Learn Windows 10, Windows 10 Tutorial

Learn Windows 10, Windows 10 Tutorial [Music] welcome to learn it anytime Windows 10 training I'm David Lieberman the vice president of e-learning here at learn it anytime I wanted to take a second to let you know that we also deliver excellent training in other software like MS Office programs Excel Outlook and others in graphic and web design and in professional development.

Learn Windows 10, Windows 10 Tutorial

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Voice behind your Windows 10 training take it away Tom welcome to Windows 10 my name is Tom Voris in this next series of videos I'm going to show you around Windows 10 some of the new features as well as some of the old features that have been made new again as we go through this series of videos I will remind you to pause the video take a few minutes and go and apply what you've learned and then come right back and join me to learn more about Windows 10 so that you and I can do great things.

With Microsoft Windows 10 although Windows 10 is Microsoft's latest and greatest operating system we will find it to be quite familiar straight away on the desktop we have icons and if you're like me it won't be long until you have your desktop loaded with all your favorite icons and shortcuts to your documents and your folders and your programs the lower left corner of the screen we see Windows 10 is sporting the start menu although the start menu is.

More advanced and better than ever before it's still quite familiar when we go to the Windows desktop we can go to our start menu to launch our applications very easily to the right of the start menu we have our system taskbar the taskbar has familiar icons on it our favorite programs such as word excel PowerPoint the Windows Explorer but if you're paying attention you'll notice that the taskbar has a couple of new icons stay tuned for the.

Next few videos and we'll learn more about those icons right there on the lower right corner we have the system tray quite familiar the clock and the volume and a few other icons that we're probably quite familiar with in summary Windows 10 is a new operating system that is going to be familiar right off the bat so that we can become productive and do great things with it right.

Away on the lower left corner of the Windows 10 screen is the start menu the start menu is used to launch applications such as word or Excel or PowerPoint or to get to other applications that may be installed on our system the Windows 10 start menu has been enhanced dramatically Windows 10 has our familiar start menu on the lower left corner of the screen the start menu contains all the programs that we have access to on our system and with the new enhanced Windows.

10 start menu much more to access the start menu it's as simple as taking your mouse and clicking once on the start menu and if you want to turn it off you just click it again if you'd rather use the keyboard well you can using your keyboard you can tap the Windows key to bring up the start menu and you can tap the Windows key again to shut it off you might be thinking Tom what is the windows key well look at your keyboard right now typically the lower left corner and the lower right corner right.

Next to the alt Keys is a little button that looks a lot like that icon right there it's called the Windows key so by using your keyboard instead of the mouse tapping the Windows key once we'll turn on the start menu tapping it again will turn it off now you know how to access your start menu why don't you take a moment go over to your machine pause this video and try it yourself either.

Use your mouse to use the start menu or use the keyboard's window key once you've activated your start menu either with your mouse or with a keyboard we can then utilize all the tools and applications we see see on the start menu launching an application that we can see such as word or perhaps the weather app is as simple as clicking your mouse on that icon on if you don't see the application that you'd like to launch you can do one of two things you can either search for it down here on.

The lower left corner of the screen by simply typing in what you're looking for or you can click on all apps to get an alphabetical list of all your applications let's go ahead and try both I'm going to activate my start menu and then right where it says ask me anything I'm going to type in Excel when I type in Excel you'll notice the very top item that shows up is Microsoft Excel and daada all I have to do is click on that and launch Microsoft Excel or I can use the all apps icon.

Down at the bottom of the menu by clicking on all apps it'll give me a nice alphabetical list of all the applications I have installed on my system scrolling to the correct application is as simple as looking look for that alphabetically and when I find what I'm looking for simply click on it and activate that application no doubt you've noticed that the start menu Sports a whole bunch of cool icons over on the right hand side the life at a glance.

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    Grouping and the play and explore grouping now these are the default

    Groupings for our start menu tiles what you'll be glad to hear though is this start menu is very customizable in fact my goal now is to build a productivity group on these tiles making it easier for me to get to my favorite programs let me show you what I mean I'm going to start by going to my start.

    Menu and find a program that I use all the time let's go ahead and click down here where it says ask me anything and I'm going to type in Excel now Excel very popular Microsoft Office program program shows up as the very first item that Microsoft Windows 10 found for me I'm going to then right Mouse click using my right Mouse button I can then choose pin to start Watch What Happens I'll click on pin to start and now when I go back to my start menu you'll notice.

    Microsoft Excel has been pinned as a tile on my start menu down at the bottom I would like to move that up to the top so it's much more convenient for me to get to it so by clicking on the start menu scrolling down to the bottom of my tiles I can then click and drag the Excel tile up to the top and if I drag it up to the top and drop it oh let's say here next to that picture of me it drops it right there I can move it over here if I'd like but like I said I.

    Would like to build a productivity group a group along with the two groups that come with the tile the tiled start menu so let me start by grabbing Excel or any icon of my choice with my left Mouse button and dragging it to the top and you'll notice when I get to the top I get this nice gray bar this starts a new grouping of tiles now of course it would be nice to name this new grouping so if I click on the name new group can go in as.

    Productivity or whatever I'd like to call it while I'm at it I might as well put PowerPoint there I don't even have to search for it because there it is because I've recently used it let's go ahead and grab PowerPoint now and just drag it over to the productivity group finally I'd love to add Microsoft Word to this group I don't see it on the list so I'll click on ask me anything down at the bottom I'll type in word and.

    Of course it's the first thing that shows up at the top of the screen so I'll right click on on it and you'll see once again pin to start and if you remember where's it going to go yes at the bottom of the start menu it doesn't know where I want it to go when I right click and pin it so I then will grab it and drag it on up to the top and drop it into my productivity Zone just like that if I'd like to rearrange the icons.

    At any time I have that luxury just like that click and drag and drop and we produce a start menu of our liking isn't that great super easy to do so I'm going to encourage all of you now to pause the video and go and give it a try let me recap what I just shared with you we learned how to use the start menu to find whatever we want by clicking on the lower left corner we also learned that by using the start menu we can move our.

    Tiles around by by simply grabbing and dragging and dropping them finally we learned that if we grab a tile we can drag it to the top and create a new grouping and then we can place whatever programs we want there to get a program on the start menu to begin with such as Microsoft Outlook as we see here we can rightclick and choose pin to start give it a try everybody join me back here in a few.

    Minutes and we'll continue on with our learning about Microsoft Windows 10 the windows taskbar at the bottom of your screen is a very helpful tool as well for getting access to our favorite programs and the places we visit commonly let's take a trip back over to our start menu and look at the newly produced productivity tools that we put at the top perhaps I'd like to represent say.

    Microsoft Excel down down here on my taskar permanently so I don't have to

    Even click on my start menu to get to excel I use it so often it should be convenient for me right there on my taskbar well it's an easy process to get a program to be pinned to your taskbar at the bottom of your screen you can either do it one of two ways if you see the icon you can simply write Mouse click on it and choose pin to taskbar and you'll notice.

    Straight away when I click on pin to taskbar it shows up right down there in addition to being on my start menu now I have two quick ways to get to Microsoft Excel perhaps you didn't think ahead and you just went straight away and launched a program let's go back to the start menu and launch Microsoft Word I'll click on Microsoft Word and it'll open it up and start running Microsoft Word in a window now that I've got word running I know I'm going to want to come.

    Back to word very often so I'm going to come down here to the icon on the lower portion of the screen on the taskbar and once again right Mouse click upon right clicking I can choose pin this program to the taskbar which is going to produce the exact same results as I had with Excel it will remain there permanently so by clicking on pin this program to the taskar even after exit exiting Microsoft word word stays put on the taskbar let's look at that one more time by going to the start menu and choosing.

    PowerPoint for instance it'll launch Microsoft PowerPoint for me and you can see PowerPoint is now running on my taskbar but if I fail to pin it and choose to close it right there PowerPoint will then disappear from my taskbar because I did not first pin it to my taskbar now I don't need all my programs pinned to my taskbar it's a convenient thing for those programs that you need to access commonly so if I don't use PowerPoint.

    That that often there's no need to pin it to my taskbar but if it's a program I use all the time I might as well right Mouse click on it choose pin the taskbar and there it is available to me whenever I want it perhaps I've changed my mind though and I don't want it there anymore it's just as easy you right click on the icon and choose unpin this program from the taskbar and poof it disappears off the taskbar now pause the video take a.

    Moment and review how to get your applications pinned to the taskbar two ways I shared with you one was by right clicking and choosing pin to taskbar or two was by launching a program by simply clicking it and while it's running rightclick and choose pin to tasar now off you go give it a try yourself using Windows 10 we can launch one application or we can launch.

    Multiple applications at one time let's give it a try I'll launch Microsoft Excel by simply clicking here on my taskbar and perhaps get started building a spreadsheet I can launch Microsoft Word and of course it too will open up and I can click on a blank document and start maybe typing a letter or a memo of some sort once my applications are launched I can use the blue title bar of word or.

    The green title bar of Excel or any title bar that for that matter to move the window around so by grabbing the title bar with my mouse I can click and drag using my left Mouse button to move the windows around you'll notice if a window is behind another I can simply click anywhere on the window to activate it and bring it Forward same is true for the other windows that are in be in the background I simply click and bring it forward now when you're activating a window like this to bring It Forward in front of the others it's probably best to click on somewhere where there's no.

    Button or nothing to activate notice how I'm concentrating over here on the blank space here or maybe here or perhaps here that makes it easier for us to activate the window without actually activating a feature or a command so we look for the blank spaces to bring the windows forward to move a window again we grab it by the title bar but to size the window we can put our Mouse anywhere on the edge of a window the bottom right corner the bottom Edge the bottom left corner and the same is true on the left side and the top we simply grab the window and we can size it to make it.

    Larger or smaller the same is true for any window virtually let's bring this window forward we can move it and we can size it to make it larger or smaller on the upper right side of a window we have the minimize maximize and close buttons to minimize a window we simply click and what that does is it takes this window without closing it and puts it down on the taskbar for easy.

    Access later when I want it let's click the minimize button now and Watch What Happens yes indeed that icon then that window then went down into its icon and I can simply click on it to bring it right back up I can also click the maximize button which will fill the screen with that window or notice now that the box has turned into a double box which will take the window back to its normal size we call that the restore button and then.

    Finally the close button on the upper right side will close the window same is true with almost all your other windows minimize maximize and close so now we've learned how to launch applications move the windows around size them and close them stay tuned for a couple of new features of Windows 10 for sizing and moving Windows you're going to love it take a moment now to go back and try it.

    Yourself open up a few programs move the windows around size them and then close them and join me back here for our next video Microsoft Windows 10 allows us to open up multiple programs and be able to switch between them very quickly this lesson is about how we switch between applications quickly let's get a few applications running so I can show it to you I'll start with Excel let's get Excel running and we'll move it over to.

    The upper right side I'll get Excel and then word running move it to the lower left side and how about one of Microsoft's built-in apps such as the weather app let's get that one running and finally a fourth application now I don't see the application in my list but I know I'm looking for the calculator so I'll go ahead and click in the ask me anything Zone and type in the word calculator and there's the calculator I'm going to go ahead and click on the.

    Calculator and open it up there it is very nice now to move between these applications just like what we learned earlier I can simply click a window to activate that application being careful to click in a blank space is usually a good idea but there are times when the window is larger than the stuff behind it making it difficult to click on it so I would like to bring up word or the calculator but my Excel screen is just a bit too big well I could either make my.

    Excel screen smaller by sizing it and then clicking on word or I can use the taskar to switch between the applications simply clicking an icon on the taskbar allows me to move between applications such as the weather or word or Excel but that's not new most of us knew that one let's talk now about accessing the applications via the keyboard on your keyboard you'll find an.

    ALT key in fact usually one on the left and one on the right hand side alt standing for alternate Al when I hold down the ALT key I usually use my thumb and then reach on over and tap the tab key on the upper left side of the keyboard it'll move me through the open applications we call this alt tab tab now I was listening to Microsoft just the other day on a video and they said that 60% of Windows users did not know.

    About the alt tab but all of you watching this video right now know about the alt tab because I just shared it with you or you may have already known but let's review holding down the ALT key and hitting the tab key allows me to move through my open applications and when I Land by holding down the ALT key and hitting tab tab tab tab when I land on the one I want I just let go of the ALT key and it pops to the foreground this is more useful when our windows are.

    Maximized allow me to maximize Excel now and I'd like to take a quick trip over to my calculator or maybe over to word using my keyboard holding on the ALT key and tapping the Tab Key until I land on word and by the way if I'm getting a little exuberant with my alt Tab and I miss word I can just keep on going and go right around the block and go back to word and when I let go of the ALT key word then pops up so I can use the alt tab to move between my.

    Applications I'm going to ask you to pause now give it a try yourself and come on back and I'll show you a new way to move between your applications as I promised in the last video where I showed you the alt tab to move between your open applications I'm going to show you a new way to do that a new way to move between your applications using the keyboard in the previous vi video I reminded you that the alt tab Works quite nicely just like old versions of windows but if we hold down the windows.

    Key and tap the Tab Key we get the exact same results with a different experience holding down the windows key and tapping the Tab Key just once brings up my application switcher it's like a dashboard of open applications and I don't have to hold down the windows key and keep tapping the Tab Key no I just do it once and then I can use my mouse to activate the program I would like to.

    Go to let's do that again holding down the windows key and tapping the Tab Key once brings up my application switcher I can then simply click on the program that I'd like to go go to we can also use that window Windows tab to close applications that I don't want to have running anymore why don't you all give that a try pause the video go on over to your.

    Keyboard hold down the windows key and tap the Tab Key and it reveals your new application switcher Windows 10 has has introduced a new feature called multiple desktops so instead of having only one desktop as you're looking at right now we can have many desktops two three five 10 different desktops Each of which which will contain their own Windows let me demonstrate how multiple desktops is going to change the way you.

    Work with Windows 10 let's illustrate it by going about our business as we normally would I'll launch Microsoft Excel and maybe restore the window to a normal size so that we can see all the windows we have open I'll launch Microsoft Word scooch it on over like this let me launch one more window how about Windows Explorer and if you stay tuned for our next few videos we're going to learn more about the file explorer now I have three windows open let's open up a.

    Fourth I'll go to my start menu which I've nicely organized from our previous videos and I'll open up also Microsoft PowerPoint now if you ask me this is becoming pretty busy I've got four windows open of course I can minimize them and kind of clean up my desktop but I also have the ability Now to create more desktops let's focus in on this new button down on the taskbar I'll hover my mouse over and.

    You'll see it's called the task view when I click on the task view it be the exact same thing as what we learned in our last video our task switcher holding down the windows key and hitting tab will take us to this screen let me show that to you again I'll hold down the windows key and hit Tab and it does exactly the same as clicking this button right there with your mouse so the task view brings up a window for me to be able to switch.

    Between my tasks but that's not what we're here to see see we've already seen this let's look down here on the lower right corner there it is a new desktop let's give it a try I'll tap my windows Tab Key I'll click on new desktop and it creates a second desktop for me let's do one more new desktop three desktops so if I go to my desktop number two you'll see it's blank how do I switch back to my other.

    Desktop well by clicking here on the task view I can switch back to desktop number one by clicking on the task view button I can switch over to test desktop number two and while I'm on desktop number two I could launch yet another program let's say I'd like to launch my calendar once I launch the calendar it is now launched on desktop number two a nice clean desktop just for my my.

    Calendar we could launch Outlook or word or Excel on a separate desktop making it clean and clutter-free to switch back to the other desktop I can simply click on the task View and switch back to the desktop desktop number one if you stay tuned for our future videos I'm going to introduce you to a keystroke that allows you to move between these desktops so that we don't have to click on the task View button or.

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