Google Workspace Basics Full Course Tutorial (4+ Hours) - ID Card Make

Google Workspace Basics Full Course Tutorial (4+ Hours) - ID Card Make Trish Conner-Cato: Welcome to LearnIt Training. The exercise files for today's course are located in the video description below. Don't forget to like and subscribe. Hello everyone. Welcome to Google Workspace. My name is Trish Connor Cato. This course is recommended for users who want to get a quick overview of Google Workspace applications. This class is especially appropriate for individuals moving to Google Workspace from Microsoft Office. We'll start by focusing on Google Drive in Module 1..

Google Workspace Basics Full Course Tutorial (4+ Hours)

Google Drive is the file storage application of the Workspace apps. You'll learn about the display screen, how to change drive options, and even how to create a file from drive. We'll move on to making a copy of a file and moving a file to trash before we upload a file from a hard drive. You'll learn how to create and manage folders, as well as how to upload a folder from a hard drive. We'll move on to learning how to search for files and how to add shortcuts.

To Drive for efficiency purposes. We'll cover how to work with Drive priority and workspaces. And this feature is only available for a business workspace account, but if you don't have a business workspace account, you can still view the feature in the video. And you'll also learn how to change Google Drive settings. We'll end the module by learning how to sign into multiple Google accounts for easy access. We continue with learning Google Drive in Module 2, where you'll.

Learn how to collaborate in Drive. You'll learn how to share a file or folder, and we'll end the module by publishing to the web. The third module focuses on common features. It highlights features common to most of the Google Workspace apps. You'll learn how to open a Google app before creating a new file. You'll get an overview of the menu and toolbar and how to use them. You'll also learn how to access help. how to rename a file and how to email a file..

We'll move on to how to download files in other formats and we'll end this module after learning how to open a Microsoft Office file in a Google app and how to work with versions. We'll dive into Google Sheets, the Google Workspace spreadsheet application. You'll learn about its display screen and how to input data along with some cool shortcuts. We'll move on to creating formulas. working with functions, and using the Google Sheets functions list..

Then we will format numbers and learn how to preview and print a worksheet. We'll switch our focus to creating charts and working with both the chart editor setup and customize options. We'll explore pivot tables and how to create and use named ranges before ending the module by learning how to protect sheets and ranges. In Module 5, our focus will strictly be on using Google Docs. This is the Google Workspace word processing application. We'll learn about its display screen and then move on to.

Changing the view of a document. Along the way, you'll learn how to insert images and page numbers. We'll use styles in our document and learn how to access the document outline. We'll end this module by collaborating with Suggesting Mode and working with comments. Google Slides will be the focus of Module 6. Slides is the Google Workspace presentation app. After understanding its display screen, you'll learn how to enter text on a slide and learn how to change the view of a presentation..

You'll learn how to add an image to a slide and how to add, delete, and reorder slides. We'll apply a theme to our presentation, which will make it more visually appealing. and learn how to add transitions and animations to keep the audience's interest. We'll finish this module by delivering a presentation and using both presenter view and audience tools. Module 7 is all about Google Forms, the form creation app in Google Workspace..

After understanding its display screen, we'll create a form, add questions to it, send a form, link a form to a spreadsheet, and view form responses. We'll direct our focus to Google Meet, the Google Workspace video meeting app. You will learn how to schedule a meeting from Google Calendar and how to join a video meeting. Of course, you will learn the Meet display screen before presenting your screen in a meeting..

You'll learn how to manage meetings as well as how to change audio and video settings. We'll end by learning how to start a video meeting from Gmail and from Google Meet. Looking to support our channel and get a great deal? Become a member today to unlock ad free videos. That's right. Your favorite courses without a single ad. Interested in a specific video? Purchase one of our ad free courses individually. Looking for even more? Gain access to exams, certificates, and exclusive content at learnitanytime..

Com. More information can be found in the video description below. Before we get started, I'd like to say that I will be using two Google Workspace business accounts. during this course. Now, you can also be successful if you have access to two personal Google accounts. Although there are a handful of features that you won't be able to use if you're using a personal account, at least you'll get to see these features on screen..

Because of the type of account I'm using in this video. In addition, it would be helpful if you had two different accounts that you can use, and that might be an easier proposition if you're using personal Google accounts. Also, We'll be using a handful of files that are in the video description, so you may want to go ahead and grab them, and there's also one folder in there. You might want to grab everything and store it somewhere on your hard drive that you can access during this course. In our first module, we'll begin using Google Drive..

    We have 15 lessons in this module. We'll start by signing into Google Apps and using the Google Apps menu. - ID Card Make

    We'll go over the Google Drive display screen, and then you'll learn how to change drive display options. We'll create a file from within Drive and move on to making a copy of a file and moving a file to Trash. Now we do have files in the video description we'll be using for this course. In Lesson 8 of Module 1, we'll be uploading Two of those files from a.

    Hard drive and they're named learn it logo, which is a PNG file and 2022 sales, which is an Excel file. In lesson nine, we're going to create and manage folders. In lesson 10, we'll be uploading a folder from a hard drive. And also in the video description, you'll see a 2021 sales folder that we'll be using in that lesson. You'll also learn how to search for files, how to add shortcuts to My Drive, Well, your drive. And in Lesson 13, you'll learn how to work with Drive Priority and Workspaces..

    They're only available if you have a Google Workspace business account. We'll move on to changing Google Drive settings, and then end this module. by signing into multiple Google accounts. The first thing we're going to do is go to google. com and we're going to sign in to Google apps. And when you use the blue sign in button in the upper right hand corner of the screen, it signs you into all of the Google apps..

    So we're going to do that right now. I'm going to go ahead and click sign in, and this is where I give my disclaimer. I will be using two business accounts through this course. At the end of this module, you'll learn how to add another account so you can switch back and forth between multiple accounts. The accounts that I'm using, I created just for these videos. And so in other words, if you try to email me at any of the email addresses you see.

    Me using, you will not get a response. So I'm going to go ahead and put in what I call my primary email address, and then I'm going to go ahead and click next. It's going to prompt me for my password and I can show it by checking this box. And once I have it in, I'm going to go ahead and click next. So it takes me back to google. com, but this time when I look in the upper right corner, Instead of the blue sign in button, I have access to my account, represented by the letter.

    T, the first initial of my first name. And to the left of that, you will see a series of nine dots. And we're going to use the apps menu to access Drive. From within Drive, let's go to the apps menu. And you can see that I can get to my account from here. Here's all the apps that I can get into. And as I keep scrolling down, you'll see other apps that are connected as well..

    Let's review the drive display screen. So you already know where the apps menu is. And also to the right of that is how you can access your Google account. I'll go over to the upper left. The icon for Drive and the word Drive are both links. So sometimes, if you're just sitting in Drive and you're working on other windows on the internet, Drive may get stagnant. And so you can click on Drive or the icon in order to refresh the screen. Underneath that on the left, this area on the left is known as your menu..

    And this is one of the things you won't have if you're using a personal Google account. You won't have the priority there. And so don't worry about that. Like I said later on, you'll see how that works even if you don't have it. My Drive is like your main repository. So whenever you go to Drive, unless you have priority and you switch it, it will always go to My Drive. Now, I happen to have a folder in here from another Google course that I did, but your drive may be empty and you're going to learn more about.

    How to use it during this module. And then there's another one that's shared drives, where you can have a shared drive that you use if you're like working with a team. Then there's shared with me, any files and folders that have been shared with me would show up here. I have my, some things under recent from a previous course that I did. Starred is just another way for you to easily find files or folders..

    You can star them and then they, everything that you star will be in that starred category.

    And then you have trash, which is where anything that is deleted will go. And it empties the trash after 30 days. The items in trash will be deleted automatically after 30 days. Unless you go in and manually tell it to empty the trash. And then at the bottom it gives you the amount of storage that you're currently using. And it allows you to get to....

    So when I go into storage, it again is showing me the total amount used and it divides it in a business account, at least it does. So it's telling me how much in drive gmail photos, and then it lists all the files that are using drive storage there. So I'm going to just go back to my drive. Now at the top, you have your search bar, right? You can search anywhere in Drive, whether it's in any of these different categories, it will find it, and you'll learn how to search..

    In order to get help, you can use the question mark to go to support, and then you have a gear that takes you through settings. The middle of the screen is showing you My Drive, anything that you have in My Drive. So I happen to have a folder there. If I had Files there, it would be a category called Files, so on and so forth. And My Drive is a drop down where I can recreate everything. that is on that new button at the top of the menu. So I can do it over at new, or I can click the down arrow on my drive to.

    Access the same menu to the right. You have an icon. And that will let you switch to list layout. Um, if I click on it, it switches to grid layout. And once we get some files and folders in here, we'll revisit the layouts. And then you have, you'll notice on the right, you have this details and activities screen for my drive. I can close it by using the X in its upper right hand corner..

    And then that information icon. is view details so I can get that panel open again. And now we're going to create a file from within Drive. Again, we can use the new icon on the menu on the left or your My Drive dropdown. Either way, you'll see that you have New Folder, File Upload, Folder Upload, and then you have Google Docs, Google Sheets, Slides, Forms. And more, and we're going to hover over the arrow to the right of Google Docs.

    And we're going to choose blank document. And I'll show you here that the untitled document opened on a new tab in your browser window. You'll learn more about the common features across most workspace apps and more in depth about Google Docs in a later module. But for right now, if you have a summary... an outline window open on the left..

    You can close it by using the left arrow. And where it says type at to insert, we're going to just type a brief sentence or two. So I'm going to type google drive. Microsoft is the file storage app in Google Workspace. You can store Google Apps files as well as other file types. And in parentheses, I'm going to put Microsoft Office, comma, PDF..

    F comma dot MP4 comma, et cetera, in drive. And so notice at the top, it's either saying saved, right? If it already disappeared, where it's that little cloud with the check mark, if you hover over that, it will say, see document status. And so you can see that all changes have been saved to drive. And that this document is not ready for offline use. And I'm gonna just ignore that for right now..

    So, it's automatically saving. Um, here it lets me know that the last edit was seconds ago. And in the upper left where it says untitled document, if you hover over there and you click, it's going to want to name it like the first sentence you type. And I'm gonna just modify that. I want the name to just be Google Drive. And when I do that edit and press enter, It gives it that name, and it's saved in Drive. So, because I'm kind of done with this document now, the Google Drive.

    Doc that we just created, I can close the browser tab that it's on, and I'm still in My Drive, and now you can see I have a Files category. And it shows that Google Drive document. Now I'm going to show you two ways. That you can copy a file in Google Drive. Now before we do that, I have this file selected and I can tell that it's selected because the name of the file at the bottom has blue shading..

    And I want to look at this details on the right side. So it's showing me a little preview of the document and when I click on it, it takes me into the document. Alright. And I'm going to go ahead and close that browser tab. It also lets me know who has access, details about the file, including where it's located when it was last modified, opened, and created, and where you can add a description. So one way you can copy a file is you can right click, I'm gonna right.

    Click on that Google Drive file, and I'm gonna choose Make a Copy. It lets me know in the lower left that it's creating a copy, and then that it did create a copy. And I'm gonna dismiss that pop up. And you can see that I have Google Drive and Copy of Google Drive. Since the Copy of Google Drive is what's selected, I'm going to just do control C on my keyboard to copy it. And then I'm going to click anywhere on my drive screen and do control V..

    And it's going to give me a pop up, which I'm going to allow. So in the lower left hand corner, it lets me know that it's working. And now you'll see that I have Google Drive, copy of Google Drive, and copy of copy of Google Drive. I like to give options. So just like I showed you two different ways to copy a file, I'm going to show you two different ways of moving a file to....

    The trash. So you don't want it anymore. You don't need it anymore. I'm going to right click on the copy of Google Drive file and down at the bottom, I'm going to choose remove. And then it's going to confirm that I'm moving it to the trash, that the copy of Google Drive will be deleted forever after 30 days. I'm going to click on move to trash. Now, another way of doing it, And you can see in the lower left, you can undo that if you need to. Another way of doing it is by dragging and dropping it onto trash. So I'm going to do the copy of the copy of Google drive..

    I'm going to just click and hold on it and I'm going to drag it over to trash on the menu on the left and drop it. I get the same confirmation and I'm going to choose move to trash again. Now let's go to trash. And I mentioned earlier when we were doing our tour of the screen that Everything will be deleted after 30 days, unless you want to ever manually come in you can do that and choose to empty trash up in the right. I'm going to go back to my drive. I'm also going to show you two different ways to upload a file.

    From your hard drive to drive. And the first way is I'm going to use the new button on the left. And I'm going to choose File Upload. And then I'm already in the directory where I had the files from the video description. And I'm going to select the LearnIt logo and choose the Open button. So it lets me know in the lower right and the upload is now complete. I can close that panel. And under my files, I now have that PNG Learn It logo file..

    Another way to do it is to arrange your screen so you can see the file directory where you have the files from the video description, as well as your drive screen at the same time. So now that I have them arranged like this, this is the hard drive on my computer, and then I have my drive, I am going to just grab this 2022 sales Excel file, click and hold it, and drag it over, and you'll see that it puts a blue border. around where your folders and files are in Drive and it says drop files to upload them to my drive..

    I'm going to let it go up there and it's uploading one item. The upload is complete. I'm going to maximize my drive screen again. And you can see that we used the new button to get the Learn It logo uploaded. And we dragged and dropped 2022 sales Excel file. For organizational purposes. You may want to create folders in your My Drive, and so we're gonna do just that..

    Now. I can do it from either the new button or the My Drive dropdown. I'm using MyDrive dropdown this time, and I'm gonna choose new folder and I'm gonna name the folder 2022 Sales. and click on create. So now in my folder section, I have my previous folder that I have and I have this newly created 2022 sales folder. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to drag the 2022 sales Excel file and.

    Drop it on top of the new folder and it moves it from my drive into that folder. So if I double click, The 2022 sales folder, I'll see that Excel file in it. And up at the top, I like to point this out, I call it like a breadcrumb trail. It's letting me know where I am. I want to click on my drive there to get back to my drive. Now that we have some files and folders, let's take a look at our view button in the upper right..

    I click on it and it changes it to list layout. So if you want everything listed like this, you could. You would have your folders first and then any files and then the grid layout is the way that it was originally. So I just figured I'd point that out to you. We saw it a little bit earlier. So you, and that's a personal choice. It depends on how I'm working, which layout I prefer to use. Now let's talk about some other things you can do with folders. Let's right click on our 2022 sales folders..

    Now, a lot of these things you can do if you right click on a file. Um, a folder has something else there. You can search within the folder from this right click menu. And you can change the color. I'm going to change the color of that folder to like an orange color. Just because, right? Now the other thing you need to know about folders is this. Let's drag that 2022 sales folder to Trash and it lets us know that it will be deleted after 30 days. Move it to Trash. Well, the thing is, is when you delete a folder or you move a folder to Trash,.

    Any files within it are also in Trash. Let's go to our trash folder, right click on 2022 sales folder, and choose restore, and then go back to my drive. So the thing is, is if you want to delete the folder, but keep the file, you would have to move the file out of the folder. before you delete the folder. Just like we uploaded a file, you can do it from drag and drop or from new, you can also upload a folder from your hard drive. So, I'm gonna go to new..

    And I'm a choose folder upload and it already has me in my directory and there is a 2021 sales folder and I'm going to double click it or click it once and choose upload. So it's asking me for permission to upload a file to this site. I'm going to choose upload. So the upload is complete and now I have a 2021 sales folder. And when I double click it, I can see that there is an Excel file inside of it..

    I'm going to go back to my drive, and go ahead and give your 2021 sales folder a color. So I've decided to keep all my sales folders the same color, and I colored my Google Forms, my previous folder, with another color. When we did our tour of the display, I pointed out that you can search from the search box up top. And you saw when we right clicked on a folder, that we have the ability to search within the folder. Let's go ahead and click in the search box up top..

    And you can see, well this is another login of mine, so just ignore that. You can see that you can search for documents, spreadsheets, presentations. So on and so forth. You can actually search based on the name of the file or folder or contents within it. So in the search box I'm gonna type logo and notice that it will pull up any file that has the word logo in its name. I'm going to use the X on the right side of the search box to clear the search, and.

    This time I'm going to search for sales. And so I get four results, right? I get my sales Excel files as well as both sales folders. And I'm going to do the X on the right again. Now, all the way to the right of the search box, you have an icon, and when you hover over it, it says, Show search options. Let's click on that. So this is where you can get more specific. I can search for any type of file..

    And there's even more types here. Then are in the search box. I can search by the owner of the file so anyone things that are owned by me not owned by me or owned by a specific person a file that has certain words in the file an Item name which is a term that matches part of the file name like when we did logo and we did sales the location It's set to anywhere..

    It could be in trash, starred, or encrypted, date modified, if you're using approvals, it's awaiting my approval or requested by me, or files that have been shared to a specific person or email address. We're going to put in the, has the words box, Google workspace. And at the bottom, we're going to click search. So I have a couple of things..

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