How To Set Up User Registration For WordPress Website Using Ultimate Member - ID Card Make

How To Set Up User Registration For WordPress Website Using Ultimate Member - ID Card Make Hi everybody Welcome To Live blogger in this video I'm going to show you how to set up registration and login Pages for your WordPress website using a plugin called ultimate member so let's get.

How To Set Up User Registration For WordPress Website Using Ultimate Member

started so here's my WordPress website and this is how it looks and I'm using this theme called Astra so this is a new.

Local website that I created and I'm using this uh app called local by Flywheel for hosting this website locally so you can just go ahead and download this software and click on this.

Add local site button and then go ahead and create a new WordPress site now here we can see in the dashboard if you go to users here we can see that we have this admin and uh it has a role of.

Administrator now you can go ahead and add a new user by clicking on this add new user button but this Buton button is only accessible to someone who has access to the dashboard of your website.

Now if someone wants to create a new account on your website then they don't have any option over here on the front end so for that we're going to use a plugin called ultimate member and it.

Will create some pages so that we can let the user create a new account so further let's go over here to plugins and let's click on add new plugin and here let's go ahead and search for.

Ultimate member and here we can see we have this plug-in called ultimate member so it has more than 200,000 active installations so let's click on install.

Now now once it is installed you can just click on activate now here we can see that the plug-in has been installed and activated now here at the top it says that.

Ultimate member needs to create several pages so it creates these pages so we have account registration login and all these pages over here now you can go ahead and click on this create page.

Pages button and it will create all these Pages for you so let's click on create pages and here we can see all the pages are created and they are assigned to the.

Correct options over here so here user page is user and we have login page register page and so on and if you go over here to Pages here we can see that the new pages have been created so we.

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    Have all these Pages created by ultimate - ID Card Make

    Member so now let's go back to Ultimate member and now here we can see it says we have one user user and we have the user displayed over here now let's go.

    Back to our website and reload this page and here we can see that all these uh pages are displayed over here in the navigation menu now we want to display just a couple of these options now we.

    Don't want to display all these pages over here we don't want to display the register and login pages when we are already logged in so let's go back to our dashboard and let's go over here to.

    Appearance and let's click on menus and let's create create a new menu so I'll just name it top menu and let's click on create menu right now let's go ahead and add some of.

    These options over here so let's click on password reset log out register and login and let's click on add to menu and all these options are added over here so let's click on Save.

    Menu and let's go back to the theme customization page so let's click on customize and here in menus let's click on view all locations and here for the primary menu let's select top menu and.

    Now we can see that the selected pages are displayed over here in the menu so let's click on publish and let's go back and let's go over here to menus and let's go ahead and add some conditions.

    Over here so when we are logged in we don't want to display the register and login pages so let's go over here and uh let's click on this register menu and here in.

    Ultimate member menu settings let's go ahead and change this to logged out users and let's do the same for login so here also let's change this to logged out users so only the logged out users.

    Will see the login and register pages so

    Let's click on Save menu and I if over here and reload this page now we can see that it says password reset and log out right now let's go ahead and add these.

    Two inside a main menu so let's create a custom link and uh for the URL I'll just type hash and let's click on add to menu and here for the text let's change this to account this will be visible to only.

    The logged in users and let's click on Save menu and let's go ahead and add this password reset and log out into this account so I'll just drag it over here to the right.

    Side and let's add one more page over here so we will add the account page so let's click on account and add to menu and let's add it over here I'll just bring it to the top and let's go ahead.

    And select all of these and let's change this to logged in users so only the logged in users will be able to access this menu item let's do the same for password reset so let's change this to.

    Logged in users and let's do the same for log out and then I'll just go ahead and click on Save menu and now if you go back and reload this page now we can see.

    That it says account and if I H over this we have account password reset and log out so let's click on account I'll just change this to dashboard so now we can see we have.

    Dashboard and password reset and log out and here in the account we have username first name last name and the email ID and here we have the option of changing the password and then we have some.

    Privacy options so you can change the privacy of your account and uh you have all these options of indexing the profile by search engines and all these things over here you can also download.

    The data of your account and you can also erase the data of your account so you can do all of these and you also have the option of deleting your account so you can just enter the password and.

    Click on delete account right now let's go ahead and see how it will look on a logged out user so I'll just open this in a new incognito window right here I have opened the.

    Website in an incognito window and here we have these two options register and login so if you click on login we have the option to log in and if you enter a wrong password and username it will give.

    Us this error so let's go ahead and click on register and let's create a new user so I'll just give it a username of John and let's add some first name and last name and let's add an email ID so.

    I'll just name it John and you can add a password so I just add some password and let's click on register and now we can see that John.

    Has been registered and here we have all the details so now we have account displayed over here and if I go over here to dashboard we have all the options that we saw.

    Earlier and then you can log out by clicking on this log out button and let's click on login and let's tap John and let's add the password and now we can see that we are logged in back again.

    And then we also have the option of resetting the password so you can add your email ID and you'll get a password reset link and you'll be able to reset your password right now let's go back to.

    Our dashboard and let's click on Ultimate member and here we can see there are two users and if I click on this we have John and uh we have admin over here so this is how you can.

    Basically give access to register and login to an end user and if you go back to Ultimate member and if you go to settings here we have all these different settings so if you go here to.

    Users here are a lot of different things you can change so we can decide how the name should be displayed and uh all these options over here you can go ahead and check all these.

    Out and here we can see we have the message that will be sent when someone deletes their account and you can customize all of this so now let's go to access and here you can limit the access.

    To only logged in users for the whole site this will be the message that will be displayed when a user that is not logged in visits the site now if you go to email here we can see that we can set.

    Up emails for different actions so you can go ahead and change the settings over here so if you click on settings you can enable or disable this so go ahead and make changes according to your.

    Needs and then if you go to appearance here we have some options of changing the look and feel of your pages so here we have the profile page the profile menu and uh the registration form so you.

    Can change all of these options over here and the login form right now on the left side we have forms so if I click on forms we have these different forms so we have registration form login form and.

    The profile page so if I click on for example edit on registration here we have the option of making changes to the form so right now it requires username first name last name email address and.

    Password you can click on plus and add new Fields over here so you can select any of these fields and uh add the details over here so here we can add the title The the tool tip the placeholder.

    The label and all these things over here and uh if you want to make changes to this existing Fields you can do that as well so you can click on edit and here we have all these options so you can go.

    Ahead and also choose an icon and uh let's search for user and you can select an icon and click on finish and if you click on update we can see that the icon is being.

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