Webinar Mastering AI-Driven Document Processing with Make - ID Card Make

Webinar Mastering AI-Driven Document Processing with Make - ID Card Make Climbing that fast anymore so let's kick it off welcome everybody to today's webinar for mastering AI trien document processing with make it's your gated way to enhanc Automation and I'm super glad to welcome Lucien Jeremy Andrew and Kristoff and yeah please to the next slide so going over our agenda of table of con.

Webinar Mastering AI-Driven Document Processing with Make

Of course you want for everybody who does not yet know the cornerstones of make give you some small introduction and then handing over to listan regarding the evolution of AI in no code automation I'm really really hyped to see that presentation today and then following it by empowering your make scenarios with AI modules that's just just mind plowing stay tuned there and the automations for your business in part four followed by number five five and there's no one better than our.

Customers showing this and then as I mentioned in the beginning we're going to jump over to the Q&A session so feel free to already ask all of your questions type them into your chat we will answer them and pick them up at the end of this webinar so making a nutshell I'm Sebastian I'm head of strategic projects and welcome to today's webinar of make you can go to the next slide so make in a nutshell we're having around 100 th000 active organizations and we are operating with.

These organizations in around 18080 countries and we're having around 1,500 connectors and this number is just Rising by the day one of our key customers some logos you might know but there are way way more customers of course under these 100,000s so when going forward you can see that we rank pretty high on our reviews because of our amazing using experience and our Ai integratability and are we reliable we.

Are backed by one of the most successful European startups we're backed by salonas it's a Deca corn 13 billion valuation and we are happy to be part of that going forward now with the next slide I want to hand over to Lucen but before I'm so glad that he joined today's session as he's coming from one of our closest Partners Allegria and he can definit Ely walk you through the history of AI and no code stage is yours Lucian yeah thanks Sebastian hi every one thanks for the opportunity Sebastian to do this introduction before we Deep.

Dive into the technical uh stuff so I'm the Innovation director at Allegria and yeah you can go on the next slide and just for for for to explain really briefly what we what we do um we actually a no good focused company and in that vertical we do a bit of everything so we train uh people we have different b2c and B2B uh programs in the no code Automation and AI uh space we staff meaning that we uh identify and um.

And yeah find resources for companies so we find the best makers and we uh introduce them to companies who want to build internal know skills and obviously we also an agency we do also do Professional Services and we deliver build apps ourselves uh so we do a bit of everything like I said that gives us a an interesting perspective I would say on the on the topic of today and so happy to jump into into this now yeah uh.

We've been of course a long-term partner with many local Publishers including make NA Nai uh over the over the years so attending the different partner you know events together uh and so we we we've played with if I can say play with with it's we do uh we've both tools for for a while now uh and especially in the in the use case of today um next slide please and before we uh we we do this.

Introdction I wanted to uh see the opportunity to um to invite you all to the upcoming noot Summit on the 10th of 11th of October it's an amazing event it's the second edition this year last year was a a blast really so if you're here today you are interested in in this space so come to Paris and meet with all of us we all be all the people today hopefully even I don't know Andrew if you make the trip it's a bit far maybe but uh we hope to see you all uh in.

Paris so you can use the code on your screen right now to get a discount on the ticket um come and get like feel the energy that is actually in the currently in the industry um it's really amazing and and the talks are um really for all technical levels so you you'll definitely find interesting stuff for you there 10 and 11th of October uh that's it for the the the this part and just to conclude on our profile just so you know so we are about 60 plus people.

In the company right now at alria group all divisions uh combined and uh about 70% of the people in the company are certified on make so really uh eat our own dog like like the expression says and uh yeah we we use make for almost half of our projects so uh this is really one of our main uh tool here at Allegria and next slide please and our vision on so the company is about three years old and what we've observed.

Vision on on all this movement uh that we've seen especially in the recent years is that basically all the uh and since the beginning of programming all the evolutions of always gone towards more and more abstraction but what used to be U um let's say the the the previous level of abstraction were only four coders right only people who could who could write code so they made their life easier they made the out output more more um you know better faster of course but now.

    We've had you know the the arrival of nood tools U of course some NOCO tools - ID Card Make

    Are 10 years in the making but I would say 2018 2019 was really the rise of NOCO tools and uh recently we can almost say this year though it's not totally true Ed today has been in the AI space for much more than than that uh but yeah we we we've seen AI as this additional level of abstraction on top of nood as a complimentary thing and that these two levels are really for everyone that's really the the basically how we we are.

    Seeing no put an AI together bringing even more people to programming or creating Solutions at large if you will next slide please and how does this you know translate of course all these numbers are kind of makeup but just like the order of magnitude that is interesting here that if software before for a given project would be like greater than 100K or or more than six month and that still happens today right for the bigger project well with no code in the past.

    Few years we've been able to drastically reduce the the cost and lead time for these projects and with AI what we're seeing is that it's increasing even further this you know Trend uh to deliver very fast very efficient very customized solution uh so this is the order magnitude again that we that we observed uh and this is obviously going to have Major Impact you can imagine that many um topics or problems that weren't you know weren't uh viable to address before now even financially is viable to address them thanks to this.

    Reduction cost and and lead time as well uh next slide please so as a result uh basically what we can assume is that we are somewhere in that in that area you know where the the the yellow dot is in in the terms of like how many software are going to be created in the coming years that's obviously for like two reason we just saw one is more people having access to creating digital solution and second is I would see the time to market for.

    These Solutions thanks to nood and AI next slide please and so of course uh you've started to see and you'll see more and more AI everywhere and I wanted to uh highlight a few few ways we've identified AI coming into into no code these days next slide please so the first uh is just like make it is teasing us with because it's not public yet it's still on the wait list you can join the weight list here um it's natural language programming U but.

    When I say this I what I mean is really like you express you know in in your own language in your natural language uh what you want to bring what you want the automation to do and make builds it sort of automatically autom magically uh for you and you can just find you the details uh after after that that's one ways that natural language translates into a no code automation uh second example is uh you know yeah it's good yeah yeah second example is here from taken from ADI is.

    Where uh you don't necessarily know how to describe what you what you want to do very precisely so here um helps you to identify what might be used is you know you're you're trying to to build so it's just describing your problem or what you want to achieve and you have suggested features that pop up right away so again you know you don't even need to know where in the tool access that feature you would have direct access here and next slide please uh we see in other tools we see AI coming as a native.

    Feature so you can you know um here in air table you can now if this is public V you can now you know um vary the the open AI API but directly as a feature uh so you can directly write prompts within the tool and you have the like the the natively uh you leverage natively AI within the tool and next slide please and another implementation of AI we've seen mil tools is an AI assistant so some tools are have quite the the learning curve right maybe it's not the.

    Case of of making a AI who are like I would say you can get uh your value from these tools pretty quickly but some tools like this one here with web it's it's much more challenging with a there a learning curve and you have this AI assistant that you can you can prompt like it's just like a colleag that available 247 and you can prompt to explain how to do this with the tool you know so this is really decreasing the the barrier to entry to use this kind of tool so next slide please as as a quick.

    Recap what we we seeing AI changing in the no code space and especially no code automation like we've seen with the

    Example of of make here in an AI as well is so AI powered no coding so being able to just use natural language to programs is like the next step right now what we were at with no code was visual programming and now we're doing like natural language uh programming uh second is AI powered features so being able to leverage AI directly within no tools um don't even need to and this is one one thing that.

    Also ADI makes very easy uh and finally the third aspect is AI power co-pilots so you you've heard probably the term co-pilot before so we had GitHub co-pilot for coders and now we have co-pilots for no coders as well so all are the three key things we observe the three Trends we observe at the moment uh from product perspective and from a customer perspective thanks um at the moment so our own you know observation is we're dealing mostly with the the bigger client here the the smaller.

    Clients the smmes we've already jumped into implementation and of course Freelancers and uh and entrepreneurs they they directly leverage AI for their day-to-day the big clients they I would say at a different stage they obviously move a bit slower but they have more at stake and right now what we're asking is like um first is like is it going to take away our job or our competitors going to catch up very quickly you know on us um also how okay this is very interesting by where do we start and how.

    Can we actually use that within our organization is it safe and so on so we have plenty of question at the moment and they are more in an exploring stage and I'm happy to uh you know develop further these topics if you have specific question so use the uh the the Q&A section of the the uh of Zoom to to ask questions and we can further explore this but right now just to to I would say to summarize they are really exploring trying to understand whether this is a threat or an opportunity or or or both and how they can you know what.

    Are the baby steps they can take to kind of test the waters with uh with AI uh so this is where where we at at now with the the bigger corporate clients and what I always answer and this is I would say my my final uh take uh before I hand back the mic to you Sebastian is U this is how we describe to to even the bigger clients as well it's like okay you were you know somewhat like an in operations or whatever your role was marketing or sales uh and with NOA tools you've already experienced that you can become.

    A builder right and definitely with AI this is going to become like uh you're going to become like a super human you're going to achieve even more than you could uh before things like and we'll see like passing text and stuff that even as a nood was quite challenging you would have to start to write some regex and stuff that would start looking like some code well AI makes this kind of stuff very very very easy now or let's not exaggerate easier at least and this is what exactly we.

    Going to Deep dive into uh with my fellow uh panelists here uh so back to you Sebastian thanks thanks a lot Lan and yeah I can only say guys come over to Paris in October and use the code a ler just shared with you and and if you want to dive deep deeper into AI topics they are there for you you can exchange your ideas and thanks a lot Lan now over to Jeremy I have to say I love ad AI it's.

    Just an amazing tool how you can plug in AI components and use everything within one place but I think there's no one better than Jeremy who can tell us more about this today so Jeremy stage stage is yours yeah thanks Sebastian hi everyone I'm Trill to be here today with you to introduce what we're doing at Ed and uh try to show how we can help the make Community to leverage automation with AI and uh maybe first I wanted to say.

    That as make users you already know all the power of no code development and the the no code Automation and with the rise of AI I think it can now be taken to to another level you you could already accelerate and automate processes but now with AI you can add extract and generate values uh into your workflows and that's where ad comes in um ad Aggregates the finnest uh of.

    The Shield AI apis as you can see here um and it provides you a wide range of AI Technologies AI capabilities um that you can use without any AI skills um I I could say that ad is better than open AI Google and the other not because we're are building better AI models of course uh but because we centralize and we aggregate all the AI providers model on a universal and single API including those from Google.

    And open Ai and uh many other providers and for so for that you only need uh one account one key uh to use all the the AIS that exist on the market uh next slide please uh um and so we we deeply studied all the AI API Market um there are so many actors on the market um the biggest one that you know already of course uh I I quoted Google open AWS but.

    There are so many other Specialists and we noticed that accuracy performance and prices can really def between the providers and uh that's why why we created ad in fact to help you to optimize your cost but also reach higher uh accuracy by easily comparing and switching between AI models and combining their strengths sometimes uh but we will see this uh more concretely later in the presentation uh next slide please um so with ADI uh on make you.

    Will be able to process all the the document uh that you need for instance we can start by presenting the the financial document passing um you can pass invoices receipts bank checks uh and you will be able to use the biggest provider uh Microsoft Google or doing this but also some uh invoicing specialist such as mindd verify kipa or b64 for example and your choice of Provider will be uh will vary depending.

    On your data in fact the language the complexity of the document the the format uh Etc next uh slide now we we move to to another uh use case that we cover uh with uh our modules for HR and recruitment processes so you will be uh able to directly parse the resumes uh that you get um and find the provider that best suits you need again here on the on the the the HR this is there there are only.

    Um specialist providers ainda IR ability irise maybe you don't know the names but they are really good in in what they do in Ai and you we could imagine that uh you could also combine multiple provider you can for example we we we have some users of AD they take the skills from ainda and they take the personal info in the document from Clipper for example so they they pick uh some part of the.

    Response of multiple providers and we can do the same for the the the the processes of identity verification and kyc with the ID documents so next slide so now maybe uh many of you probably think about their use case in in in your head and uh you think about more specific document that you have and there we have something we have more advanced scenarios for you um so there this is not like ready to use uh modules you will have to do some more.

    Complex scenarios where you will use some text extraction feature so you will extract the text in your document that that's called OCR and then you will um use NLP capabilities such as keyword extraction summarization sentiment analysis topic extraction um and also llms from all the the known providers and so there you will be able to extract information for more in more precise more specific documents uh in the example this is U vaccination record where you can extract the text with OCR.

    Module and then maybe do some summarization to to to condense the pertinent information uh pertinent medical information next uh next one so there uh to put it briefly ad covers all the AI use cases on make not just documents um there is also so the text that you can use as I said with summarization sentiment analysis text generation but also the computer vision image generation explicit content detection that can be useful in the in the.

    Documents also or face recognition also um there is the audio part with the speech recognition and speech generation and the translation that can also be useful after doing some OCR you can translate the documents and we're constantly adding new new technologies in facts uh uh as well as the latest best providers on ADI so at the moment we are more than we have more than 40 modules available on make and we try to create many templates uh and we will.

    Keep creating more templates in the future uh to show how to use all those modules because some of them are quite complex and uh that's it maybe for the next slide in Nell U if you can uh perfect so to to maybe sum up our Vision at ADI it's quite simple for us AI should be accessible to everyone uh and which is why we we try to make AI tools that are user friendly um where you can access to all the the the best and latest Technologies and we're excited to.

    To to bring this accessible to the no code and the make community and that's it thanks for your for your attention uh and maybe before ending back to Sebastian uh you can visit our tutorials on our blog and you can also scan this this code to have some more free credits on the platform that you can use to to test the different Technologies thanks a lot for your presentation Jeremy and guys feel free really to use the the code and try using.

    Aden I saw so many questions already around the software so I think there is a lot of value you can get from it so now now going forward to our next speaker I'm really really glad that Andrew Forte you might know him from YouTube maybe you've seen this like nearly 100,000 click video around how to use Automation in how to use AI in automation but I'm more than happy that he's here today so Andrew stage is.

    Yours thank you Sebastian hey everybody uh yeah I'm Andrew and I'm uh here to talk to you a little bit more on the business side of running these uh automations and things in your business so I like to pride myself on being uh an entrepreneur and also being able to make myself a little bit like what Lucian said earlier a superhuman uh so obviously the only way I can do that without uh giving away all my secrets is using things like Ai and using things.

    Like make so uh What uh basically let's go to the first slide uh what we're talking about today is a very very narrow part of what AI can do but and also a very very very powerful part so we're talking about OCR and document pausing so OCR is optical character recognition and document pausing is just the way that you could search in documents for specific uh specific components so you can obviously see how.

    Those can work very well together if you take an image like say a picture of a receipt and then you take that image and you turn it into text and then you can use document pausing to pull those different parts of the the receipt into a structured format and then you can use that so I don't know I like to say that I've been ahead of the curve with AI but you know a while ago using these tools maybe seven eight years ago when I started out as actually an accountant uh we were using things like this um things.

    To extract text from receipts uh for instance but it wasn't very good and I would like to say now that especially with the uh supplementation of AI it is actually very very good and it is becoming extremely useful now uh as opposed to PRI so that was always my main hesitation with things like OCR and document POS it's been around for a while but it's always been making mistakes so now you can actually implement it as a layment without lots of extra uh coding on top of that I.

    Think there was ways to make it useful back in the day but you had to always add these specific uh Expressions to each sort of document and scenarios and explanations now the AI can kind of does that for for you on top of that previously it was also just one or two limited uh partners that were able to offer OCR and document passing let alone um Things That No coders could use it was also gatee kept by uh certain programming languages and things like that but now there's there's just through Eden AI I mean I think there's a handful maybe 10 different partners each.

    Offering different specialties uh some that are really good with extracting keywords some that aren't so good uh like Jeremy said at maybe extracting amounts so you would use a different provider and you with Eden you can switch and you can just say okay for this receipt extraction or this government ID I just want to extract the names and you'll find the best a AI for that or like Jeremy said use multiple so that brings me on to my third point is that it's never been easier and it's actually uh you know I don't have a.

    Formal coding background or anything like that but I have managed to successfully use AI for a bunch of tools uh I'll show you an example that I did uh uh earlier especially in OCR and document pausing but with these tools now it actually is it's it's genuinely able like anyone watching is able to do it uh just with a make account and you could use Eden and you don't have to do any of the complicated setups all right so let's go into the next slide and have a little think about uh some of the industry applications this is just a very narrow list and it does not do it.

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