder text which i am free to change.

Set Default Values in Power Apps Dropdown, Lookup, Choice, Date SharePoint

I have set the placeholder text to select date so the date control here shows the text select date i can also default it to scenarios like.

Three days from today or a week from today and so and so forth for that i can leverage the function date add i would like to add.

To today's date let's say seven days and the unit here would be days so this will now add seven days to today's date and set it as the default.

Date with the date add function the unit options that are available are plenty days months quarters years and a lot more.

Set the default date to the first date of the current month we can leverage the date function for the year i can use the year function.

And supply it today's date the month would be month after day and then the day would be the first so that.

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    Would set the default date as the first

    Date of the month if i would like to change this to the last date of the current month i will add one to the month and.

    I will set the day as zero so this now sets the date field to the last day of the current month maybe you need the last day of the next month so i can simply here do month of.

    Today plus two comma the day is zero so it gives me the last day of the next month in this scenario i'll set the start date to the first day of the month.

    And the end date as the last date of the current month next i will add a drop down control for the items property i will provided a.

    Standard array that has three values low medium and high so those are the three options that show up now if we look at the default property.

    Of the drop down control it's set to 1 the default value is closely tied into the schema of the items property that you provide for the drop-down control in my scenario the items property has 3.

    Values low medium and high so if i would like to change the default value to let's say medium all i have to do is set default to the text medium.

    And now the priority drop down control defaults to that specific value another common scenario is to default it to empty or to plug in a default value that says please select.

    The first thing we need to do is set the allow empty selection property for that drop down control to true once we do that the user is able to open the drop down.


    And if they select the value that's already selected it will go to empty and now if i set the default property to an empty string.

    It will set the default value of that drop down control to empty now to insert something like please select as the default value many a times.

    We end up with adding that please select as an option in our items property of the drop down control and if you're reading this from a data source maybe a choice column in.

    Sharepoint or some table in excel sql database you would not want to insert a value in there that says please select so how do i get that as the default.

    Value of my priority drop down list now the trick way to achieve that is by inserting a label control right on top of the drop down control make sure that this label control.

    Is sitting behind the drop down control the text for this label control i will set it to please.

    Select now the label control has that text but it is not visible because the drop down control is sitting on top of it so for the drop down control we have a.

    Property called fill i will replace this with transparent now the moment i set the fill to transparent that label control that is.

    Sitting behind the drop down control is visible so the user sees that value which is please select now the user can open the drop down.

    Control and make a selection even though i've made that selection that label control which is please select is still visible so what we need to do here is for that.

    Label control which has the text please select i will set its visible property to is blank my drop down.

    Control dot selected dot value.

    If you observe the value selected is medium so please select does not show up if i reselect this value my drop down is blank so that label control which is.

    Please select shows up next let's add a combobox control for the items property for this i will set it to an array of colors.

    The user can make multiple selections if there is no selection it gives the text which is find items this text comes from a property called input text placeholder.

    And i'm free to change this to any text of my choice in my case find colors if i would like to default this to a specific color or a set of colors.

    I have a property called default selected items this is an array all i have to do here is provide the color value.

    So blue is the default value that's selected if i would like to default it to blue and yellow i can simply add that in the default.

    Selected items array and those are the two values that are selected by default a combo box control can also be set to only allow single selections by.

    Setting its select multiple property to false i have set the items property to an array of department values as it's blank it shows no text and the.

    User can simply make a single selection now when it's empty if i want to show the value select department there is another property called no selection text.

    For a single select combo box control is what i would have to set if i want to show the value when it is empty and that's the text that shows up right here.

    If i would like to default it to an actual value once again i will use the same property default selected items it would still be an array.

    And i should be providing it only a single value i can provided multiple values but it will still default to only the first one purely because the combobox control is.

    Single select once the default values are set the user is free to make changes i've made changes to the values of these controls.

    However i would like to reset them for that i will insert a button control i will call this reset and when the user selects this i can start resetting my controls.

    Now typically we reset these one by one i will use a function called reset and provide the name of that control if i need to reset the next control which is start date.

    And that would reset that control as well and so and so forth however if i have a lot of controls this function could be quite large now i'll show you an easier way with.

    Which you can reset all of these controls in one go simply hold the ctrl key and select all the controls that you would like to reset.

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