Tutorial do Copiloto do Excel

Tutorial do Copiloto do Excel Welcome to Learnit Training. The exercise files for today's course are located in the video description below. Don't forget to like and subscribe! Hello everyone and welcome. My name is Joe and I'm going to be facilitating this course for you today. Today we're talking about copilot from Microsoft Excel. Now Copilot is been a major topic lately. And it's something that's going to change the way that we work with these applications. In order for us to understand Copilot from Microsoft Excel,.

Tutorial do Copiloto do Excel

We have to understand what copilot it. Copilot is a powerful adding tool for Microsoft Excel that allows users to automate repetitive tasks, improve efficiency, and also save time. Now you know, I says machine learning and AI technology to analyze your workflow and then suggest code snippets based on your specific needs. And with Copilot, you can automate data manipulation, formatting, calculations, and so much more without actually needing extensive programing knowledge. Now, a couple things with copilot..

It's the way that it comes out with output and input is when you ask it a question, and then the output will be the result or the answer to that question. And the way that it randomizes this is known as stochastic process. Now stochastic process in AI models can lead to slightly different results each time the model is run. So even though we put in the same input right, I can say, hey, how much does this equal out to my total sales? It might not be word for word the same exact output..

And this is awesome. What is desired right? We often want randomness so that none of us have the same answers. So just know that if you're following along with this video that you will never get the same answer as me unless it's something really straightforward like give me the total sales that I've made, it will give you the total sales. That's not random. But if you ask it to give you insights, it might give you something totally different than the insights it gives me. Another thing is a couple of the pros and cons of using copilot. So we're going to start off with the pros productivity boost right..

It aims to enhance productivity by automating various tasks such as writing emails or creating presentations, or even taking meeting notes, which is great. We can also integrated with Microsoft Suite, which is what we're doing today. We are going to be looking at Excel's version of Copilot. We also have to understand that it is a natural language process, which means we're able to just put in inputs naturally and then we get results. And the best part about copilot is learning and adaptation. It's always designed to learn from our user interactions..

So the more questions we ask over time, it starts to understand how we think about our data. Now some of the cons of using Copilot are, first off potential bias and inaccuracies. Right? Of course this is a new technology. So sometimes it might generate inaccurate information based on the data it was trained on. And you'll notice that throughout the course that sometimes I might not get the exact answer I want, and I need to teach it what I want. You also see here that there's an adoption learning curve. As with any new technology, you're going to have to get used to using the interface.

Or even certain input commands that you're going to ask it, or certain prompts that you want to look at. So that's why this video is going to be super helpful for you, because it's going to allow for you to understand those learning curves. And last but not least, ethical concerns. Of course, you know, it's an AI assistant. So we want to make sure that we're not just using it to generate misinformation or plagiarized content. Now, last quick note before we actually dive into this is that Microsoft Copilot is still in development.

And its final capabilities, the pricing, availability is yet to be determined. So as with anything else that is AI powered, it's crucial to approach it with a critical mindset, right? We want to be sure that we're maintaining our privacy and security. We're going to comply with any of our company's rules. Right. And this AI is definitely not a replacement for human expertise or decision making. So we are actually using it as a tool, not a replacement. So in order for us to actually use.

Copilot for Excel, we need to have it set up. So I don't mean actually having copilot on your Excel. That setup should automatically update after you purchase copilot. And then you just click update and then you should see the button. This part will be useless unless we actually set up our data for the use of copilot. And the way that we have to have Copilot set up for our data is that our data has to be a table. And also you have to be connected to a cloud storage system,.

Which for me is going to be my OneDrive. So if I click on copilot right now, it will even tell you that autosave is turned off. You need to connect to autosave. So that's the first thing. Even if you're not connected or you don't have a table yet, it will remind you. So I'm going to actually click on turn on Auto save. Give that a click. And it's going to say how do you want to auto save. I'll select my one drive..

And now it's saved to my cloud storage system. But that's not it. It's still going to tell me hey I only work in Excel tables. Are you ready to actually turn this into a table? And it's really great because all you have to do is select into your data set. And it picks up that from A3 to F 105. So it's not including the title or my little bar that I made here. It's only including the headers and the data. And I'll kind of convert. So already you can see artificial intelligence is helping us. We can quickly change this..

And code table with I have to select our data. Now I'm going to just change the table styles here. You can do this if you want to as well. And let's just go with oh no I'll go with something like this or you know let's do this one. So now I have my table. It looks great. You'll notice that Copilot pane is now on the right. And if you exit out of it, no worries. You can always go back to the home tab. And then click on copilot to open up the pane again..

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    Now when you first open up pane you're going to see that immediately. We're getting prompted right.

    Whether we want to add a formula column or highlight our data or sort and filter it or even just analyze it also in this pane. We have show data inside shows custom for formula columns. Or can we highlight filter as short the data. And we can even prompt right the prompt area where we can ask a question or make a request about our data. But remember, in order to even get this pane, you first have to set it up.

    So that your data has to be a table and that your autosave is turned on. So the paint itself is going to look very similar across the different Microsoft suite. So whether you're in PowerPoint or Word or Excel, you'll typically have this paint here. And it works the same if you click the little dropdown. You can either move or resize it or get help on copilot or even just close it out or click the X to close out. And then when you want to bring it back up, you just click on copilot in your home tab. Now at this moment, you'll see all the different options here once again..

    And that typically comes with everything in copilot. So just a list of different prompts that you can use. And then underneath that you have those prompts as well. So whether I'm clicking how can I highlight filter sort data. It'll give me some information. But that's the same exact thing as if I just click highlight or filter. So they give you multiple ways to do the same thing, which that's Microsoft. They always have done that. You'll see once again we can ask a question or make a request. But if you don't know exactly where to start,.

    Maybe you're thinking what sort of prompts should I do? You can always click on the view prompt and it looks like a little book icon here. And what it allows for is all the different prompts. And it'll give you an idea of what you can ask it. So you'll see what kind of prompt you want to you want to create. And then you can click it, you know, showcase all the things you can create or you can say, understand, I'll show you all the different things, like how many different things are represented in this table, or which items have the most remaining in inventory. So it has a great understanding of our data already..

    We can click on Edit where we highlight or filter. So once again sort of going through that same phase of what it has listed here. And then we can ask right. How can copilot help. So it's sort of the same for here that are here. It's just marked a little differently. Another thing that's really awesome is that we can use our microphone to ask questions. So if you're going to be asking a long question and you just don't like to type it out, you can use a little microphone. Now once you come up with a question and you're ready to go,.

    Then you can start to use whether these buttons you want to use or if you just want to ask a question, you can quickly do that. Now remember that this is going to be different from whatever you put in. So even though we may ask the same question, if you're following along with the training, always remember the randomness of the output right? So let's take a moment and click on Show Data Insights and see what sort of insights we got for our first command..

    Now throughout this training it is going to say working on it, understanding your data, finalizing your data. So it's going to be a little more time that we have to wait. Because remember this is AI. It is newer technology and it is going through all different ways to analyze our data. You'll see the first thing it decided to do was get an insight where it took my total items sold by price. Now, I would say that that doesn't really make sense for me, but maybe for some of you you might say, yeah, that works for us. Like which items?.

    But for me, I would rather have it so that it shows me not just the pricing, but it shows me what the items are, and then it shows me how many items we sold, I thought would make more sense to me. So as you can see, I generated this content and it still might be incorrect. So you can actually rate it. Once you have the result, you can either add it to a new sheet. Or I'll even say, you know, the content might be incorrect. So you can give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down if you just like the way that it pulled that. I personally didn't like this because once again, I don't want to know my pricing..

    Like I know the South is $1.99, but yeah, but it will also tell you right here. It'll say, here is the data insight I found for you. The total items sold by prices are for 99, with 144,000 through 67 items sold. And then it runs through how it made this. But once again, this is data that just makes no sense to me. Then you can quickly change the topic and it'll kind of refresh. Or you can keep asking it questions or ask more insights. Like I see another insight. So if I click on it again, another insight, it'll show me total..

    I increase over time. So it's showing me now years and right and thought okay, a little better.

    This is something that makes sense for me. So it looks like we are increasing in sales which is a good thing. Now as much as I want maybe, but it's a good thing and I'll give it a little checkmark and say I really like that. And you'll see here that once you click, whether it's going to be the down dislike or the up like you can then say, what did you like, give it detail. You can include a screenshot as well, or even upload the file.

    As long as you're, you know, keeping compliance with your company. You don't want to upload just your file. If there's some data that's confidential, there. You'll see share my prompt my generated responses. So Microsoft is definitely working to improve Copilot every single day. And the more feedback you give copilot, the more better it's just going to be for us in the future. Now, once you're done with this course, I won't let this right now. You can click the little X and I'll bring you back to your copilot preview here. You can see that you can add all the insights to the grid. Or once again you can get another insight and you'll see it's a little quicker this time..

    Now it's telling me the frequency of total items sold. Thank you. Got another one. Now it's telling me for products notebooks. The month in March had a noticeably higher total item sold. I can see that in March we sold a lot of notebooks. Something I want to be able to just look at and tell right away. So once again, this is pretty amazing technology. So take a moment and try some of these prompts out on your own. Some insights. And when we come back we're going to talk about being able to really visualize our data in a way that's meaningful to..

    Always remember that you can clinch the topic, which means it's going to erase everything else that you've done. I'll say, okay, let's change topics. What would you like to talk about? And then I'll go through that same prompt before where you can get data, insights, formulas or even highlight, filter or sorting the data. But let's say that we want to visualize this data. We know that if we go to show data insights we'll work on it. And it's probably going to give us a visual that might not make sense for us. So we'll go through understanding our data and what's there. And let's take a look at what it comes up with..

    So at this point wanted shows cases are visual and you'll see total items sold by prices. Again it's sort of repeated. So that change topic this kind of like a reset button. And you'll see that this just only makes no sense right? I don't want to see total items sold by prices. I want to see the total item told by product. So what I'll do is I'll actually put that in the prompt here. I'll say please create a chart that shows.

    And then I'll name the columns. And you don't have to put it in quotes or anything. That's the best part about this total. Item sold. Per products. Or you could say by products, whatever makes sense. And you can even call it please make it a clustered column..

    And then I'll press enter. So it's going to go through it's going to read my prompt. I'm just simply telling it to instead of total items by pricing create total items by products and make it into specifically a clustered column chart. And look at how amazing this is. Immediately it creates it for us. Now this is exactly what I wanted. It tells me not only I created a clustered column for and I'll show me what the highest total item sold for partners was, but it also creates a chart for me. Now, at this point, I can add this to a new sheet by just clicking this button here..

    Add two new sheet and you'll see it create a pivot table and then it creates a pivot chart. So when it's talking about visualizations or it's talking about any type of table, it's typically talking about pivot tables and pivot charts because of their unique values and unique ways of working. So now I have an awesome looking table, an awesome looking part, and they put it all in a separate thing. Now, just because I'm in a separate sheet doesn't mean my copilot is not there still. You'll notice that over here yes, we have pivot chart fields,.

    But right above it we have our copilot. So you can switch between the two. So I'm going to just switch back to copilot. And I'm taking a look at this. It's A1I added. Total item told by product to sheet one. And I can even go back to the table and I'll switch back. Now at this point it's going to give you more prompts. So the more you put into copilot, the more prompt you for other ways to analyze your data. For instance, it says you could get the percentage of total for items sold that comes from the division East..

    Or we can ask something like, which is the division from month of February or month, with total items sold higher than eight 800 or 81,000, right? That's the best part. Now, if I do ask, it's something like please create a pie chart. With sales. Per division..

    If I do something like that, it might not come back with the results I want. And the reason why it's doing this is because you're saying division, but you're also saying sales per division. And on our table we don't have a header called sales. So it's probably not going to understand what I mean by this. And it's thinking and actually like I said there's always different results. Sometimes things will work, sometimes they won't. And let's see if it worked right. So yeah it looks like total items sold by division code is learning. Plus my did this. It actually didn't work..

    And if it doesn't work for you once again remember that this is randomized output. So sometimes you'll say hey copilot can't do this. That's okay. Just rephrase your prompt and then it should work. So this looks pretty great. And let's say I created a pie chart. If I click copy copy to the clipboard you could actually paste that information in here. Right. And then just change this. And now I have the highest total sold. So pretty cool. Now I'm not done yet I still want to continue with this..

    So maybe I want to see the pie chart. I'm going to add it to new sheet here. And you can do your editing. Now you might be thinking, well is there a way to add to this pie chart now. Right. And you'll notice that if you're on this sheet, it actually clicked off of it. Your prompt area is grayed out because this prompt was created from a table. So even though I'm clicking on the results, I can't do any changes to them. Now, that's not to say if I go back to my data then now it's available again..

    I can't say something like, please add percentages to my pie chart. If you don't click change Topic, it knows what you're talking about. So it's going to keep a history of everything you've it so far. So let's take a moment here to let do its thing. And here is a great example. So it says I'm sorry but I'm unable to add percentages to the pie chart..

    Is there anything else I can help you with. So there are certain limitations to what copilot can do. That doesn't mean I can't go in and anxious myself. The data is already here, so you can always go to the analyze tab or design tab and start to add those elements in there. So I'm going to add those elements. I'll probably add data labels probably on the outside. And there it is. And if I wanted to change these to percentages just double click to open up the format data labels..

    And instead of value you just choose percentage. So it almost got the work done. Not fully for us, but at the same time it's still look great. And then of course you can design the format whatever you like. Maybe you don't like this design. I'll make it more of a blue color. Well, I don't want them all blue. Just select one of them. I'll make that one. Darker blue. I'll make this one red..

    Let's go with yellow. Let's go with a lighter green. And there we go. And if you wanted to add the percentages once again you can always change. Go back to design tab layout. Or you could click the little plus icon and choose where you want the data labels to go. Maybe I want them to be in the center. And then also, you know what I want to do here. I want to make these. White..

    Except for this on the top that looks better. Something like that. So. And maybe you want to make them a little bigger. Whatever works. But now we have an awesome looking pie chart. And even though copilot couldn't do the work for us, it did most of it. The next thing we're going to talk about is being able to highlight, filter and sort our data. And if you're ever wondering how to always remember, you can reset by clicking in Topic Reset to the original three prompts. So if you just click on Change topic, we'll reset.

    And show data insights, just the formula or how to highlight, filter and forget. And you can click here and it'll give you a couple of how to's on filtering and sorting. I like filtered for items that are due next week, or highlight the data from a couple other things you can do with well, if you actually want to sort. You can actually click on the view from and go to edit. And this is where you'll see sorting, highlighting and filtering and also applying. So these are the prompts to actually do what we want..

    We could say that we want to sort this and you'll see sort. Now it is important to note that you can only sort in ascending or descending order by try to sort in any other order. for instance, let's say I want to sort this sort by product in ascending order. That's going to work perfectly. So go through its prompt, make sure it's looking at our data. And then we'll get the results..

    And there we go. You can now see that products as binders, then notebooks, then paperclips and then pens. And I'll even tell you that it's done. Done that for you. But what happens if I want to sort this in a specific order? Maybe I want to sort of by division. Right. And I could say sort by division, but I want it in this order. Let's do sort by division. North. East. So west..

    If I put in that prompt, it's actually going to return a result that says it can't do it because copilot as of right now, do custom sorting. So let's give it a second to finish up here. And you'll see here it says I'm sorry, but I'm unable to sort the division column in the custom order you specified. However, I can have sort of the division column in ascending or descending order. So right there, it tells me, we can't do customer orders yet. There I see this. You know, in the future of course, it's always going to update. Remember I said it's a learning language..

    So it's going to start to learn more. And we should be able to do that sooner than later. Now with that said, the next thing we're going to talk about is highlighting. And once again, if you just click on change topic, you can go back to the original prompts. But anytime you ask it to do something, it comes up with other prompt like how many products of binder or are there any outliers in my data? So that's a really great thing that gives you just prompts that you might have not thought of. But let's go back to change topic. The keyword prompt for highlight is going to be highlight. So if you click on how can I highlight. It'll tell you you can say highlight data..

    Try saying bold. The top ten values in the sales column. Or I can click on View prompts. Go to edit and use highlight. And then you'll see that it automatically pops up prompting. Or you can just use regular English and say something like please highlight. The. Let's do pop pop up and we'll say top ten total items.

    Sold and a yellow or something like that. So hopefully we'll see this work very nicely where it's going to highlight the top ten for item four. So this is the column that we want. And I'll do it in a yellow color. And there we go. It's actually starting to work right now. Okay I'll say done I had a yellow fill color and a black on color. The top ten items in the column for row and sold. So I can now go through and see that that conditional formatting was done for me..

    Now, what's really cool about this is even though copilot did this for me, if you want to see the rule, you can always just go back to conditional formatting and go to Manage Rules and you'll see it's in there now. So it's applying this top ten and it's applying this format. So that's a really cool thing to see that we didn't even have to do this artificial intelligence. Then. So with that said, since copilot was so good at doing this. let's just clear that out. You can either go to conditional formatting, clear rules, and clear.

    From entire sheet, but I'm very curious to see if it'll actually clear. Clear yellow color and or clear the highlight thing, if it will do that one. Now remember it is keeping track of the ones before. But if you did close out this file and open it up again, well then it's going to continue a whole new session for copilot. And it's finishing up. Let's see if it's going to apply it. Done. I cleared the formatting on the top ten items and the columns.

    So it looks like it's still didn't do it. It says that it but it did. And this is once again one of those examples of how it's not fully there. Right. The capabilities are great, but it doesn't always work in our favor. So I would say that this is incorrect actually didn't clear the formatting. So I'll put a little down arrow and I'll just tell it didn't. Do what I asked but set it. And then I include a screenshot if I wanted to. And then I can say share my prompt and generate a response relative to this..

    And I may recontact you and I could submit. So that's pretty cool. Once again, this is something that I would do. Feedback always helps to generate a better application later on. But as for clearing this formatting, once again we could just clear it ourselves, clear from our sheet and it's back to normal. Last thing I want to showcase is filtering. So you can either just start by saying filter for this or I can say change topics and go back to the prompts. So if you want to go back to prompt, you always can..

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