Webinar The power of AI marketing personalization with Make & Meta

Webinar The power of AI marketing personalization with Make & Meta Welcome everyone again to the webinar so this webinar is uh going to be about personalization uh in marketing with the help of AI which is a very interesting topic um and the order in which we will be dealing with this topic is first to kind of give you a little bit of introduction so you know who's taking care of you today and then we'll jump on to meta and we'll ask meta how does meta enable personalized marketing and I saw the content and I can already say they do great of stuff so uh there's a lot to.

Webinar The power of AI marketing personalization with Make & Meta

Learn from that presentation from Matt um before we jump on to uh how you can use uh or combine make an AI so how you can really leverage automation for reaching personalized marketing and as promis at the end of um of these two um segments we will go into some Q&A so uh today's webinar is led by two very very inspirational people people so it's my pleasure to uh introduce Matt.

Felzer who's the head of business engineering at meta he is a digital marketing technology expert so he has ton of experience about how you can help businesses of different size to adapt to this evolving digital marketing ecosystem I know there's a lot of things changing all the time but he's really one of the best people that can make sense of it all uh then I have with me uh Dan Dan Ro who is a solution architect at make uh Dan is really our.

Goto person when it comes to anything marketing related at make so he's formally morger but for now we call him the marketing wizard uh at Mike and lastly you have the host which is me um I have the best job of the free uh so I'm the AI transformation lead at make which means that I get to work with many different teams and I get to discover what their problems are what their opportunities are and try to Empower them uh to help and use uh AI for their everyday.

Work uh when I'm not doing that uh I'm talking to a female talent and hoping to inspire them to to take on uh this exciting career journey of AI so that's the three of us uh Dan do you want to say hi um to to everyone yeah so as Sarah said I'm Solutions architect but I happen to have a lot of experience with marketing and online campaigns and all that because I used to be doing it for like seven years before I make so this webinar is kind of like the perfect fit.

For me that's that's amazing to hear we can't wait uh for you to share everything that you know and Matt um now do you want to also say a quick Hi and then jump onto your part of the story sounds great thanks Sarah hey everyone I'm Matt felzer and I lead engineering for meta advertising Partnerships I'm going to talk today about meta investments in AI the work we're doing to put this technology in the hands of marketers and how it's easier than ever to harness that power with our great partner make go to the next slide little run of.

Show you want to get to the next slide and one so AI is having a moment uh everyone is talking about it businesses start are starting to explore how they can leverage it it seems like there's Innovations every week in large language models for text generation new text image tools coming out and emerging video and music creation tools next slide but AI isn't new the groundwork for these Innovations started many years ago before we actually even had the Computing technology to build products around it and AI has been a core part of meta DNA ever since the newsfeed launch.

In 2006 so we've been Leading The Way with publicly available AI research and Technologies for over a decade and we continue to release foundational industry tools like torch and llama and you can try out our latest work with Hands-On demos at our new website mea.ing landscape there are new ways to buy media that give you better results and less time so ad buying started with buying space like a billboard a TV spot or a website Banner then it shifted into buying audiences I want to show my ads.

These people wherever they are and now it's evolving again to buying outcomes get me the leads or sales that matter to my business whoever my customers are wherever they are and AI is going to help you do that slide so what exactly is meta doing today since 2018 meta spent more than $90 billion on capex much of that building out infrastructure to support growth in AI we expect to spend another 3540 billion in 2024 to increase our AI.

Capacity and what does that capital investment look like next slide servers uh I don't know if this video is going to play hundreds and thou hundreds of thousands of these servers training and running our latest models and we make this investment in these physical pieces of our infrastructure because we know AI is going to help us bring value to the people and businesses that use our services and we're already seeing the.

Benefits of this so we've rebuilt our ad stack top to bottom with new infrastructure new AI models and new user experiences and this year it's driving 20% more conversions and this time last year across all of our ads all at a lower cost to our advertisers so met is working to make marketer's jobs Easier by creating AI models for ad delivery that helps fill in the gaps where there's partial or missing data so these models will help our delivery and measurement systems without needing to rely as heavily on.

Individual personal data so the Investments that we're making in modeling also helps us improve ad formats like lead ads which we'll discuss in a minute but for example when your goal is for a person to take an action after seeing an ad like filling out a form AI is going to help us predict who is more likely to take those steps towards conversion and while all that's going on behind the scenes uh I want to highlight some of the new AI powered tools that we've made available to our customers so we're putting generative AI.

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    To work for our advertisers meta recently released three features in ads manager to generate better ad creative

    And help you personalize your message for different audience segments so we've got text variations for your ad copy and both background generation and image outcropping to help you reuse your existing creative across different ad placements and meta is also building tools like The Meta Advantage Suite which is a portfolio of automated ad products and these Solutions enable automation across one or every step of the ads creation process and help.

    Businesses connect with the relevant audiences in the right place and the right time giving you better performance at its core meta Advantage is a suite of 12 different products that use Ai and machine learning to help optimize your campaign results and personalize ads by matching them to the right people at the right time so this Suite can do things like automatically broadening your targeting identifying more sales opportunities or allocating budgets amongst all your different adsets based on which is getting the most sales to the lowest cost it can also automatically determine the most effective placement for your individual.

    Ads whether that's on Facebook or Instagram in a news feed in a story in a real um and these features really help reduce costs and significantly streamline the process of creating an ad uh it eliminates the need for you to do a bunch of manual inputs in our ads manager that saves you a lot of time and effort so at meta there are two crucial principles to leveraging the full power of machine learning and that's Fuel and freedom so essentially you have to give our systems the right fuel tool for the task at hand whether that's the right.

    Data the right direction the right objective and then the freedom to use that information and to perform its work to deliver value for you so when it comes to AI powered campaigns you can think of the fuel you bring across four different categories there's the data you bring which helps us understand your customers and their behaviors while respecting people's data privacy choices the creative you bring represents your vision your brand your call to action the media options you select reflect your business goals and specify what you want your marketing to achieve and finally measurement strategy represents.

    Your learning agenda to really understand the impact of your marketing on your business goals so so once you put the fuel in place uh machine learning works best when you give it the freedom to unleash sorry if you could go back one side um to unleash the full potential of your marketing strategy and find the best results at the lowest cost um so with the right fuel you'll see a lot of value by giving these Solutions the freedom to perform so with data that means removing your assumptions about demographics and about.

    People's behavior um rather than selecting specific audiences and doing a lot of Subs segmentation um you want to let us let you reach and engage with both your intended audience as well as unexpected audiences identified by our systems then Freedom with creative means AI can deliver differentiated creative with the most relevant message placement format there's no one size fits all when it comes to building great creative because you can mean something different to each person but AI will help you match the.

    Right creatives the right audiences uh Freedom recing media can mean that AI has a chance to optimize your investment and reach your most important objectives and then finally with measurement uh meta measurement solutions that employ AI can help provide more comprehensive reporting of outcomes using Advanced modeling where there's not complete data um so these two core principles Fuel and freedom are fundamental across our entire performance system there's a lot of hype around AI at the moment but these are tangible actions to leverage AI to grow your business.

    So for data consider the conversions API for Creative explore creative differentiation for media leverage our advantage suite and finally take advantage of our measurement products to get a deeper understanding of the value that meta ads are creating for you so moving on to our feature solution for this webinar our lead ads so in the past traditional lead Jens relied a lot on non-personalized methods to drive scale things like direct mail or cold calls uh digital lead generation improved upon that by reaching people.

    When they seek out the services they need but that means that people are limited to funding businesses that they already know about uh but for businesses looking to move a little bit further up the marketing funnel and raise awareness to start building their customer pipeline meta can offer personalized Discovery and support frictionless experiences in ways that other lead generation methods can't so we offer a variety of lead gen ad formats from forums to ads that drop you directly into a chat thread across any of our messaging products to ads that let you call a business.

    Directly so zooming in are our instant forms product uh this allows people to

    Express interest in just a few Taps so these forms load quickly and are mobile first uh they can autop populate with info that the person's previously shared with meta and they can be optimized for either generating lead volume or high quality leads and for most advertisers these instant forms outperform forms on their website and reduce the cost of equ quality lead by 20% so remembering that data is fuel uh.

    When running an instant form in a lead ad campaign there's two ways you can use data to help fuel performance and make can really help facilitate both of those things without requiring a heavy technical lift so first you got lead retrieval which extracts the leads data from meta and seamlessly sends it to the tools that you use to manage your leads then you've got the conversions API which creates a feedback loop for your lead quality and helps our systems deliver your ads to leads are more likely to convert so a lead retrieval integration.

    Can be done on its own and has a lot of benefits it's also a prerequisite for the conversions API integration but some of the benefits you can see from automating the lead retrieval process so you don't need to manually download your leads from meta and save them in a spreadsheet or upload them to other tools you can take immediate automated action on New Leads and these benefits will really help you scale it's a onetime setup applies to all your campaigns and will really help you supercharge your legit on meta so when you create an instant form.

    You'll be asked to set a performance goal which helps meta understand how you measure success for your ads so you can choose between maximizing your total volume of leads so your ads would be shown to the people most likely to share their contact information with you volume might be the most important thing if you're trying to build an email list or looking to pre-register people for something um or you can maximize the quality of your leads so your leads your ads will be shown to people most like to convert after sharing their contact info with you so conversions probably matter more if you're more focused on.

    Securing intentional leads that you you're going to have to follow up on like booking a test drive at a dealership or getting a price quote so ads that use the conversion leads performance goal and integrate with the conversions API saw an average of 15% reduction in cost for Quality lead and a 44% increase in rate of converting a lead to a quality lead so ultimately you get to pick between quality or quantity and to help you visualize your data Journey when you complete this conversions API integration so let's say you run a lead generation campaign.

    Across meta and a potential customer takes an action from your ad they submit an instant form to get a quote at this point without any further integration the ad delivery system doesn't receive any more information about that lead did that person convert was that a quality lead for your business that information is on your side but not ours but if you integrate your CRM with the conversions API the actions that potential customer took are shared back with meta and this enables the ad delivery system to learn which leads are more likely to be customers after you initially engage.

    Them we really find that advertisers who work with meta business partners see more success with our lead ads specifically they generate 53% more leads so on that note I'll pass back over to Sara and Daniel who can talk about the specifics of how make can drive performance for your metal ads great thanks so much Matt I love this I love the uh Moto Fuel and freedom just because here at make we we do a lot of freedom uh to innovate so I like this partnership when uh you give uh More For.

    Less essentially um you kind of hypers speed this uh this effort that marketers are doing and we provide you and platform that is able to scale this even further so I feel like this this relationship is very very powerful so uh towards Dan um he will tell you a little bit about how you're embracing AI with make hey so as we said earlier I'm Daniel and let's talk about embracing AI at make uh for those of you who don't know make yet so make is a visual automation platform which currently has.

    Around 100K users across 180 countries some of you may know our mother company which acquired make about 3 years ago and it's called salonis it's a Pioneer in process mining uh from Germany um now when it comes to to actual users of make as of today generally speaking our users love us so that's why we have very high review ratings across independent review sites and some of our customers are also from the big brand name world so we have.

    Customers like Spotify or SoftBank or bny Melon so you know we are not even that small company anymore we are actually pretty big now when it comes to our mission uh we'd like to empower marketers to visually create build and automate to reach their true potential and I'm going to I'm not going to say too much about this because I think you will get the idea once Sarah dives into make later on in the presentation now let's talk about the problem or the workflow so let's pretend I'm a marketer.

    Now right I come from marketing and you know I'm running some campaigns so you know I have campaigns running uh the campaigns generate leads eventually someone needs to process the leads and eventually the leads convert and of course you can also send the conversions events back to meta back to the campaigns for further optimization but as we said uh this webinar will be mainly about this part even though you can also do this through mag but that would be kind of a topic for Standalone webinar so in this webinar we are going.

    To be talking about how to ingest the leads from Facebook and how to streamline your lead processing how to basically create customized or personalized messages to the submitters of the leads so my problem is actually fairly simple yep so I'm running Facebook lead ads to generate leads for my real estate business so we are going to be selling properties and I would like to perform a customized or personalized followup via email after the Le the lead is received so I don't want to do this with people I want to do this through AI because you know AI is.

    Just faster you know you can compile a message within one minute and not within one hour it might be too late when you follow up for the first time so we are going to use make to create these automated follow-ups and we are going to show you two ways how you can do it first one will be simple so we are basically going to uh use a simple prompt to Ai and then we are also going to use a more advanced approach we are going to engage assistance all right so let's start building but before we go into the build process let's focus on the outcome we are after right so what.

    Is at the end of the day the ultimate outcome we want to create so as we said we are going to be create a personalized followup where the email to the lead which is you know looking to buy a property in London is going to received a customized message in this section based on what the lead told us in the form on Facebook right in the lead ads form so here we can see that we are quoting specific needs which were Des which were described in the form so the person was looking for properties which.

    Were in quiet environment family friendly Etc right and we were able to compile this customized message based on the information from the form and not only we are going to be sending this customized email we also want to create a very simple tracker or very simple CRM and in this case we are going to be using air table of course in real life you can use different things like Salesforce or pipe drive for Hub sport whatever but in my case I'm going to go simple so my CRM is air table and I'll be also keeping statuses of the leads.

    Here okay so once we are done the process in me is going to look like this right so this is the scenario and the first part you know this is for me for the marketer it's kind of easy right we are going to be looking for New Leads then we are going to be retrieving all the lead info from Facebook about that particular lead then we are going to send some simple events to Facebook and then I'm going to store my lead into the CRM and then the AI magic starts and you know we have Sarah here our AI Guru so she can tell you more about what is going to be happening.

    In this section of the scenario so Sarah what is going on here yeah I love the word AI magic I think it describes it well and I'm going to be doing my best to decode what that magic means uh so it's going to be very simple uh we'll be using first a module from open AI uh we'll be using it to convert postco to Neighborhood to show you how you can convert different data to something that's more uh human friendly in your follow-ups and then we'll be using entropic which is another uh which is a competitor to open AI uh to draft an.

    Email ma that's personalized and that will look like the one that you saw on the slide earlier so no worries then we'll we'll handle the the AI magic all right great I am glad it doesn't have to be me because as we said I am just a marketer right I'm not a AI Guru here so let's go um so you know if you want to start uh building a process like this of course you will need to process the leads from Facebook first so what are you going to do at M well you are going to look for the Facebook lead ads app for the new lead module right so you.

    Need to capture that event you need to capture that something happened on Facebook so you are going to select this module and then you will be asked to set up a web hook after configuring your connection to uh Facebook and then you will select the page from which the leads are coming from and then you can also specify the form right so we are going to create a simple configuration like this and then pay attention to the right side here here is a preview of the four form which our leads are filling.

    Out on Facebook so of course we are asking for basic things like City postcode and budget but here we are also asking for a description of your Dreamhouse in one sentence right and this is the input which we will be using to generate that customized that personalized response to the lead later on and of course on the next page of the form you would also ask for your personal details which would be filled out automatically by meta because meta knows you know who who those people as as Matt already said so that part is super easy that's basically fil.

    Pre-filled most of the time based on the profile info all right let's move on so once we get the notification about the new lead it's time to get all the lead details about the lead so we are going to use this module from the Facebook lead ads app and then we are going to map the page ID coming from the first module the form ID from the first module and the lead ID and this module is going to give us of course all the lead details like the answers but also it's also going to give you for example the human friendly questions in case you need to store them into your CRM Etc in.

    The next step we are going to do something which might be new to you or most of you uh because it's highly recommended to also send a simple event back to meta to tell them hey you know we received the lead and the event should look like this it should be uh done through Facebook conversions API app through the sent events module and you are supposed to send a an event name set to lead event time set to now because that's when you receive the lead uh the action Source should be system generated and then of course you should map the lead ID from the first module.

    And by doing so you are basically saying to meta hey everything is good we got the lead it work you know we store it and then meta later on can go and use this information for campaign optimization so you know this is not that well known but don't skip this part it's important to pass these events back uh to meta so they know uh you capture the leads now keep in mind this is slightly um cut down because the module is too big so there is multiple Fields here uh but the lead ID field can be eventually found within the module so we.

    Are covered here we processed our lead uh we we told meta that you know we received it and now it's time to also create a new record in our CRM so I'm going to do something very simple I'm going to create a new record from the air table module by mapping the first name last name email phone number City basically all the fields which you are expecting to be mapped and to be stor in the CRM of course you are also going to map the description of the property they are looking for ETC and now this is where the cool starts the cool part starts and this is where AI is going to.

    Be deployed so Sarah please stage is yours thank you uh the the fun stuff definitely for for me uh thank you for setting the scene now let's see how we can personalize that followup so uh the first thing that I need to do is to look for open AI module um perhaps Contra intuitively um what you have to look for is create completion which is basically just the same when you're at uh at chat GPT and you just uh typing to the chat bot uh so.

    It allows you to send prompts uh promps are basically messages to to AI so you have to look for the new modu module and create completion and you will get to this uh page uh right here uh you first need to connect uh to open AI uh in that connection like just be uh mindful that c GPT is uh is one product uh you will need to connect to platform openai which is a slightly different uh product uh so.

    When you're making that connection just make sure that you're understanding the difference a little bit we are publishing a new video on how you can set up a connection to open Ai and it will be released tomorrow uh so keep an eye for that uh and remember um me saying that there the are two different things uh then you select chat completion which is again just a way of saying uh I want to write something to the chat uh to to chat GPT and then you set up a model um one point of remark here it can be a bit confusing what kind.

    Of model you should go for you might have seen all the big news about Chad GPT 4 Chad GPT 3.5 Chad GPT 40 uh what does it really mean well long story short uh Chad GPD 40 is the latest model which is kind of the cost benefit solution it's quite good in quality but it's also very fast and quite um quite costly well well costly so it doesn't it doesn't cost you too much uh so if I would recommend going with 40 uh if you want slightly more quality and you're willing to invest go with chat.

    Gp4 uh then you select the role of a user uh that's basically just saying uh I am I'm chatting to chat GPT there are some other options which suggest that make allows you to go slightly Beyond just chatting with chat GPT but uh for now let's just keep it simple and you should choose the user option and then it's time to uh put your prompt in uh what I'm saying here is that I want to convert uh post code from uh from post code to um to Neighborhood the reason why I'm doing this is that I don't know if You' ever seen post goes in London.

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