How To Give Feedback (The Right Way) The Learn-It-All Podcast Clip

How To Give Feedback (The Right Way) The Learn-It-All Podcast Clip Had mentioned earlier about giving feedback um and that can that can be difficult especially today you know in the US we we put a real big premium on self-esteem and people have even.

How To Give Feedback (The Right Way) The Learn-It-All Podcast Clip

Invested a lot of energy in trying to be more aware of other people more empathic and it's almost shut them down more so they're like afraid to be direct afraid to give direct honest feedback and hold.

Each other accountable how do you how do you balance these two things yeah no I think um you know there's uh there there's a lot to that but I think you actually um there there's a couple.

Couple famous things around it and coming from different places business there's some uh religious says around it but really when you when you care about people again like I said your charge of.

Taking care of them so I tell my teams all the time that if I'm not willing to tell you directly what it is that you need to work on or how you need to get better do I really care about you right.

Like you you you you stop your kid from running in the street because you don't want them to get hit by a car and sometimes you have to you know yell because they start to run in the street.

And so you have to yell and grab them now you don't yell at people at work that's not what at all I'm saying but my point is that to your child they may not always understand why you don't want.

Them on their phone past a certain time or why they can't just play video games all day or why they need to go to school but but it's you know you're or why you're correcting a bad behavior right.

Um but the reality of it is is that as as their parent you're responsible for putting a successful U individual out there into the world and to do that you have to give them them feedback and so.

The same thing applies in business that if if you're my You Know Chief sales officer or you're my you know forklift driver and and you and you want to do a good job so again it doesn't matter.

Whether you're executive or whether you're you know front line um I have to tell you whether or not you're doing things right and um if that's coming from a place of I care about you and I.

Want you to be successful I think people can tell Daren now what I tell you is anytime you give people criticism it hurts them initially right there's an ego element and a pride element that we.

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    All have that when someone tells you you

    Need to do something different it it's an immediate shock um and I think being aware of that in the moment and so being able to to balance the conversation or.

    Feedback knowing that hey I'm probably going to say something that this person's not going to love hearing so I'm going to immediately need to be able to explain why I'm telling this and why.

    It's and so that that why behind it really matters and the example I give all the time is I had a had a person who was working for me as like a general manager director at the time and they.

    Were struggling with some things and the client was giving me some feedback and I could see that there were some issues with the financials and the reality of it is is that this person needed some.

    Help with the p&l but really was math trip like they just weren't comfortable with some of the math and so um you know here I am as as an adult talking to another adult saying hey you know what.

    You should think about taking some math classes you know at a local college or something because you really need to get better at math and you know I remember telling my person I was gonna have this.

    Conversation like you can't tell somebody they need to get better at math like I don't tell them they need to get better at math they're never gonna learn the financials and yeah you know.

    Fast forward and now this person's a vice president they run a very large p&l and you know they're having a huge career and they did exactly what I what I suggested they went back and and and.

    Got better at at some of the math elements of that that are required to to manage the finances of a business so um you know it wasn't an easy conversation but I made sure that he knew where it.

    Was coming from and that it was coming

    From a place of I'm trying to help you be the best version of what you want to be not the best version of what I need you to be this is what you're telling me.

    You want to do well I'm telling you that if that's what you want to be here's the things that you're going to need to do to get there and um and I'm going to support you in any way I can along that.

    Process so and that even falls into and and they're always really difficult conversations but that even falls into sometimes when you have to let people go because a lot of times people who get.

    To the point where they need to let go and they're miserable in their career and they're miserable in their job and what I've told a lot of the leaders that are both clients of ours and internally.

    At learn it you're actually doing them a favor if you do it the right way if you communicate to them um why what what's going on and and get give them an opportunity to go find something else.

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