How Does Remote Power BI Consulting Work (For Consultants) - ID Card Make

How Does Remote Power BI Consulting Work (For Consultants) - ID Card Make I will show you exactly how remote power bi consulting works and how you can use it to help businesses all over the world I've been doing a remote power bi consulting for a long time and I know.

How Does Remote Power BI Consulting Work (For Consultants)

That it can allow you to work from anywhere in the world I've gone travelling for a month and still being able to help my clients it also allows you to serve clients all over the world.

Which can be super exciting but also good for your business and finally it gives you the flexibility to work on your own terms choose your own ours choose the client and the people you.

Work with so that's we're going to look at now for remote power bi consulting this video is going to focus more from the lens of the power bi consultant we may do a future video more from the.

Perspective of the business user stay tuned for that so let me take you the power bi consultant step-by-step as you work with a remote business client we will also talk about.

Tools and processes you need to work remotely with the client and about security how to handle clients sensitive data and share work files securely um are we saying a Microsoft.

Meb and a best-selling power bi author and I have worked with clients far and wide from startups to Fortune 500 all over the world and not just that I'm also helped my students from all across.

The world become successful power bi professionals through my power bi training programs and if you want to become a power bi pro make sure to subscribe and click that bell so you're.

Notified whenever I go live to answer your power bi questions let's go step by step through a remote Barbie a consulting journey now do you want to let you know that this video is part of.

A series it's part of the how to become a power bi consultant playlist and you can access the playlist by clicking in the link in the corner are down in the description below now we are creating.

This series based on your votes and suggestions on our first video in that playlist so I do want to thank everybody who voted or added their suggestions in there now you can add if you have any.

Questions or ideas for new in this series you can just leave a comment and let me know for our first step here how to find leads or prospective clients now many of you did.

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    Want to learn more about this but that's - ID Card Make

    A big topic in itself and we want to do justice to it so we would be covering it in a future video in a lot more detail so for this video we're gonna pick up.

    Things from your initial meeting with a prospective client somebody who's interested in your service now I want you to know that this is the same advice that I share with my six figures power.

    Bi consultant group where I'm coaching power bi professionals to become successful Barbee a consultant so I want you to know and rest assured that this has been.

    Tried and tested and we know that it works by the way the Pro Plus group is a pretty amazing group of individuals you have met many of them on my youtube channel and if you are curious and want.

    To know more about the program then we're gonna link it in the corner and down in the description as well so the first step we pick up from is your initial meeting with a prospective.

    Client now of course we're talking about remote power bi consulting so your options are you can do it over phone or you can do a web conference call now phone can be committed at times and I do.

    Use that sometimes to talk with prospective clients but I generally prefer and recommend the web conference call because getting them face to face virtually at least it's gonna give you.

    Help you establish trust and connection with them which can be very important for this initial meeting so I recommend the web conference call now here let's talk about the tools and processes there.

    Are lots and lots of options out there from Microsoft teams to go to meetings zoom WebEx it really doesn't matter much you can use the tool that you like you can try some of them out a lot of them.

    Have free options even when it's paid is

    Usually a very nominal charge of course sometimes the client may have their own conferencing tool and you can use that too now other another tool that I would.

    Highly recommend in this scenario is a calendar scheduling tool because otherwise you might find yourself wasting a lot of your own time and your prospective clients time by just going.

    Back and fourth and that means sometimes resolved in lost leads where you just would not be able to meet easily and that's what calendar Skelly scheduling tools can.

    Really help you out calendly is my favorite because it's so simple to use but there's acuity there's booked me and lots of other tools on the market now generally what you do is once you have.

    This tool you set it up you sync your calendar and then you can include a link in email or a link on a website which your potential clients can use to book a meeting with you so here I just have.

    Some examples from you from some forum members off the Pro Plus program that I mentioned earlier so this is Charles Elwood his website solace matica and you can see that right front and center he.

    Has a scheduler called button and if you click that again it gives you this very easy interface to the potential client to pick a date pick a time that works for them and they can book a meeting.

    After answering a few questions same thing Greg burg big wave bi scheduler call button right there it makes it really super convenient for a potential client to book the meeting and.

    Again you can put it up on your website you can include the link in your email if you're going back and forth with somebody so once that meeting is set up what is the goal of this initial meeting.

    Now this is where a lot of people get tripped up because they think that the goal of this is to sell their services to sell themselves which is not quite true.

    In fact I definitely don't want you to approach it this way instead of selling the word that I want you to hang on to is serve that is your duty number one to serve your clients and if that is the.

    Goal then what becomes really important is that you listen is you listen and understand what are the challenges what are the needs and then just you know see if what the services you provide is that.

    Going to be a good fit for them and if so explain it to them and and offer your services to them so that's gonna be an initial meeting now most likely what we call the close where you agree in a.

    Contract and start working ready to start working that's probably not going to happen on the initial meeting and that's where the next step comes in which is there's going to be a some.

    Follow-up before you sign on the dotted line on contract so the follow-up you can certainly follow via email after the initial meeting in fact I would highly.

    Recommend that you maybe recap the meeting talk about the next steps just check with them and so forth but you could also just call them up or you can schedule further web conference calls.

    And depending on how simple or complex the project is you know that may vary the the amount of follow-up you might have to do you know one thing that is crucial in this stage perhaps even in.

    The initial meeting is your story now what do I mean by that now if you have been around my channel you've heard me talk about this quite a bit which is that in this day and age the path to.

    Success you can't get there by just doing good work it just doesn't cut it you you do good work but you got to tell great stories and the way to succeed is to do this over and over again in that.

    Agile cycle and every time you do it you get better and better and that's the path to success so my friend don't just do good work tell great stories and this is where your stories are gonna really.

    Help you close this and convince your client that yep you know you can definitely deliver the value that they're looking for now there are lots of different ways to do it there's no.

    Right or wrong way some of the ones that I've seen on interact with demos and here again is another member from or Pro Plus program the six figures power bi consultant then I mentioned earlier this.

    Is Eamonn Kelly and his site is all over my data and it's got a beautiful site with lots of interactive demos that you can click on so here I'm just gonna click on management insights and you.

    Know potential client can go fullscreen and kind of really interact so again you can direct them to your website or you can show this to them if you're having a web conference call you can just share.

    Your screen and show that to them that could be one way to share your story but that's just one you can share your past work in a lot of different ways you can show screenshots maybe blur out.

    Sensitive data or just talk about it you can definitely share client testimonials you can talk about presentations you've done and talking about that now you know that I believe in this write this do.

    Good work tell great stories and that is why we have created a platform for everybody to have a chance to tell their story not just do good work but tell their story.

    And that is our power bi dashboards showcase and makeover and we run this every single month and that is your opportunity whether you're a my in my learn program program or whether you.

    Follow me on YouTube to bring your dashboard share the work you've done and tell your story get started on that journey the path to success so we're gonna link to that in the corner and.

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